"We know a thing or two about financing plays now. People finance plays for
" We know a thing or two about financing plays now. People finance plays for two reasons, either because they want notoriety, or because they're in love with someone. A lot of people talk about art, but you don't often find them paying out hard cash unless they're going to get something out of it for themselves. " " Well, we'll give Dolly all the notoriety she wants. " " That doesn't happen to be what she's after. " " What do you mean? " " Can't you guess? "
Light dawned on him («свет забрезжил над ним» = его осенило), and he was so surprised (и он был настолько удивлен) that he slowed down (что он сбавил скорость). Was it possible that (было ли возможным то) what Julia suspected was true (что Джулия подозревала, было правдой)? He had never even thought (он никогда даже и не думал) that Dolly liked him much (что Долли он нравился), and as for supposing she was in love with him (и, что до того предположения, что она была влюблена в него) — why (ба), the notion had never crossed his mind (эта идея никогда не приходила ему в голову; to cross one's mind — прийти на ум, осенить). Of course Julia had sharp eyes (конечно, у Джулии зоркий глаз: «наблюдательные глаза»), not much got by her (немногое ускользнет от нее: «пройдет мимо нее»), but she was a jealous little thing (но она такая ревнивая малышка), she was always thinking women were making a dead set at him (она всегда думала, что женщины вешаются ему на шею; to make a dead-set at smb. — набрасываться, накидываться на кого- либо, упорно добиваться взаимности). It was true (правда: «это было правдой») that Dolly had given him a pair of cuff links at Christmas (что Долли подарила ему пару запонок /для манжет/ на Рождество), but he thought that was only (но он думала, что это было просто для того) so that he shouldn't feel left out in the cold (чтобы он не чувствовал себя оставленным за бортом; to
leave smb. out in the cold — третировать кого-либо, оказывать холодный прием) because she had given Julia a brooch (потому как она подарила Джулии
брошь) that must have cost at least two hundred pounds (которая, должно быть, стоила по меньшей мере двести фунтов).
suspect [sA'spekt] sharp [SQ: p] brooch [brqVtS]
Light dawned on him, and he was so surprised that he slowed down. Was it possible that what Julia suspected was true? He had never even thought that Dolly liked him much, and as for supposing she was in love with him — why, the notion had never crossed his mind. Of course Julia had sharp eyes, not much got by her, but she was a jealous little thing, she was always thinking women were making a dead set at him. It was true that Dolly had given him a pair of cuff links at Christmas, but he thought that was only so that he shouldn't feel left out in the cold because she had given Julia a brooch that must have cost at least two hundred pounds.
That might be only her cunning (это всего лишь могло быть ее лукавством). Well (ну), he could honestly say (он мог честно признаться: «сказать») he'd never done a thing (он никогда не сделал ничего) to make her think there was anything doing (чтобы дать ей повод думать, что что-то происходило /между ним и Долли/). Julia giggled (Джулия хихикнула). " No, darling, it's not you she's in love with (нет, дорогой, не в тебя она влюблена). " It was disconcerting (это приводило в замешательство) the way Julia knew (то, каким образом Джулия знала) what he was thinking (о чем он думал). You couldn't hide a thing from that woman (не спрячешь ничего от этой женщины). " Then why did you put the idea into my head (тогда почему ты вбила мне эту идею в голову; to put ideas into smb. 's head — забивать кому-либо голову несбыточными мечтами)? I wish to goodness (как бы мне хотелось; goodness
— доброта, ценные качества) you'd express yourself so (чтобы ты выражалась так) that a fellow can understand (чтобы /человек/ мог понять /тебя/). " Julia did (Джулия /так и / сделала). " I never heard such nonsense (я никогда не слышал подобной чепухи), " he cried (вскричал он). " What a filthy mind you've got, Julia (какое у тебя непристойное воображение: «грязный ум», Джулия)! " " Come off it, dear (о, перестань/брось, дорогой). "
cunning ['kAnIN] giggle ['gIg(q)l] disconcert [" dIskqn'sq: t]
That might be only her cunning. Well, he could honestly say he'd never done a thing to make her think there was anything doing. Julia giggled.
" No, darling, it's not you she's in love with. " It was disconcerting the way Julia knew what he was thinking. You couldn't hide a thing from that woman. " Then why did you put the idea into my head? I wish to goodness you'd express yourself so that a fellow can understand. " Julia did. " I never heard such nonsense, " he cried. " What a filthy mind you've got, Julia! " " Come off it, dear. "
" I don't believe there's a word of truth in it (я не верю, что в этом есть хоть слово правды). After all I've got eyes in my head (в конце-то концов, я достаточно наблюдателен: «у меня есть глаза /в моей голове/; to have an eye in one's head — быть бдительным). Do you mean to say (неужели ты хочешь сказать, что) I shouldn't have noticed it (что я не заметил бы этого)? " He was more irritable (он был более раздражен) than she had ever known him (чем когда бы то ни было: «чем за все то время, что она знала его»). " And even if it were true (и, даже если это было бы правдой) I suppose you can take care of yourself (я полагаю,
что ты можешь позаботиться о себе). It's a chance in a thousand (это такой шанс, /один/ на тысячу), and I think it would be madness (и я думаю, что было бы безумием) not to take it (не воспользоваться им; to take one's chance — воспользоваться случаем, рискнуть). " " Claudio and Isabella (Клавдио и Изабелла) in Measure for Measure (в «Мера за меру»; measure for measure — око за око, зуб за зуб). " " That's a rotten thing to say, Julia (какие отвратительные вещи ты говоришь, Джулия). God damn it (черт побери), I am a gentleman (я /все таки/ джентльмен). " " Nemo me impune lacessit (лат. никто не тронет меня безнаказанно). "
irritable ['IrItqb(q)l] thousand ['TaVz(q)nd] measure ['meZq]
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