Julia felt a slight sickness in the pit of her stomach; she remembered now who
Julia felt a slight sickness in the pit of her stomach; she remembered now who Lady Charles was before she married, and she saw the trap that was being set for her. She gave a rippling laugh. " Not at all, " she answered. " He was a vet. He used to go to your house to deliver the bitches. The house was full of them. " Lady Charles for a moment did not quite know what to say. " My mother was very fond of dogs, " she answered.
Julia was glad that Michael was not there (Джулия радовалась тому, что Майкла не было рядом: «там»). Poor lamb (бедный ягненок), he would have been terribly mortified (он был бы ужасно унижен). He always referred to her father as Dr. Lambert (он всегда упоминал об ее отце как о докторе Лэмберте; to refer to — называть, отсылать, давать ссылку), pronouncing it as though it were a French name (произнося /его/ так, как будто это было французское имя), and when soon after the war he died (и когда, вскоре после войны, он умер) and her mother went to live with her widowed sister at St. Malo (и ее мать отправилась к своей овдовевшей сестре, чтобы жить вместе в Сен-Мало) he began to speak of her as Madame de Lambert (он начал говорить о ней как о мадам де Лэмберт).
lamb [lxm] pronounce [prq'naVns] widowed ['wIdqVd]
Julia was glad that Michael was not there. Poor lamb, he would have been terribly mortified. He always referred to her father as Dr. Lambert, pronouncing it as though it were a French name, and when soon after the war he died and her mother went to live with her widowed sister at St. Malo he began to speak of her as Madame de Lambert.
At the beginning of her career (в самом начале своей карьеры) Julia had been somewhat sensitive on the point (Джулия была немного чувствительна: «слегка обижалась» в отношении этого /момента/), but when once she was established as a great actress (но когда ее положение как великой актрисы укрепилось) she changed her mind (она изменила свою точку зрения). She was inclined, especially among the great (она имела склонность, особенно среди знати; the great — собират. сильные мира сего), to insist on the fact that her father had
been a vet (настаивать на том факте, что ее отец был ветеринаром). She could not quite have explained why (она не могла точно объяснить почему), but she felt (но /она/ чувствовала) that by so doing (что поступая так) she put them in their place (она ставила их на место; to put smb. in his place — осадить кого- либо).
career [kq'rIq] sensitive ['sensItIv] especially [I'speS(q)lI]
At the beginning of her career Julia had been somewhat sensitive on the point, but when once she was established as a great actress she changed her mind. She was inclined, especially among the great, to insist on the fact that her father had been a vet. She could not quite have explained why, but she felt that by so doing she put them in their place.
But Charles Tamerley knew (но Чарльз Тэмерли знал) that his wife had deliberately tried to humiliate the young woman (что его жена намеренно
пыталась унизить молодую актрису), and angered (и рассердившись), went out of his way to be nice to her (изо всех сил старался быть милым с ней /Джулией/; to go out of one's way to do smth. — прилагать все усилия, чтобы сделать что-либо). He asked her (он спросил у нее) if he might be allowed to call (можно ли ему навестить ее; to be allowed to do smth. — иметь разрешение сделать что-либо) and brought her some beautiful flowers (и преподнес ей прекрасные цветы). He was then a man of nearly forty (ему тогда было почти сорок: «он был тогда мужчиной около сорока лет»), with a small head on an elegant body (с небольшой головой на элегантном теле), not very good-looking (не очень красивый) but of distinguished appearance (но с аристократической внешностью; distinguished — известный, выдающийся, изысканный). He looked very well-bred (он выглядел исключительно хорошо воспитанным), which indeed he was (каковым он и был на самом деле), and he had exquisite manners (и обладал уточненными манерами).
deliberately [dI'lIb(q)rItlI] elegant ['elIgqnt] exquisite [Ik'skwIzIt, 'ekskwIzIt]
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