Verbal Suffixes. Exercise 1. American американский; Christian христианский; European европейский; fertile плодородный; international международный; Italian итальянский; legal законный
Verbal Suffixes Exercise 1
Form verbs in –ize with the meaning ‘to make, to bring into the state expressed by the adjective-stem’.
American американский; Christian христианский; European европейский; fertile плодородный; international международный; Italian итальянский; legal законный, легальный; material материальный, вещественный; modern современный; palatal палатальный; rational разумный, рациональный; subtle тонкий, искусный; tranquil спокойный, тихий; vulgar вульгарный. Exercise 2
Think of sentences with the following phrases.
To equalize the score; to sympathize with somebody’s views; to antagonize somebody; to specialize in; to get acclimatized to; to materialize (about hopes, dreams); civilized society. Exercise 3
Read the following groups of words.
Articulate артикулировать – articulate членораздельный Appropriate присваивать – appropriate подходящий Associate соединять (ся) – associate объединенный, associate коллега
Certificate удостоверять – certificate удостоверение Complicate усложнять – complicate запутанный Coordinate координировать – coordinate одного ранга Deliberate обдумывать – deliberate преднамеренный
Exercise 4
Build –(i)fy -verbs from the following adjectives and nouns. Define the meaning of such verbs.
Beauty, dandy, false, glory, pretty, simple, diverse, ugly, speech.
Exercise 5
Make sentences with the following phrases.
To electrify rural areas; to terrify somebody out of his senses; to modify so as to meet new requirements; to testify to the fact; to ratify the Treaty; to feel dissatisfied with to the performance; cockneyfied pronunciation; to qualify for the Grandmaster title; magnifying glass; gasification of coal.
Exercise 6
Fill in the blanks with –en-verbs formed from the adjectives in brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Roy got out a long-bladed pocket knife. He ______ it on a whetstone (sharp). 2. The lines of his face _______, and into his eyes came a fighting light ( hard). 3. It awakened in him that secret hostility natural between brothers, the roots of which – little nursery rivalries – sometimes _______ and ______ as life goes on (tough, deep).
4. Arthur put his hand on her arm quickly to _______ her (quiet). 5. It is terrible. It _______ me to think of it (sick). 6. The fair was in full swing. The noise was _______ (deaf)
Exercise 7
Translate into English using –en-verbs.
1. После нескольких часов непрерывной работы (unremitting toil) его мускулы одеревенели (stiff). 2. Мы вышли из воды освеженные (fresh). 3. Хозяин покраснел от (with) гнева. 4. Проигрыш в этом матче уменьшил наши шансы на выход в финал соревнований (to come into the final). 5. Его лицо омрачилось (dark), когда я сообщил ему об этом, но вскоре он опять оживился (liven up).
Exercise 8
Complete the following sentences, forming verbs from the given nouns and adjectives: horror apology beauty length sympathy fat deep modern sterile 1. He ___________ for interrupting her. 2. She tried to _____________ her room with posters and plants. 3. A study has been ordered into the feasibility of _________ the airport’s main runway by two hundred metres. 4. However much they _________, they all felt it was her fault. 5. Soya is excellent food for _____________ cattle. 6. She laughed and that seemed to __________ her voice. 7. L 40, 000 had been spent on _____________ the station. 8. ____________________ the bottles by immersing them in boiling water for fifteen minutes.
B. PREFIXATION Exercise 1 Arch-(chief, main, highest-ranking), out-(more, better etc. than), mal-(badly, wrongly), pseudo-(false, pretended). Put each of the above prefixes in its correct space in the sentences below.
a) In my opinion this book is just __________-intellectual rubbish. b) Although he was older than his wife, he ____________lived her by ten years. c) Priests are not often ambitious men, but he had set his heart on becoming ___________bishop. d) The launch of the space-rocket was delayed by a ______________function in the fuel system. e) At the beginning of the nineteenth century, Britain’s _______________-enemy was France. f) He completely __________boxed his opponent and knocked him out in the seventh round. g) Children who grow up in time of war are more to be _____________adjusted than other children. h) He uses __________-scientific language to persuade his readers. i) These squalid, dark, cramped, _______________odorous room are homes to whole families of people. j) She was the finest dancer in the country. She ___________shone all the others.
Exercise 2 Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases. a) a pseudonym b) arch-rivals c) maladministration d) out-size clothes e) malnutrition f) pseudo-religious g) an arch-villain h) to outstay your welcome
Exercise 3
a- (not, without), hyper- (extremely, too), fore- (before, in front of), neo- (new, revived). Put each of the above prefixes in its correct space in the sentences below.
a) The British Museum was built in the middle of the last century in the ____________-classical style popular at that time. b) Who can ______________tell what the future holds for us? c) It’s no use asking him about the political system or the parties. He doesn’t know or care. He’s completely _____________political. d) It’s quite normal to complain if you think something is wrong, but I do feel that you are sometimes ____________critical. e) The authorities are concerned at the activities of a small ________________-Nazi movement. f) You must be very careful what you say about her poems. She’s a ____________sensitive person. g) She didn’t know the difference between right and wrong. She had no conscience at all. She was simply ____________moral. h) The police claimed that she had some _____________knowledge of the murder attempt and could have prevented it. i) He was standing in the middle, in the _____________ground of the picture. j) Young children can sometimes be _____________active, which means that they can’t keep still.
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