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 18 The sliding head. The scandent head.

 18 The sliding head. The scandent head.

Head patterns can be classified in different ways.
The main criterion of descriptions and classifications of the head is pitch movement over the head.

There are cases when unstressed or partially stressed syllables move up, they are pronounced higher than the stressed syllables. This type of descending head is called SCANDENT
----- descending
Don’t forget to remind me about it
----- ascending
I thought you’d already gone
----- level
Come next Sunday

If the voice moves down by slides within stressed syllables, the head is called SLIDING. Unstressed or partially stressed syllables between the slides usually continue to fall.
----- descending
Tell him exactly what you think

----- ascending
Seven hundred a week
----- level
Try one more then


 19 The structure and functions of utterance-stress. Peculiarities of English Utterance-Stress.

Utterance-stress is a prosodic phenomenon of speech with a function of indicating the relative importance of various elements in an utterance.
Utterance-stress is a prosodic phenomenon of speech with a function of indicating the relative importance of various elements in an utterance.


Phonetical prominence is based on:

1)Increase of force of articulation


3)Pitch level

4)Full quality vowel


Factors of distribution of utterance stress

·Semantic: The placement in a given sentence is determined by the circumstances of the speech situation and speech context
·Rhythmic: Stress on notional words and absence of stress on function words

Tendency towards alternatiny prominent and non-prominent elements in the speech flow.  

The effect of phonetic prominence is based on 1) indencity(выделение) 2) duration 3) frequency of the voice 4)articulation (syllable prominent on utterance level always has a full-quality vowel).

The subsystem of utt-str in English includes 3 basic finctional types:

1. nuclear stress (kinetic tone)

2. Non-nuclear full-stress (static tone)

3. partial stress (are not pitch-prominent)

According to their pronunciation in an unstressed position function words can be divided into several groups.

 The first group consist of words that are never used in their strong form in an unstressed position in an utterance.

The second group includes auxiliary and modal verbs as well as prepositions which are reduced when unstressed at the beginning or in the middle of an utterance, but retain their strong form when unstressed at the end of an utterance (or for some of the function words at the beginning of it).

The third group is for words that retain their strong form regardless of stress or utterance position.


 20 The system and sphere of usage of emphatic static and kinetic tones.

Emphatic intonation expresses strong emotions and intensifies the meaning of a sentence. Emphatic intonation often uses a wider range, in which the voice may go much higher or lower than in normal intonation. A significant difference is the more pronounced emphasis and emphasis of important words in the sentence.
Emphatic tones are variants of basic kinetic and static tones.
The kinetic tone is characterized by a change in the pitch of the voice on the stressed syllable of the most
important word in meaning
, usually pronounced at the end of the phrase.

Kinetic tone is more important to speech, highlighting important words in a sentence and performing other functions:

a) show the mood of the speaker

b) express the speaker's opinion about the subject, listener and situation

c) designate the most important part in the statement
Did you seriously eat my pizza????? (indignation of the whole)
The Emphatic High Rise is most commonly used in
* General questions to express extreme surprise or a shocked reaction.
The Emphatic Low Rise is used in
*  various types of utterances
* Statements and Imperatives expresses a feeling of irritation, dissatisfaction.
* General and Special questions
in the meaning of extreme surprise and incredulity.

The Emphatic Fall gives an utterance an energetic note. Used with:
* Statements, which pronounced very categoric and decisive.
* Special questions, which sound  insistent or contrastive.
*   Imperatives and exclamations, which  sound strong and enthusiastic.
He acted as if he didn’t know me. How ‘”↓ strange


Static tone make words stand out; the more a word is underlined, the more important it is in the sentence.

Did you eat MY pizza???? (emphasis on the word MY)
The Low Fall – the voice falls from a medium to a very low pitch.
*Emphasis on the onset of a high rising tune makes the question sound retorical.
*Emphasis on the onset syllable of a falling tune enhances the energetic character of a statement, command or exclamation.
When the onset syllable of a low rising tune is made emphatic a note of impatience is suggested to an utterance.




. almond

. almoner

. almonry

. Anthony

. autumn

. awe [ɒ ː ]

. awful

. awkward

. awl  [ɒ ː l]

. balm [bɑ ː m]

. bening

. bomb

. borough  

. calf [kɑ ː f]

. catastrophe

. cenotaph [ˈ senə tɑ ː ]

. champagne

. chandelier

. chaos [keɪ -ɒ s]

. chaperon [ˈ ʃ æ pə rə ʊ n]

. charade [ʃ ə ˈ reɪ d]

. Charlotte [ˈ ʃ ɑ ː lə t]

. Chauffeur [ʃ oʊ ˈ fɜ ː r]

. chef

. chemise  [ʃ ə ˈ miː z]

. chemist

. chenille [ʃ ə ˈ niː l]

. Cheops

. cheque

. chic  [ʃ iː k]

. chiffon [ʃ ɪ ˈ fɑ ː n]

. chignon шиньён

. chimera [kaɪ ˈ mɪ ə rə ]

. chloride [ˈ klɔ ː raɪ d]

. cholera

. cholesterol [kə ˈ lestə rɒ l]

. chord

. Christmas

. Chrysanthemum [krɪ ˈ sæ nθ ə mə m]

. climb

. clique

. column

. comb

. corps

. cough

. coup

. crumb

. cupboard

. debt

. doubt

. dough

. drought [draʊ t]

. dumb

. echo

. epitaph [ˈ epə tɑ ː f]

. equal [iː kwə l]

. equation [ɪ ˈ kweɪ ʒ ə n]

. exhaust [ɪ ɡ ˈ zɔ ː s]

. exhibit  [ɪ ɡ ˈ zɪ bɪ t]

. exhilarate /ɪ ɡ ˈ zɪ lə reɪ t]

. exhort  [ɪ ɡ ˈ zɔ ː t]

. foreign

. ghastly [ɡ ɑ ː stli]

. gherkin [ˈ ɡ ɜ ː kɪ n]

. ghost

. gnat [næ t]

. gnaw

. gneiss  [nais]

. gnome [noʊ m]

. gnostic [nɒ stɪ k]

. gnu nuː

. Goethe

. guarantee

. guard

. guest

. guide

. guild

. guilt

. guinea [ˈ ɡ ɪ ni]

. guinness

. guitar

. half

. honest

. honour

. honourable

. hymn

. indict

. indictment [ɪ nˈ daɪ tmə nt]

. intrigue [ɪ nˈ triː ɡ ]

. knack

. knave

. knead

. knee

. kneel

. knob

. knockout

. knot

. knowledge

. lamb

. league

. limb

. malachite [malukait]

. monarchy [mɒ nə ki]

. morgue

. mosque [mɑ ː sk]

. naughty [nati]

. neigh

. neighbour

. nought

. numb

. orchid [ɔ ː kɪ d]

. oscillograph

. ought

. palm

. palmist

. phalanx [fæ læ ŋ ks]

. Pharaoh [feə rə ʊ ]

. Pharynx [fæ rɪ ŋ ks]

. phlegm

. phonograph

. phonology [fə ˈ nɒ lə dʒ i]

. photograph

. phrase

. phylosophy

. physics

. physique

. picturesque

. pique [piː k]

. plague [pleɪ ɡ ]

. plaque [plɑ ː k]

. plough [plaʊ ]

. plumb

. plumber

. prohibition

. prophecy [ˈ prɒ fə si]

. psalm [sɑ ː lm]

. psalter

. psychiatrist

. psychic [ˈ saɪ kɪ k]

. psychoanalyst [saɪ kə ʊ ˈ æ nə l-ɪ st]

. psychologist

. psychotherapy

. quantity

. quarter

. query [ˈ kwɪ ri]

. quill

. quilt

. quire [kwaɪ ə ]

. quiver

. quizzical

. quotation [kwə ʊ ˈ teɪ ʃ ə n]

. quote

. receipt

. reign

. rhyme

. rhythm

. rough

. salmon

. sapphire [ˈ sæ faɪ ə ]

. schema

. schematic

. scherzo [skeə tsə ʊ ]

. schizophrenia [ˌ skɪ tsə ʊ ˈ friː niə ]

. scholar

. scholarship

. schooner [skuː nə ]

. shawl [ ʃ ɔ ː l ]

. sight

. slaughter [ˈ slɔ ː tə ]

. sleigh [sleɪ ]

. slough [slʌ f]

. slough [slaʊ ]

. solemn [ˈ sɒ lə m]

. sough [sef]

. spaghetti

. spectograph

. spheric [sfi(ə )rik]

. sphinx [sfɪ ŋ ks]

. stomach

. subtle

. telegraph

. Thailand [ˈ taɪ læ nd]

. thaler

. Thames

. Thomas

. Thomson

. Thorough [θ ʌ roʊ ]

. through

. thumb

. thyme [taɪ m]

. tomb

. toque [towk]

. torque

. tough

. tranquil [ˈ træ ŋ kwə l]

. triumph [ˈ traɪ ə mf]

. trophy

. trough [trɒ ː f]

. unique

. vague [veɪ ɡ ]

. vehement [ˈ viː ə mə nt]

. vehicle

. weight

. whale

. wheeze

. whelp

. whim

. whine

. whip

. whirl [wɜ ː rl]

. whisper

. whist

. whistle

. whoop

. withdrawal

. wrath [ræ θ ]

. wren

. wretched

. wrinkle

. wrist

. wry


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