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Фонетика. Вопросы к экзамену.  1 Classification of basic intonation patterns.

Фонетика. Вопросы к экзамену

 1 Classification of basic intonation patterns.
 2 Intonation and its functions.

 3 Irregular preheads. Stress reduction. Nuclear tone shit.

 4 Prosodic peculiarities of formal and informal speech.

 5 Static and kinetic tones. Their functions.

 6 The ascending stepping head. The low level head.

 7 The English sound system. Principles of classification of consonants.

 8 The English sound system. Principles of classification of vowels.

 9 The expressive potential of compound tunes.

 10 The falling-rising tones The rising-falling tones.

 11 The high level head. The gradually descending stepping head The broken head
 12 The major phonetic phenomena and processes.

 13 The notion of a supraphrasal unity, its prosodic features.

 14 The pitch. The tune.

 15 The principles of classification of head types.

!!! моя тетрадка по фонетике, надо на шпоре интонационные схемы перерисовать. (вторая классификация)
 16 The principles of dividing utterances into intonation groups.

 17 The rising and falling nuclear tones in the English language.

 18 The sliding head. The scandent head.

 19 The structure and functions of utterance-stress. Peculiarities of English Utterance-Stress.

 20 The system and sphere of usage of emphatic static and kinetic tones.  


 1 Classification of basic intonation patterns.

Intonation in English is very important. It shows your feelings and the purpose of the conversation.
Intonationdescribes how the voice rises and falls in speech.
Intonation pattern is the way a person's voice raises and lowers depending on what they are talking about.
There are two basic intonation patterns: ↗ Rising and ↘ Falling.

We use rising intonation in the following cases:


* In a question that can be answered " yes" or " no":

Do you like reading ↗ books?

* In the request-proposal:

Could you ↗ help me?

* After entering words and adverbs at the beginning of a sentence:

Sometimes ↗ I read books.

* When contacting someone:

↗ Luke, ↘ come here.

* When listing each list (except the last word in the list):

I’m going to buy ↗ chocolate, ↗ meat, and ↘ eggs.
* At the beginning of the alternate question:

Do you ↗ work or ↘ relax?
* In the dividing question, if you want to know the answer to it, and do not specify the information:

You are a teacher, ↗ aren’t you?
(That is, you do not know who the person works, express your point of view, but you do not know the exact answer to your question. )



We use falling intonation in the following cases:

* Upon approval:
I like ↘ reading books.
* In a special question:

↘ Where are you?

* At command or order.
 It is important not to confuse this case with a request. If you ask someone for something, you do not know whether he will agree to do it or not. In the case of an order or instruction, it makes no sense to raise the tone, giving it a questioning note. You already know that the command will be executed, so you are arguing rather than asking:

↘ Help him.

* In an exclamation clause:

How ↘ interesting!

* In the second part of the alternate question:

Is it ↗ Mary or ↘ Sarah?

* In the dividing question, if you already know the answer to it, just clarify the information (in fact, you are claiming something):

You haven’t bought any meat, ↘ have you?

There are also rise-fall and fall-rise intonations.


Rise-Fall Intonation (➚ ➘ ) (The intonation rises and then falls. ) Fall-Rise Intonation (➘ ➚ ) (The voice falls and rises usually within one word. )  
We use rise-fall intonation for choices, lists, unfinished thoughts and conditional sentences The main function of fall-rise intonation is to show that the speaker is not certain of the answer they are giving to a question, or is reluctant to reply. It is also used in polite requests or suggestions.
* Choices(alternative questions. ) Are you having ➚ soup or ➘ salad? * Lists(rising, rising, rising, falling) Intonation falls on the last item to show that the list is finished. I like ➚ football, tennis, basketball and ➘ volleyball. * Unfinished thoughts (partial statements) In the responses to the following questions, the rise-fall intonation indicates reservation. The speaker hesitates to fully express his/her thoughts. What was the meal like? -Hmm, the ➚ fish was ➘ good... (but the rest wasn't great). * Conditional sentences (The tone rises in the first clause and falls gradually in the second clause. ) If you have any ➚ problems, just ➘ contact us.   * Hesitation/reluctance: You didn't see him on Monday? - I don't quite ➘ re➚ member.. * Politeness-Doubt-Uncertainty: (You are not sure what the answer might be. ) Should we ➘ cop➚ y the list?  



The Low Fall – the voice falls from a medium to a very low pitch.

The Low Rise – the voice rises from a low to a medium pitch.

The High Fall – the voice falls from a high to a very low pitch.

The High Rise – the voice rises from a medium to a high pitch.

The Fall-Rise – the voice first falls from a fairly high to a rather low pitch and then rises to a medium pitch.

The Rise-Fall – the voice first rises from a medium to a high pitch and then falls to a very low pitch.




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