13 The notion of a supraphrasal unity, its prosodic features.
13 The notion of a supraphrasal unity, its prosodic features. A SPU is a minimal text-unit consisting of two or more sentences, united by a common topic. In some cases the SPU may coincide with the text. If it a short one. For example, an advertisement in the newspaper. However, most commonly a SPU is a component of a larger text. The SPU is characterized by topical, communicative, structural completeness. In spoken language it is identified with the help of prosodic features (pitch, loudness and tempo). First of all, there are constant prosodic markers distinguishing initial, median and final phrases in the unity. these are the features of pitch, loudness and tempo. The pitch of the onset syllable in an initial phrase is higher than in the following phrases. The tempo of speech slower at the beginning and end of the SPU and faster in the middle. An important feature is a pause which is longer than any of the pauses separating the phrases within the unity. It is the so-called three-unit pause. The degree of finality is a semantic completeness of the utterance. The last utterance in a unity has mid wide fall, low narrow fall. In the non-final phrases- high narrow fall, mid narrow fall. In the initial and median phrases -low rise, fall-rise. The placement of the nucleus in such phrases can only be justified by a larger context. 14 The pitch. The tune. Pitch is one of the vital parts of speaking and listening in most languages in the world. What did you put in my drink, Jane? (unhappiness) What did you put in my drink, Jane? (name of the drink) Many kinds of information can be conveyed by variation in pitch i. e. * Personal characteristics of the speaker, such as gender, age, emotional state. She is not 18 years old. She's not crying now, but she's sad * Designate syntactic units. We use pitch to indicate the end of a sentence. The last syllable has a lower pitch I don't go to school on Monday. * Questions and incomplete statements have a higher tone. Did you really buy a dog? Is it real? Intonation patterns containing several syllables consist of several parts: the pre-head, the head, the nucleus and the tail. That is, in such a sentence there will certainly be some kind of introduction, the main part, the core and the so-called " tail".
Now in more detail: The intonation group consists of 1. PREHEAD prescale all syllables up to the first semi-stressed, not including it 2. HEAD scale all syllables from the first semi-hinged, not including it 3 core NUCLEUS A syllable carrying a nuclear (terminal) tone is the last stressed syllable 4 TAIL all syllables after kinetic
15 The principles of classification of head types.
Intonational group - a speech segment that contains 1 stressed syllable, into which the voice changes. Intonation patterns containing several syllables consist of several parts: the pre-head, the head, the nucleus and the tail. Onset- the 1st fully stressed syllable with which the head begins. The head is an optional, but 70% sentences have it.
Head patterns can be classified in different ways.
1) Descending (падение сверху вниз)- the first fully stressed syllable is said on a high pitch, each following fully stressed syllable always begins lower than the preceding stressed syllable 2) Ascending (нарастание интонации) the first fully stressed syllable is said on a low pitch; each following fully stressed syllabic always begins higher than the preceding one. 3) Level (средне, нет контрастов) - there are no perceptible contrasts in the initial pitch-height of the successive stressed syllables.
2 According to the pitch movement within each stress-group * The syllables can move down by the steps, then the heads is called STEPPING. In the stepping head unstressed syllables are pronounced on the same note as the proceeding step.
----- ascending
3 According to the relative prominence among the semantic items in the prenuclear 1)One-pick head 2)Double-pick head 3)Mixed head
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