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Meanwhile it was convenient to have the house near Guildford to go to

Meanwhile it was convenient to have the house near Guildford to go to

whenever they wished. It saved the expense of having a country house of their

own. The third play was a winner, and Michael did not hesitate to point out

how right he had been. He spoke as though he was directly responsible for its

success. Julia could almost have wished that it had failed like the others in

order to take him down a peg or two. For his conceit was outrageous. Of

course you had to admit that he had a sort of cleverness, shrewdness rather,

but he was not nearly so clever as he thought himself. There was nothing in






which he did not think that he knew better than anybody else.

As time went on he began to act less frequently. He found himself much more

interested in management.

" I want to run my theatre in as business-like way as a city office, " he said.


And he felt (и он чувствовал) that he could more profitably spend his evenings

(что он может с большей выгодой проводить свои вечера), when Julia was

acting (когда Джулия играла /на сцене/), by going to outlying theatres

(отправляясь в расположенные на окраинах театры; outlying — отдаленный,

далекий, находящийся за пределами) and trying to find talent (в попытках

отыскать талант: «и пытаться открыть талант»). He kept a little book (у него

была маленькая книжица) in which he made a note  (в которой он делал

пометки) of every actor who seemed to show promise    (о каждом актере,

который, как казалось, подавал надежды; promise — обещание, перспектива,

надежда). Then he had taken to directing (затем он занялся режиссурой; to

direct — направлять, руководить, режиссировать). It had always grizzled him

(его всегда раздражало) that directors should ask so much money    (что

режиссеры требуют такие большие деньги) for rehearsing a play    (за

постановку: «репетицию» спектакля), and of late (и недавно) some of them

(некоторые из них) had even insisted on a percentage on the gross    (даже

настаивали на /получении/ процентного вознаграждения от сборов: «валовой

выручки»). At last an occasion came (в конце концов, появилась возможность)

when the two directors Julia liked best (когда два режиссера, которые больше

всего нравились Джулии) were engaged (были /уже/ заняты) and the only other

one she trusted (и единственный оставшийся: «другой», которому она

доверяла) was acting (был занят как актер) and thus could not give them all his

time (и, таким образом, не мог работать с ними все свое время: «не мог дать

им все его время»).


profitably ['prOfItqblI] grizzle ['grIz(q)l] insist [In'sIst] percentage [pq'sentIdZ]





And he felt that he could more profitably spend his evenings, when Julia was

acting, by going to outlying theatres and trying to find talent. He kept a little

book in which he made a note of every actor who seemed to show promise.

Then he had taken to directing. It had always grizzled him that directors

should ask so much money for rehearsing a play, and of late some of them had

even insisted on a percentage on the gross. At last an occasion came when the

two directors Julia liked best were engaged and the only other one she trusted

was acting and thus could not give them all his time.


" I've got a good mind (я намереваюсь; to have a good mind to — собираться

сделать что-то) to have a shot at it myself (попытать свои силы /в постановке

пьесы/; to have a shot at smth. — сделать попытку, попробовать что-либо), "

said Michael (сказал Майкл).

Julia was doubtful (Джулия сомневалась; to doubt — сомневаться, подвергать

сомнению). He had no fantasy (у него не было фантазии) and his ideas were

commonplace (и его идеи обычно были банальными). She was not sure (она не

была уверена) that he would have authority over the cast     (будет ли он

пользоваться авторитетом у труппы). But the only available director (но

единственный доступный /на тот момент/ режиссер) demanded a fee

(потребовал такой гонорар) that they both thought exorbitant (который, как они

оба думали, был чрезмерным) and there was nothing left but to let Michael try (и

ничего /больше/ не оставалось, как позволить Майклу попытаться). He made a

much better job of it (у него получилось гораздо лучше; to make a good job of it

— хорошо справиться с делом) than Julia expected (чем ожидала Джулия). He

was thorough (он был скрупулезным); he worked hard (он работал прилежно и

трудолюбиво). Julia, strangely enough, felt    (Джулия, /хотя это было/

достаточно странно, чувствовала) that he was getting more out of her (что он

добивался от нее большего) than any other director had done (чем любой

другой режиссер /добивался/).





fantasy ['fxntqsI] exorbitant [Ig'zO: bIt(q)nt] thorough ['TArq] 



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