6 The ascending stepping head. The low level head.
6 The ascending stepping head. The low level head. Head -is a part of an intonation-group stretches from the first fully stressed syllable(including it) and extends up to the nuclear. The ascending stepping head is often combined with the high falling or rising tones. There is often a feeling of surprise, protest, or impatience. It can be used to express emphasis and for contrast
The Ascending Head Used with High Fall and High Rise. Ascending Head cause the listener to highlight the main information at the end. feels: impatient, surprised, protesting, disbelief or enthusiastic approval and support.
Low Head Used in: Low Narrow, Fall Low and Narrow Rise In the Low Head all the syllables - stressed and unstressed - are pronounced in the low pitch zone of the speaker's voice feels: cool, detached, phlegmatic, disinterested or disapproving attitude.
7 The English sound system. Principles of classification of consonants.
In the English alphabet there are 26 letters, but these letters produce 44 sounds. These sounds are classified into two types: consonants(24) and vowels(20). A consonant sound is one in which the air stream coming out of the lungs is modified in the mouth cavity by some blockage created by the tongue, lips, etc. Consonants are classified according to:
The consonants [f] and [v] are made with the top teeth on the bottom lip, so these are called labiodental sounds. Move your tongue to the ridge above and behind your top teeth and make a [t] or [d]; these are alveolar sounds. The only true palatal sound that English has is [j] produced by raising the blade, or front, of the tongue toward And if you bring the back of your tongue up against the back of the soft palate, you produce the velar sounds [k] and [ɡ ].
* the manner of articulation describes how the tongue, lip, jaw and other speech organs are involved in making a sound
- nasal stops [ ŋ ] thing
8 The English sound system. Principles of classification of vowels.
Phonetics is a discipline of linguistics that focuses on the study of the sounds used in speech. Vowel is a sound when the air stream has no obstruction on its during of articulation. The vowel sounds are the musical and melodic. There are only 5 vowel letters in English (a, e, i, o, u), but the sounds indicated by these 5 letters are 20. Single vowel sounds. when we use single sounds. (a-mam. o-dog) Double vowel sounds (ua-walk ia-yaght) when several sounds are combined into one sound.
Linguists classify vowels according to four pieces of information: tongue height, tongue backness, lip rounding, and tenseness. * Tongue height can be high, mid, or low. * Vowels are classified in terms of how far the raised body of the tongue is from the back of the mouth, which is called the backness of the tongue.
* Another aspect of vowel classification is the presence or absence of lip rounding - when the lips are neutral or spread, the vowels are called unrounded: [i: ], [ı ], [e], [æ ], [a: ], [з: ], [ә ]. - when the lips are drawn together so that the opening between them is more or less round, the vowels are called rounded: [Ŋ ], [Ɔ: ], [ʊ ], [u: ].
* Another aspect of vowel classification is commonly characterized in terms of the tenseness or laxness of the articulators. Some vowels, such as /i/ and /e/, are formed with a high degree of tenseness are called tense vowels.
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