Table 7. Recommended dietary requirement for adults (UN, FAO)
Table 7. Recommended dietary requirement for adults (UN, FAO) Group age men women energy Protien energy Protien
1 18-40 2700 62/37 2000 46/29
1 40-59 2550 62/37 1900 48/29
2 18-40 3000 62/37 2800 48/29
2 40-59 2800 62/37 2100 48/29
3 18-40 3500 62/37 2600 48/29
3 40-59 3225 62/37 2450 48/29
4 18-40 4000 62/37 3000 48/29
4 40-59 3800 62/37 2850 48/29
Table 8. Recommended dietary requirement for children's (UN, FAO )
Age Energy Kcl Protien up to 2 820 23/14 1-2 1180-1360 27/16 3-4 1560-1720 34/16 5-6 1870-2010 34/20 7-10 2100-2500 41/25 11-13 2600-2800 50/30 14-17 boys 2800-3100 62/37 14-17 girls 2500-2940 62/31
Energy is used for: 1. 40% for BM (I unit/per I kg. weight per I hour) 2. 10% for food ingestion
3. The residual energy used by men's activity (day activities) The quality of food: The relation between P, F, Car. 1, 2 -0, 8-4, 6 The contribution of various component towards total calorie is: Protein 14% Fats 36% Carbohydrate 50% I g protein = 4, 1 Kcal 1 g carb. = 4, 1 Kcal I g fat = 9, 3 Kcal About 18% of the body is in the form of protein. Proteins may be of animal or vegetable origin (milk, egg, meat, for such food contain large amount of essential aminoacids). Amino acid: Basic building blocks of proteins and peptides. Essential aminoacids: 9 aminoacids which cannot be formed by the body like lysine and valine. For adults animal protein must be 60 % daily For children animal protein must be not less than 70%, daily quantity of protein l, 3-l, 6 g per 1 kg. Functions: - to build new tissues - for repairing worn out body tissues - a source of energy - protein as a component of enzymes and hormones - for normal asthmatic relations among the various body fluids - play a large role in the resistance of the body against disease. Protein deficiency causes Kwashiorkor Protein content of certain foods: apple and orange 0, 3 gm%, tomato 0, 9 gm%, potato 1, 6 gm%, wheat 11, 8 %, rice 6, 5 % Fats Classification: 1) True fats: fatty acids, glycerol Fatty acids: a) saturated - pal-mitic acid b) unsaturated - linoleic acid. 2) Lipids: phospholipids Sources of fat - animal: liver, oil and curd. - vegetable sunflower oil fats. 25-30 % daily. Function of fat: - As a source of heat and energy 1 g = 9, 3 cal - As a source of fat-soluble vitamins - Maintenance of body temperature - It makes the food palatable - It is stored for further source of energy - Form the cell membrane amount is 1, 3 –1 6 g per 1 kg.
Carbohydrates The major source of energy: cereals, vegetables, fruits, sugar and honey. Contents: 1. Monosaccharides: glucose, fructose 2. Disaccharide's: maltose, lactose 3. Polysaccharides glycogen starch Daily requirement must be 250-340 g Cellulose is insoluble. Function of cellulose: 1. Stimulation of peristaltic 2. To prevent the intestinal Cancer 3, To reduce the amount of cholesterol Function of carbohydrates: - source of energy - to spare the burning of proteins - important role in the metabolism - stored in the liver as glycogen Minerals Functions: - necessary part of all cells and body fluids - formation of bone and tissues - they regulate acid-alkali balance - synthesis of hemoglobin
Calcium Sources: milk, milk products, eggs, fish and rice Functions: o for the development of bones o for coagulation of blood o for muscle and nerve irritability. daily intake: Adults 800 mg; Children 1000-1900 mg Deficiency: Rickets, osteoporosis Phosphorus Sources: cheese, liver, milk, potatoes and spinach. Function . o Growth of the body and multiplication of cells Daily intake: Adults - 1200 mg, children - 1500-2000m Lake of phosphorus leads to: Rickets, teeth caries, and poor bone formation.
Daily regime (energy) P 2P D S I. 3 times 25% - 50% 25% II. 4 times 20% 10% 40% 30%
Exercise 1 Write your recommendation, jfcout balanced daily diet, for schoolboy 14 years age daily nutrition. Calorie - 3020 Proteins - 70g Animal protein - 30g Fats - 50g Carbohydrate - 520g calcium - 480 mg Phosphorus - 1860 mg Vitamin A - 0, 9 mg Vitamin E - 35 mg
To correct the daily diet you have to use the table of physiological standard of nutrition for children (table 5, 8)
Write your recommendation about balanced daily diet for worker in the factory, age 30 years daily nutrition Energy - 3200 calorie Protein - 90g Animal protein - 30g Fats - 80g Vegetables fats - 20g Carbohydrate - 600 g Calcium - 500 mg Phosphorus - 1800 mg Vitamin С - 70 mg
To correct the daily diet you have to use the table of physiological standards of nutrition for adults (table 5, 6, 7)
VITAMINS Vitamins are organic food substances which probably act as catalysts Vitamins having a vital role in the function of the body Presence of small quantities is necessary for correct growth and health. Most of them cannot be manufactured in the body The main functions of vitamins: • most of them are integral part of coenzymes • they get part in biochemical reactions at tissue level (tissue oxidation) • they are involved in metabolic reactions • they preserve hormones from destruction • they take part m formation of Enzymes
Classification: 1) Water soluble vitamin's - В complex, and С 2) Fat soluble vitamin's - A, D, E and К 3) Pro vitamins – B 15, and U Functional classification: • Stimulation of body resistance bi and С • antihemorhogic B6, С and К • antianemic B 12, B 2, and С • anti infectious С • essential for vision A, C and B 2 Clinical feature: l)Hypervitaminosis and toxicity 2) Hypovitaminosis 3) Avitaminosis: Physiological and clinical state resulting from a deficiency of vitamins (e. g Beri-Beri due to a deficiency of vitamin b i. Scurvy caused by a deficiency of vitamin C). Etiology: Externals factors: • food problems (storage, cooking, concentration) • season (spring and autumn) • lack of knowledge of the value of foods Internal factors: Problem with absorption and intercurrent infection (protozoa)
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