Some/any/no/one/each; the Present Simple Tense
as a whole – в целом become (became, become) (v.) – становиться, превращаться call (v.) – называть cancel (v.) – отменять, аннулировать; зд.: уравновешивать chlorine (n.) – хлор consist of (v.) – состоять из contain (v.) – содержать distinguished (adj.) – отличительный equal (adj.) – равный feature (n.) – черта, признак gain (v.) – получать, приобретать lose (lost, lost) (v.) – терять nucleus (n.) – ядро
I. Read and translate the text.
Atoms and Ions Each different type of atom has a certain number of subatomic particles. The main building blocks of an atom are positively charged protons (p), unchanged neutrons (n), and negatively charged electrons (e). Each atom consists of a relatively small centre, or nucleus, which contains protons and neutrons; one or more electrons orbit the nucleus. The distinguishing feature of an atom of any given element is the number of protons in its nucleus called its atomic number. The simplest element, hydrogen (H), has only one proton in its nucleus, its atomic number is 1. Carbon (C), with six protons, has an atomic number of 6. Each atom has an equal number of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons. Because these electrical charges cancel one another the atom as a whole has no electrical charge. Atoms of some elements can lose or gain one or more electrons and form ions: atoms or groups of atoms with one or more positive (+) or negative (-) electrical charges. For example, an atom of sodium (Na) can lose one of its electrons and become a sodium ion with a positive charge of one (Na+). An atom of chlorine (Cl) can gain an electron and become a chlorine ion with a negative charge of one (Cl-). II. Read the following international words and give their Russian equivalents. Type, positive, negative, proton, electron, neutron, centre, hydrogen, carbon, electrical, group chlorine.
III. Define the parts of the speech of the following words. Translate them into Russian. Atomic, relative, electrical, positive, different, negative, chemical, organic, basic.
IV. Turn the following adjectives into adverbs. (use suffix -ly) 1. positive 2. negative 3. different 4. relative 5. electrical 6. chemical 7. natural
V. Fill in the gaps with the following propositions: of(x3), in, with(x2). Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Ions are atoms or groups … atoms … one or more positive or negative electrical charges. 2. Hydrogen has only one proton … its nucleus. 3. Each atom consists … a nucleus and one or more electrons which orbit it. 4. Carbon,... six protons, has an atomic number... six.
VI. Put the words in the correct order to make a statement. Ask your partner to translate it.
1. contains / every / neutrons / nucleus / protons 2. as / has / charge / the / whole / atom / electrical / a / no 3. form / atoms / electrons / ions / can / or / gain / and / lose 4. has / proton / one / hydrogen / only VII. Answer the following questions to the text. 1. Which building blocks does an atom consist of? 2. What does a nucleus contain? 3. What do we call an atomic number of an element? 4. What do we call ions?
VIII. Rearrange the following sentences to make the summary of the text. 1. An atomic number is the number of protons in its nucleus. 2. The main building blocks of an atom are protons, neutrons and electrons. 3. Atoms of some elements can lose or gain one or more electrons and form ions. 4. A nucleus contains protons and neutrons, and one or two electrons orbit the nucleus. Unit 3 Существительное в функции определения
combine (v.) – сочетать chloride (n.) – хлорид drugs (n.) – лекарственные препараты exist (v.) – существовать have in common – иметь общее link (n.) – связь link (v.) – связывать oppositely (adv.) – противоположно plastic(s) (n.) – пластмасса represent (v.) – представлять, обозначать sodium (n.) – натрий subscript (n.) – подстрочный знак, индекс sulfur (n.) – сера unit (n.) – единица use (v.) – использовать yield (v.) – давать какой-нибудь результат I. Read and translate the text. Compounds Most matter exists as compounds. Chemists use a short chemical formula to show the number of atoms (ions) of each type in a compound. The formula contains the symbols for each of the element present and uses subscript to represent the number of atoms (or ions) of each element in the compound's basic structural unit. For example, in water, a molecular compound, each molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms chemically bonded to an oxygen atom, yielding H2O (read as «H-two-O») molecules. Sodium chloride (or table salt), an ionic compound, is represented by NaCl because it consists of a network of oppositely charged ions (Na+ and Cl-) held together by the force of attraction between opposite electric charges.
Table sugar, vitamins, plastics, and many other important materials have one thing in common. They are organic compounds containing carbon atoms combined with each other and atoms of one or more other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, etc. Organic compounds can be either natural or synthetic (such as plastics and many drugs made by humans). Larger and more complex organic compounds, called polymers, consist of a number of basic structural or molecular units (monomers) linked together by chemical bonds, somewhat like cars are linked together in a train. We call other compounds inorganic compounds.
II. Read the following international words and give their Russian equivalents. Formula, symbol, present, basic, structural, salt, vitamin, plastic, (in)organic, synthetic, complex, monomer, human.
III. Define the parts of the speech of the following words. Translate them into Russian.
Attraction, pressure, chemist, feature, proportion, temperature, combination, mixture.
IV. Make the collocations matching an adjective on the left with a noun on the right. Ask your partner to make sentences with them.
V. Fill in the gaps with the following propositions: of(x3), in, for(x2). Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. The formula contains the symbols... each... the element. 2. They have one thing... common. 3. Polymers consist... a number... monomers. 4.... example, the symbols NaCl represent sodium chloride or table salt.
VI. Put the words in the correct order to make a statement. Ask your partner to translate it. 1. ionic / sodium / an / compound / is / chloride 2. can / natural / organic / and / be / synthetic/ compounds 3. complex / organic / are / compounds / more / polymers 4. each / in / two / one / consists of / molecule / hydrogen / atoms / oxygen / water / and
VII. Answer the following questions to the text. 1. What does a chemical formula contain? 2. What do sugar and plastic have in common? 3. What do polymers consist of? VIII. Rearrange the following sentences to make the summary of the text. 1. A molecule of water consists of two hydrogen atoms chemically bonded to an oxygen atom. 2. More complex organic compounds are called polymers. 3. Organic substances contain carbon atoms and atoms of some other element. 4. A chemical formula shows the number of atoms of each element in a compound. 5. Polymers consist of a number of monomers linked together by chemical bonds. Unit 4 it, one, that; Comparisons Vocabulary
available (adj.) – имеющийся в наличии, годный average (adj.) – средний because of – из-за boil (v.) – кипеть burn (burnt, burnt) (v.) – гореть, сжигать capacity (n.) – способность, емкость coal (n.) – уголь cold (adj.) – холодный concept (n.) – понятие content (n.) – содержание dam (n.) – плотина, дамба define (v.) – определять distance (n.) – расстояние drop (v.) – ронять, бросать, падать either…or – или…или, либо…либо elusive (adj.) – неуловимый, незаметный engine (n.) – двигатель, мотор exclude (v.) – исключать experience (v.) – испытывать, чувствовать fall (fell, fallen) (v.) – падать flow (flew, flown) (v.) – течь gasoline (n.) – горючее heat (n.) – тепло, теплота heat (v.)– нагревать high (adj.) – высокий hot (adj.) – горячий, жаркий light (n.)– свет low (adj.) – низкий measure (n.) – мера motion (n.) – движение move (v.)– двигать, передвигать movement (n.) – движение nuclei (n., pl.) – ядра nucleus (n., sing.) – ядро occupy (v.) – занимать painful (adj.) – болезненный perform (v.)– выполнять pick up (v.) – собирать propel (v.) – приводить в движение refer to (v.) – относить, ссылаться sample (n.) – образец, пример scientist (n.) – ученый speed (n.) – скорость steam (n.) – водяной пар store (v.) – сохранять, накапливать stove (n.) – печь, плита stream (n.) – поток touch (v.) – трогать, прикасаться transfer (v.) – передавать velocity (n.) – скорость
I. Read and translate the text. Forms of Energy Energy is an elusive concept. One cannot pick it up or touch it because it neither has mass nor occupies space. We do not define energy in terms of what it is, we define energy in terms of what it does or can do. Energy is the capacity to do work and transfer heat. One can perform work when an object is moved over some distance. You do work when you move matter, such as your arm or this book. Work, or matter movement, also is necessary to boil liquid water and change it into the faster moving water molecules in steam. Energy is also the heat that flows automatically from a hot object to a cold one when they come in contact. Touch a hot stove and you experience this energy flow in a painful way. Energy comes in many forms: light, heat, electricity, chemical energy stored in the chemical bonds in coal, sugar, and other materials; moving matter such as water, wind, and nuclear one. Scientists classify energy as either kinetic or potential. Kinetic energy is the one that matter has because of its mass and its speed or velocity. It is energy in action or motion. Wind (a moving mass of air), flowing streams, falling rocks, heat flowing from a body at a high temperature to one at a lower temperature, electricity (flowing electrons) – all have kinetic energy. Potential energy is stored energy that is potentially available for use. A rock held in your hand, still water behind a dam, and the nuclei of atoms all have potential energy because of their position or the position of their parts. When one drops a rock, its potential energy changes into kinetic one. When you burn gasoline in a car engine, the potential energy stored in the chemical bonds of its molecules changes into heat, light, and mechanical (kinetic) energy that propels the car. Heat refers to the total kinetic energy of all the moving atoms, ions, or molecules within a given substance, excluding the overall motion of the whole object. Temperature is a measure of the average speed of motion of the atoms, ions, or molecules in a sample of matter at a given moment. A substance can have a high heat content (much mass and many moving atoms, ions, or molecules) but a low temperature (low average molecular speed). For example, the total heat content of a lake is enormous, but its average temperature is low. Another substance can have a low heat content and a high temperature; a cup of hot coffee, for example, has a much lower heat content than a lake but its temperature is much higher.
II. Read the following international words and give their Russian equivalents. Energy, elusive, to occupy, term, to define, to transfer, distance, automatically, contact, chemical, nuclear, potential, kinetic, action, position, mechanical, substance, measure, moment, total, coffee.
III. Complete each sentence by making a noun from the word in brackets. Ask your partner to translate them. 1. Work, or matter (to move), is necessary to change the state of matter. 2. Kinetic energy is energy in (to act). 3. Energy is the (capable) to do work. 4. One performs work when moves an object over some (distant).
IV. Match synonyms.
V. Fill in the gaps with the following prepositions: to(x2), into, of(x2), in, within, from. Ask your partner to translate them. 1. Kinetic energy is the one that matter has because... its mass and speed. 2. Work is necessary to change water... steam. 3. Heat refers... the total kinetic energy... all the moving atoms... a given substance.
4. Energy is the heat that flows... a hot object... a cold one when they come... contact.
VI. Mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). Correct the false statements, using the following phrases: In my opinion... I think... As far as I know... 1. Temperature is a measure of the average speed of motion of the atoms or molecules in substance at a given moment. 2. When you drop a rock, its kinetic energy changes into potential one. 3. Energy has either mass or space. 4. One defines energy in terms of what it is. 5. Energy is the capacity to do work and transfer heat.
VII. Answer the following questions to the text. 1. How can we define a) energy b) kinetic energy c) potential energy? 2. What forms of energy do you know? 3. What happens if you touch a hot object? 4. Can the potential energy change into kinetic one? Give examples. 5. What is the difference between the temperature and heat content?
VIII. Rearrange the following sentences to make the summary of the text. 1. Energy can be classified as kinetic and potential. 2. Energy is the capacity to do work and transfer heat. 3. Potential energy is the stored one. 4. Energy exists in many forms: light, heat, electricity, etc. 5. Temperature is a measure of the speed of all these particles at a given moment. 6. Heat is the total kinetic energy of all moving particles within a given substance. 7. A body has kinetic energy because of its mass and velocity.
Unit 5 The Present Simple Tense
add (v.) – прибавлять, складывать, подводить alter (v.) – менять, изменять arrow (n.) – стрелка cause (v.) – быть причиной, вызывать, заставлять change (n.) – изменение change (v.) – менять, изменять chemicals (n.) – химические продукт, химикаты completely (adv.) – полностью, целиком composition (n.) – состав cut (cut, cut) (v.) – резать equation (n.) – уравнение foil (n.) – фольга give (gave, given) off (v.) – отдавать, отводить happen (v.) – происходить, случаться initial (adj.) – начальный, первоначальный instead (adv.) – вместо, взамен involve (v.) – вовлекать, включать melt (v.) – таять, плавиться pattern (n.) – модель reactant (n.) – реагент release (v.) – высвобождать require (v.) – требовать spatial (adj.) – пространственный
I. Read and translate the text.
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