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But Charles Tamerley knew that his wife had deliberately tried to humiliate

But Charles Tamerley knew that his wife had deliberately tried to humiliate

the young woman, and angered, went out of his way to be nice to her. He

asked her if he might be allowed to call and brought her some beautiful


He was then a man of nearly forty, with a small head on an elegant body, not

very good-looking but of distinguished appearance. He looked very well-bred,

which indeed he was, and he had exquisite manners.  


He was an amateur of the arts    (он был поклонником искусства: «всех

искусств»; amateur — любитель). He bought modern pictures (он покупал

современные картины) and collected old furniture (и коллекционировал старую

мебель). He was a lover of music (он был любителем музыки) and exceedingly






well read (и был исключительно начитанным) At first it amused him (поначалу

его это забавляло) to go to the tiny flat off the Buckingham Palace Road (идти в

крошечную квартирку за пределами Бэкингем-палас-роуд) in which these two

young actors lived (в которой жили /эти/ двое молодых актера). He saw that

they were poor (он видел, что они были бедны) and it excited him (и его

возбуждало) to get into touch with what he fondly thought was Bohemia

(прикосновение к тому, что он наивно считал, богемой; to get into touch —

устанавливать контакты, связаться с кем-либо). He came several times (он

приходил несколько раз) and he thought it quite an adventure (и он считал это

настоящим приключением) when they asked him to have a luncheon with them

(когда они просили его с ними отобедать) which was cooked and served

(который готовила и подавала) by a scarecrow of a woman whom they called

Evie (пугало, а не женщина, которую они называли Эви; scarecrow — пугало

на огород, scare — испуг, паника, crow — ворона).  


amateur ['xmqt(S)q, 'xmqtq: ] exceedingly [Ik'si: dINlI] Bohemia [bqV'hi: mIq] 

scarecrow ['skeqkrqV]


He was an amateur of the arts. He bought modern pictures and collected old

furniture. He was a lover of music and exceedingly well read. At first it amused

him to go to the tiny flat off the Buckingham Palace Road in which these two

young actors lived. He saw that they were poor and it excited him to get into touch

with what he fondly thought was Bohemia. He came several times and he thought

it quite an adventure when they asked him to have a luncheon with them which

was cooked and served by a scarecrow of a woman whom they called Evie.  


This was life (это была жизнь). He did not pay much attention to Michael (он не

обращал особого внимания на Майкла) who seemed to him, notwithstanding his

too obvious beauty (который казался ему, несмотря на его слишком

очевидную красоту), a somewhat ordinary young man (немного






посредственным молодым человеком), but he was taken by Julia (но он был

очарован Джулией: «Джулия увлекла   его»). She had a warmth  (она обладала

теплотой), a force of character     (силой характера), and a bubbling vitality     (и

бьющей ключом жизненной энергией; bubble — пузырек воздуха, бульканье),

which were outside his experience   (/с этими качествами/ ему не приходилось

раньше сталкиваться: «которые     были за пределами его «жизненного»

опыта»). He went to see her act several times (он несколько раз ходил /в театр/,

чтобы посмотреть, как она играет) and compared her performance (и сравнил ее

игру) with his recollections of the great foreign actresses (с его воспоминаниям о

великих иностранных актрисах). It seemed to him (ему казалось) that she had in

her something quite individual   (что она обладала чем-то совершенно

индивидуальным). Her magnetism was incontestable (ее личное обаяние:

«магнетизм» было бесспорным). It gave him quite a thrill (он затрепетал) to

realize on a sudden (когда понял внезапно) that she had genius (что она была

гениальна: «обладала талантом»).


warmth [wO: mT] vitality [vaI'txlItI] incontestable [" Inkqn'testqb(q)l]


This was life. He did not pay much attention to Michael who seemed to him,

notwithstanding his too obvious beauty, a somewhat ordinary young man, but

he was taken by Julia. She had a warmth, a force of character, and a bubbling

vitality which were outside his experience. He went to see her act several times

and compared her performance with his recollections of the great foreign

actresses. It seemed to him that she had in her something quite individual.

Her magnetism was incontestable. It gave him quite a thrill to realize on a

sudden that she had genius.


" Another Siddons perhaps (возможно, вторая (другая) Сиддонс). A greater Ellen

Terry (более великая /чем/ Эллен Терри). " In those days (в то время: «в те

дни») Julia did not think it necessary (не считала необходимым) to go to bed in






the afternoons (отдыхать /в   постели/ днем), she was as strong as a horse (она

была сильна как лошадь) and never tired (и   никогда не уставала), so he used

often to take her for walks in the Park (и тогда он частенько брал ее с собой на

прогулки в Гайд-парк). She felt (она чувствовала) that he wanted her to be a

child of nature (что ему хотелось видеть ее ребенком природы: «хотел, чтобы

она была как дитя природы»). That suited her very well          (ее это вполне

устраивало). It was no effort for her (ей не требовалось усилий) to be ingenuous

(чтобы быть простодушной), frank (искренней) and girlishly delighted with

everything (и по-девичьи радующейся всему). He took her to the National

Gallery (он брал ее с собой в Национальную галерею), and the Tate (и в

/галерею/ Тейт), and the British Museum (и в Британский музей), and she really

enjoyed it (и она в действительности наслаждалась /этими прогулками/)

almost as much as she said (почти также сильно, как она говорила).  


necessary ['nesIs(q)rI] nature ['neItSq] girlishly ['gq: lISlI] 



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