KEY TO SOME EXERCISES. Unit 1. Affixation. Mixed Exercises. Unit 2. Composition. Unit 4. Blending. Unit 5. Reduplication
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 14 из 14 Тест № 2.
1. Find the case of noun-verb conversion:
a) a cut – to cut b) a break – to break c) a jump – to jump d) a pen – to pen
2. Find the case of verb-noun conversion:
a) to book – a book b) to dust – dust c) to corner – a corner d) to go – a go
3. Find the case of conversion with instrumental relations:
a) a hammer - to hammer b) a bottle – to bottle c) a dog – to dog d) a wolf – to wolf
4. Find the case of conversion denoting the result of the action:
a) to run – a run b) to cut – a cut c) to walk – a walk d) to dress –a dress
5. Find a compound noun:
a) theatre-goer b) rain-driver c) Afro-Asian d) kind-hearted
6. Find a compound adjective:
a) armchair b) sky-blue c) knee-coat d) bigwig
7. Find a compound noun whose components are joined together with a linking vowel:
a) fountain-pen b) gasometer c) gaslight d) bookself
8. Find a compound noun whose components are joined together with a linking consonant:
a) handicraft b) blue-eyed c) sunflower d) statesman
9. Find a motivated compound:
a) greenhouse b) dog-rose c) bottle-opener d) rubber-soul
10. Find a non-motivated compound:
a) table-cloth b) raincoat c) sunset d) blue stocking
11. Find a reduplicative compound:
a) long-living b) willy-nilly c) lady-bird d) man-servant
12. Find an example of back-formation:
a) to read – reader b) to baby-sit – baby-sitter c) to move – mover d) to eat – eatable
13. Find an example of a blend:
a) zoo b) fence c) A-bomb d) motel
14. Find an example of a final clipping (apocope):
a) flu b) bus c) exam d) fancy
15. Find an example of initial clipping (aphaeresis):
a) phone b) photo c) fridge d) smog
16. Find an example of a medial clipping (syncope):
a) specs b) prof c) story d) cycle
17. Find an example of graphical abbreviation:
a) Mr. Brown’s office b) V-Day celebration c) PM’s speech d) UNESCO
18. Find a lexical abbreviation:
a) tram b) YCL c) fancy d) e. g.
19. Find a lexical abbreviation which is read as an ordinary word:
a) H-bomb b) NATO c) USSR d) T. U. C.
KEY TO SOME EXERCISES Unit 1. Affixation
Ex. 9 (p. 6-7) a. cide; b. phobia; c. gamy; d. phobia; e. cide; f. gamy; g. phobia; h. cide.
Ex. 10 (p. 7) a. monger; b. phile; c. monger; d. maniac; e. phile; f. monger; g. maniac; h. maniac.
Ex. 3 (p. 16) a. neo; b. fore; c. a; d. hyper; e. neo; f. hyper; g. a; h. fore; i. fore; j. hyper.
Ex. 5 (p. 17) Uniform, decade, century, quadrangle, monocle, tricycle, bicycle, bipeds, quadrupeds, binoculars, tripod, octopus, monorail, sextet, quintet, quartet, trio, bigamy, bilingual, pentathlon, sep- tuagenarian, duologue, monologues, nonagenarian, centena- rian, octogenarian, triplets.
Mixed Exercises
Ex. 1 (p. 19)
1. a. disused b. misused c. misused d. disused. 2. a. dependent b. dependant c. dependant d. dependent 3. a. historical b. historic c. historical d. historic. 4. a. unsatisfied b. dissatisfied c. dissatisfied d. unsatisfied. 5. a. exhaustive b. exhausting c. exhausting, d. exhaustive. 6. a. uninterested b. disinterested c. uninterested 7. d. disinterested.
Unit 2. Composition
Ex. 15 (p. 35)
a. T-junction b. A-bomb c. T-shirt d. S-bend e. U-turn f. L-plates g. X-ray h. V-formation i. V-neck.
Unit 4. Blending
Ex. 2 (p. 40) a. Eurovision b. Oxfam c. Interpol d. brunch e. Chunnel f. motel g. Oxbridge h. Swatch i. bedsit.
Ex. 3 (p. 41)
a. translating b. car repairs c. driving school d. security services e. accommodation f. health and slimming studio g. travel agency h. computer services.
Unit 5. Reduplication
Ex. 2 (pp. 42-44)
1. a. big-wigs b. prime-lime c. nitty-gritty d. go-slow e. higgledy-piggledy f. humdrum g. pell-mell h. brain-drain 2. a. walkie-talkie b. fun-run c. roly-poly d. silly-billy e. space-race f. mumbo-jumbo g. willy-nilly h. hanky-panky 3. a. meals-on-wheels b. make or break c. la-di-da d. wear and tear e. wine and dine f. moan and groan
Unit 6. Abbreviation and Clipping
Ex. 1 (p. 47)
a. a. m. (ante meridiem), p. m. (post meridiem) b. PC (Police Constable), CID (Criminal Investigation Department) c. Oxon (Oxoniensis of Oxford University), Cantab (Cantabrigiensis of Cambridge University) d. MP (Member of Parliament), PM (Prime Minister) e. BR (British Rail), BA (British Airways) f. RN (Royal Navy), RAF (Royal Air Force) g. GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), BST (British Summer Time) h. BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), IBA (Independent Broadcasting Authority) i. AD (Anno Domini), BC (Before Christ)
Ex. 2 (p. 47)
a. NHS (National Health Service), GP (General Practitioner), WHO (World Health Organization) b. oz. (ounce), lb. (pound), st. (stone) c. in. (inch), ft. (foot), yd. (yard) d. Con. (Conservative Party), Lab. (Labour Party), SLD (Social and Liberal Democrats) e. St. (Street), Rd. (Road), Ave (Avenue) f. BA (Bachelor of Arts), MA (Master of Arts), PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) g. mpg (miles per gallon), mph (miles per hour), cc (cubic centimeters) Ex. 3. (pp. 47-48)
a. HQ (Headquarters) b. DIY (Do It Yourself)
c. QC (Queen’s Counsel) d. IQ (Intelligence Quotient) e. VC (Victoria Cross) f. TUC (Trades Union Congress) g. PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) h. VIP (Very Important Person) i. MBE (Member of the British Empire) j. SOS (International distress signal) k. UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) l. CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament)
Ex. 4 (p. 48)
a. VAT (Value Added Tax) b. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) c. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) d. OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) e. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) f. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
Список рекомендуемой литературы: 1. Арнольд И. В. Лексикология современного английского языка (The English Word). Третье изд. M., 1986. 2. Варламова В. Н. Лексикологический анализ художественного текста. / Учеб. - метод. пособие. Петропавловск-Камчатский, Изд-во Камчатского государственного педагогического института, 1999. 3. А. Кейпл, Л. Хислип, М. Майер. Словообразование. Справочник по английскому языку. М., 2003. 4. Мешков О. Д. Словообразование современного английского языка. М., 1976. 5. Ginzburg R. S., Khidekel S. S., Sankin A. A. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. M., 1979. 6. B. J. Thomas. Advanced Vocabulary and Idiom. London, 1995. 7. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English by A. S. Hornby. 7th ed., Oxford University Press, 2005.
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