Многозначность to be, to have, to do
accept (v.) – принимать assumption (n.) – предположение, допущение attempt (n.) – попытка certain (adj.) – определенный conduct (v.) – проводить connect (v.) – связывать data (n., pl.) – данные, факты description (n.) – описание discover (v.) – открывать, обнаруживать disprove (v.) – опровергать eliminate (v.) – устранять, исключать, ликвидировать exception (n.) – исключение explain (v.) – объяснять goal (n.) – цель important (adj.) – важный influence (v.) – влиять investigate (v.) – изучать, исследовать knowledge (n.) – знания lead (led, led) (v.) – вести order (n.) – порядок predict (v.) – предсказывать prediction (n.) – предсказание previously (adv.) – ранее science (n.) – наука search (n.) – поиск support (v.) – поддерживать tie (v.) – связывать I. Read and translate the text. What is Science? Science is an attempt to discover order in nature and then use that knowledge to make predictions about what should happen in nature. Science is based on the assumption that there is discoverable order in nature. In this search for order, scientists try to understand, predict, and influence nature by answering two basic questions: (1) What happens in nature? and (2) how do things happen this way? What do scientists do? The first thing scientists have to do is to ask question or identify a problem which is to be investigated. Then scientists working on this problem collect scientific data, or facts, by making observations and measurements. The primary goal of science is not facts, but a new idea, principle, or model that connects and explains certain facts and leads to useful predictions about what should happen in nature. Scientists try to come up with a variety of possible explanations or scientific hypotheses of what they observe in nature. Then experiments are conducted to test each hypothesis. However, although experiments can eliminate (disprove) various hypotheses, they can never prove that any hypothesis is the best or the only explanation. All scientists can say is that an explanation is the most useful one so far. If many experiments by different scientists support a particular hypothesis, it becomes a scientific theory – a well-tested and widely accepted idea, principle, or model that ties together and explains many facts that previously were unrelated. Another end result of science is a scientific law – a description of what we find happening in nature over and over in the same way, without known exceptions. The scientific process requires not only logical reasoning, but also imagination, creativity, and intuition. According to physicist Albert Einstein, «There is no completely logical way to a new scientific idea». Intuition, imagination, and creativity are as important in science as they are in poetry, art, music, and other great adventures of the human spirit that awaken us to the wonder, mystery, and beauty of life.
II. Read the following international words and give their Russian equivalents. To identify, problem, to collect, fact, principle, model, hypothesis(es), theory, test, intuition, creativity.
III. Match synonyms.
IV. Fill in the gaps with the following prepositions, translate the sentences into Russian of(x3), in(x3), with, without, up, to. 1. A scientific law is a description... what is happening in nature... the same way... known exceptions. 2. There is no completely logical way... a new scientific idea. 3. Science is an attempt to discover order... nature. 4. Scientists try to come...... a variety... possible explanations... what they observe... nature.
V. Make nouns from the following verbs using suffixes.
VI. Underline the odd word in each group. Explain the choice. 1. poetry, music, painting, science 2. facts, nature, ideas, data 3. to require, to discover, to observe, to investigate 4. test, theory, experiment, trial
VII. Complete each sentence with words from the box:
1. If many tests support a particular..., it becomes a.... 2.... are conducted to test hypotheses. 3. The end result of science is a scientific.... 4. The scientific process requires imagination and....
VIII. Answer the following questions to the text. 1. What is science based on? 2. Why do scientists carry out experiments? 3. What does a scientific process result in? 4. What is a scientific theory? 5. What is a scientific hypothesis? 6. When does a hypothesis become a scientific theory?
IX. Rearrange the following sentences to make the summary of the text. 1. Another end result of science is a scientific law. 2. Then scientists collect scientific data by making observations and measurements. 3. Science is an attempt to discover order in nature and then predict what should happen. 4. The primary goal of science is a new idea that explains certain facts and leads to useful predictions. 5. The first thing scientists have to do is to identify a problem which is to be investigated. 6. If many experiments by different scientists support a particular hypothesis, it becomes a scientific theory. Unit 9 Subordinate Clauses Vocabulary
application (n.) – применение apply (v.) – применять, употреблять arise (arose, arisen) (v.) – возникать case (n.) – случай challenge (v.) – ставить под вопрос, оспаривать chance (n.) – шанс concern (v.) – касаться, относиться, затрагивать core (n.) – центр, сердцевина, основа
crop (n.) – сельскохозяйственная культура crossbreed (crossbred, crossbred) (v.) – скрещивать develop (v.) – развивать, разрабатывать differ (v.) – различать(ся) distribute (v.) – распределять, распространять efficiency (n.) – эффективность, результативность, продуктивность, действенность, умение error (n.) – ошибка, погрешность get along (v.) – справиться improve (v.) – улучшать inkling (n.) – намек, слабое представление о чем-либо intend (v.) – предназначать internal (adj.) – внутренний invent (v.) – изобретать keep (kept, kept) (v.) – хранить livestock (n.) – домашний скот modify (v.) – видоизменять, корректировать plant (n.) – растение; завод; установка share (v.) – делить, разделять strain (n.) – штамм survival (n.) – выживание tangible (adj.) – вещественный, материальный trial (n.) – испытание, проба verify (v.) – проверять
I. Read and translate the text.
What is Technology? Technology is the creation of new products and processes which are intended to improve our efficiency, our chances for survival, our comfort level, and our quality of life. The goal of science is to develop widely accepted knowledge or ideas, which are intangible; by contrast, technology is concerned primarily with the development of tangible things. In many cases, technology develops from known scientific laws and theories. Scientists invented the laser, for example, when they apply knowledge about the internal structure of atoms. Applications of theories in nuclear physics led to nuclear bombs and nuclear power plants. However many technologies arise by trial and error, before anyone understands the underlying scientific principles. Photography was invented by people who had no inkling of its chemistry, and farmers crossbred new strains of crops and livestock long before biologists understood the principles of genetics. In fact, much of science is an attempt to understand and explain why various technologies work. Although some forms of technology use scientific knowledge, nearly all sciences need technology. Scientists use machines and instruments to collect and analyze data, to perform experiments, and make complex computation. Scientists cannot get along without such things as paper, pencils, test tubes, computers, books, and telephones — all products of technologies. Although at their cores science and technology share similar processes (both are essentially trial and error), they usually differ in the way the ideas and information they produce are shared. Many of the results of scientific research are published and distributed freely to be tested, challenged, verified, or modified. In contrast, many technological discoveries are kept secret until the new process or product is patented. II. Read the following international words and give their Russian equivalents. Efficiency, comfort, contrast, laser, bomb, photography, biologist, genetics, machine, instrument, analyze, telephone, product, to publish, secret, to patent. III. Make verbs from the following nouns using conversion. Ask your partner to make sentences with them.
IV. Fill in the gaps with the following prepositions in(x2), by(x2), around, with, without, of, from. 1. Many technologies arise... trial and error. 2.... fact, science is an attempt to understand and explain the world... us.
3.... contrast, technology is concerned... the development... tangible things. 4.... many cases, technology develops... scientific law and theories. 5. Scientists cannot get along... such thing as books, pens, and computers. V. Fill in the table.
VI. Mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). Correct the false statements. 1. As a rule, many technological discoveries are distributed freely. 2. Technology is the creation of new products and processes. 3. Science is concerned primarily with the development of tangible things. 4. Scientists can get along without products of technology.
VII. Answer the following questions to the text. 1. What is technology concerned with? 2. What does technology develop from? 3. How are science and technology related? 4. How do science and technology differ?
VIII. Rearrange the following sentences to make the summary of the text. 1. Many technologies arise by trial and error. 2. Technology is the creation of new products and processes. 3. Many technological discoveries are kept secret until the new process or product is patented. 4. The goal of technology is the development of tangible things. 5. Nearly all sciences need technology. 6. In many cases, technology develops from known scientific laws and theories.
Unit 10 Subordinate Clauses Vocabulary
advance (v.) – продвигать applied sciences – прикладные науки body (n.) – тело branch (n.) – отрасль, раздел, ветвь by means of – посредством, с помощью carry on (v.) – продолжать carry out (v.) – проводить, выполнять compress (v.) – сжимать denote (v.) – обозначать density (n.) – плотность devote (v.) – посвящать establish (v.) – устанавливать, учреждать, основывать freeze (froze, frozen) (v.) – замораживать, замерзать fume (n.) – дым, испарения hole (n.) – отверстие, дыра include (v.) – включать в себя installation (n.) – установка oil (n.) – нефть property (n.) – свойство provide (v.) – обеспечивать, снабжать pure sciences – фундаментальные науки purpose (n.) – цель research (n.) – исследование skilful (adj.) – опытный, умелый spirit lamp – спиртовая лампа, спиртовка suction fan – приточный вентилятор test-tube (n.) – пробирка viscosity (n.) – вязкость I. Read and translate the text. What are Laboratories? Any laboratory is a place where scientists must carry out experimental study in any branch of science. The purpose of it is to advance knowledge or to apply scientific principles in testing, analyses and special application of natural laws. The word ‘laboratory’ denotes any room or building where scientists are to make investigations. Among the laboratories of the world we may note the laboratory of the Royal Institution of Britain established in 1800 and devoted to the applied sciences. The laboratory soon became seat of activity where such great scientists as M. Faraday and J. Tyndall might conduct research in pure sciences.
Nowadays laboratories have to be introduced into educational institutions to teach scientific and technical knowledge by means of experiments. New laboratories will have to provide for more departments for research in pure sciences and for application of science to industrial purposes where skilful industrial workers, engineers and scientists will be able to carry on their important work. In a chemical laboratory one can see different gases, including oxygen and hydrogen kept in heavy tanks under high pressure and laboratory tables with one or two holes in them connected to the suction fan for carrying off fumes and gases. Besides in a chemical laboratory there are many bottles with reagents, test-tubes, spirit lamps, filter paper and necessary chemicals. In such laboratories students study density, viscosity, vapour pressure and other properties of materials. They also carry out scientific experiments including the study of chemical and physical processes. In other laboratories one can see different types of installations, such as for boiling, cooling and condensing water, for freezing different materials, etc. The materials used in such laboratories are coal, oil, gas, compressed air and other working bodies.
II. Read the following international words and give their Russian equivalents. Study, activity, institution, department, industrial, engineer, tank, to illuminate, (re)agent, lamp, filter, to compress.
III. Make antonyms by using negative prefixes. Changed, living, organic, cover, related, order, known, connect, logical, important.
IV. Pay attention to the following phrasal verbs. Make the sentences of your own. to carry – нести, носить to carry out – выполнять, осуществлять to carry on – продолжать заниматься (чем-либо) to carry off – уносить, удалять
V. Complete the collocation by matching a verb on the left with a phrase on the right. Make the sentences of your own.
VI. Match synonyms.
VII. Answer the following questions to the text. 1. What do scientists do in the laboratories? 2. What does the word ‘laboratory’ mean? 3. What can we find in a chemical laboratory? 4. What equipment is usually used in laboratories? 5. What kind of materials can we use working in the laboratory?
VIII. Rearrange the following sentences to make the summary of the text. 1. Besides in a chemical laboratory there are many bottles with reagents, test-tubes and necessary chemicals. 2. Today laboratories have to be introduced into educational institutions to teach scientific and technical knowledge by means of experiments. 3. In other laboratories one can see different types of installations and materials used for experiments. 4. In a chemical laboratory one can see different gases kept in heavy tanks. 5. A laboratory is a place where scientists carry out experiments. Unit 11 Participle I, II Vocabulary
achievement (n.) – достижение acid (adj.) – кислотный activity (n.) – деятельность ancient (adj.) – древний appear (n.) – появляться blanket (n.) – защитный слой breathe (v.) – дышать by-products (n.) – побочные продукты concern (n.) – забота, беспокойство conquer (v.) – покорять, завоевывать consider (v.) – рассматривать, считать consumer (n.) – потребитель danger (n.) – опасность direction (n.) – направление discharge (n.) – выброс fossil fuel – ископаемое топливо generation (n.) – поколение grain (n.) – зерновые культуры growth (n.) – рост harmful (adj.) – вредный increase (v.) – увеличивать increasingly (adv.) – все больше и больше, в большей степени interference (n.) – вмешательство numerous (adj.) – многочисленный pollute (v.) – загрязнять produce (v.) – производить protection (n.) – защита
rapid (adj.) – быстрый rare (adj.) – редкий reason (n.) – причина save (v.) – спасать seem (v.) – казаться serve (v.) – служить set (set, set) up (v.) – устанавливать, создавать species (n.) – порода (породы), вид(ы) thick (adj.) – толстый trap (v.) – улавливать, захватывать upset (v.) – нарушать vast (adj.) – обширный vegetables (n.) – овощные культуры
I. Read and translate the text. Ecological Problems Since ancient times nature served humans, being the source of their life. For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited, but with the development of civilization human interference in nature began to increase. Even in the 19th century when the word «ecology» was born people continued to use nature as consumers, considering man to be «lord and king» of nature and not the child. In the 20th century with the rapid growth of science and technology human achievements in conquering nature became so great that economic activities began to produce an increasingly negative effect on the biosphere. Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world today. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we grow grain and vegetables. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1,000 million tonnes of dust and other harmful substances. The discharge of dust and gas into the atmosphere returns to the Earth in the form of acid rain. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result many rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up. Environmental protection is a universal concern. That is why serious measures to create a system of ecological security should be taken. Some progress has been already made in this direction. Numerous countries – member of UNO[1] – have set up environmental protection agencies. A lot of conferences have been held by them to discuss questions of ecologically poor regions. But these are only the initial steps and they must be carried forward to protect nature, to save life on the planet not only for the sake of the present but also for the future generations. During the long history of our planet, the climate has often changed for natural reasons. This is because the energy that we get from the sun changes regularly. The planet was warmer during the time of the dinosaurs, and during the ice age it was four degrees lower than today. However, nowadays the climate is changing faster than ever before. This rapid change, known as global warming, is caused by the current high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. There has been CO2 in the atmosphere for millions of years. Animals produce CO2 when they breathe, and plants use it to make energy and oxygen. The CO2 that is not used by plants forms a blanket in the atmosphere. In a positive way, this blanket traps the sun's energy and keeps the planet warm. However, CO2 is also produced when we burn oil, coal and gas — fossil fuels. Because of this, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is now higher than at any time in the last 600,000 years. The CO2 blanket is getting thicker and thicker, and this means the planet is getting hotter and hotter. This is causing the rapid climate change and it is a danger to life on the planet.
II. Read the following international words and give their Russian equivalents. Ancient, to serve, human, harmony, (un)limited, civilization, interference, effect, biosphere, tonne, balance, plant, future, climate, regularly.
III. Define the part of the speech of the following words and put them into the appropriate column of the table. Environment, natural, unlimited, interference, continued, economic, negative, protection, regularly, warmer, changing, harmful, substance, development, increasingly, industrial, ecologically.
IV. Translate the following words paying attention to their prefixes: In organic, re arrange, dis cover, un related, sub atomic, un changed, sub script, non living, dis order, un limited, re move, dis appearance.
V. Fill the gaps with the following prepositions: of (x5), in (x3), on, with, to, into, for, by. Ask your partner to translate them. 1.... the development... civilization human interference... nature began to increase. 2. We must protect nature to save life... the planet... the sake... the present and future generations. 3. The discharge... dust and gas... the atmosphere returns... the Earth... the form... acid rains. 4. Global warming is caused... the current high levels... carbon dioxide... the atmosphere.
VI. Match the antonyms. Make with them the sentences of your own. Ask your partner to translate them.
VII. Put the words in the correct order to make a question. Ask your partner to answer it. 1. universal / why / protection / a / environmental / is / concern? 2. do / carbon dioxide / when / animals / produce? 3. trap / the CO2 blanket / does / what? VIII.Answer the following questions to the text. 1. What are the main factors affecting the polluting of the environment? 2. Why is it important to protect the environment? 3. What are the reasons of the climate change on our planet? 4. What causes the global warming? 5. What upsets the oxygen balance?
IX. Define the main idea of the text. 1. Many countries have environmental protection agencies. 2. Dinosaurs died because of climate change. 3. Our planet is at risk and serious measures should be taken to achieve environmental security. 4. The CO2 blanket keeps the planet warm. Unit 12
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