It did cause some difficulties.
It did cause some difficulties. Это все же вызвало некоторые трудности. Only then did it work perfectly. И только тогда это действительно прекрасно сработало.
БЛОК 3 Союзные слова, на которые следует обратить особое внимание: given – при условии, если (дано), если имеется provided (that), providing (that) – при условии, если save – за исключением того, что; кроме Например: Now the system recovers from a fault given a fault occurs – Теперь система освобождается от ошибки при условии, если ошибка имеет место. These transitions of electrons may occur provided that sufficient energy is available – Такие переходы электронов могут произойти при условии, если имеется достаточно энергии. The pipe is similar to the one being used save it is a bit wider – Эта трубка аналогична трубке, используемой сейчас, за исключением того, что она чуть-чуть шире. Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, используя блоки 3 и 4. 1. Given a particular network, one can always examine all possible states of the system. 2. We do not possess any accurate understanding of cause and effect. Nor do we know how to evaluate the performance of the system. 3. He had perfect knowledge of all the aspects of the situation save one. 4. I have nothing to do with it. 5. Only recently have we appreciated the potentialities in this field. 6. The insertion of this metal does not change the temperature, provided the third metal is of the same temperature. 7. Out of this work came a substantial body of new technical knowledge. 8. It was of this problem that they spoke and wrote about. 9. Of great interest was the finding that this shift did occur at regular intervals. 10. Never do bats fail to catch insects. 11. Their theory, crude though it is, helps to overcome this difficulty. 12. Important as were the decisions, they did not solve the problem confronting them. 13. Plotted on the diagram are the curves of production growth versus automation.
Функции глагола to do: 1. смысловой глагол – делать, выполнять, действовать, подходить, удовлетворять; 2. вспомогательный глагол; 3. слово-заменитель, переводится ранее упомянутым смысловым глаголом;
4. усиливает значение действия, выраженного сказуемым, стоит перед смысловым глаголом и может переводиться словами действительно, все же и др. 5. используется при инверсии. Запомните: as it does (as they do) – фактически, в действительности in doing so – при этом to do away (with) – уничтожить, покончить с to do without – обходиться без to have to do with – иметь дело с, иметь отношение к to have much to do with – иметь много общего с to have nothing to do with –
Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. 1. Either of these coats is good enough for me. 2. On reading his story I understand him better. 3. Although the one-men dictionary is a thing of history the number of men in Russia today who are dictionary makers is still very few. 4. He is a man liked by everybody. 5. It was they who told us the news. 6. The window having been closed, there was very little air in the room. 7. Faraday was no mathematician, nor was Hamilton much of a physicist. 8. Of prime importance is the total response time. 9. Both my sister and I were upset when we heard the news. 10. Hard as it is we must do the work. 11. Never in this case will temperature remain constant. 12. There were hardly any people in the street. 13. So high is the price of land in Tokyo, that its land area probably costs as much as the whole of California. 14. Our desires for what we do not have keep us from enjoying what we do have. 15. In the USA and in Britain neither men or women do smoke at table.
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