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Sanitary inspection of foods. Stages of inspections. Food poisoning



The chief aim of food hygiene is to prevent the contamination of food at all stages of production, i e collection, preparation, manufactur­ing, transportation, storage and sale.


1 - The control of primary sources of food

2 - Sanitary inspection

3 - Supervision of food handlers, e. g. carriers 

4 - Health education

5 - Laboratory examination    

6 – Legislation

 The regulation for elimination ofcontaminated food, is toprotect the health of consumers.

Types of inspections:

• current inspection

• emergency inspection

Types of foods (after inspection):  

1 - Safety (good quality)       

2 - Non safety

3 - Suspection (conventional)   

4 - Falsification and adulteration

Evaluation quality of food samples:

• physical signs temperature, odours, colour, % of   humidity, specific gravity, pH, acidity

• chemical signs: nutritive value of food and the correct pro­portion of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals

• signs of chemical pollution (fertilizers)

• bacteriological pollution (pathogenic bacterial, viruses).

• histological index - helmmthes

• radiological pollution

• biological pollution (toxins)


Stages of inspections

1 - To check certificate (expiry date, country, factory, contents)

2 - External appearance (colour)

3 - Lab Analysis

4 – Conclusion


Methods of food preservation:

1 - Use of low temperature a) storage with lowtemperature 4-8,

                                      b) quick freezing rapidly within 0, 5- 1 hour

2 - Exposure to high temperature this, principle is used in canning

3 - Curing or smoking is used for bacon and for certain fishes

4 - Drying (Milk, meat, fish, fruit )

5 - Preserving or conserving

6 -Pasteurization                

7 - Sterilization

8 - Salting and pickling    

9 - Ionizing radiation's        



All meat should be examined by an inspector prior to sale Meat consists muscles which have about 23% solids, 80% of the solids are proteins Meat also contains certain vitamins A, Bb B2, and PP, minerals as phosphorus, iron.

Fresh meat must be wet with pink colour, elastic and agreeable odour It must be clear from pathogenic bactena (If in slid (40 cm2) not more than 3 cysts — special cooking).


Meat-borne disease:

• bovine tuberculous

• anthrax

• brucellosis

• salmonellosis

• Cystic of Taenia saginata, Taenia soliumand Trichinella spiralis. If there is generalized disease, the whole meat must be seized and condemned.



Fresh curd must be white or creamy without sour smell

Fats - 9-18%, water - 65-80 %, acidity - 200-270 Т



Write your conclusion about the quality of food samples:

1 Piece of meat weight 250g. The result of analysis:

• with small pieces of fats

• boneless

• colour dark red

• odour - musty

• 4 cyst's in the slide

2 Curd weight 600g, the result of analysis:

• colour creamy

• odour standard

• tests standard

fats - 19%

acidity - 200 Т

water - 60%




 Acute or chronic poisoning after injection of contaminated food.

The severity of clinical feature depends upon:

• quantity of the food

• age of the individual and the body weight.


I. Bacterial:

a) A toxic food poisoning caused by staphylococci and Botulism


b) Infective food poisoning e. g. salmonelosis

c) mikotoxicos as afalatoxicos.

//. Non bacterial

a) Plants

• mushrooms (alkaloids, neurotoxins, atropine action)

• potatoes (solanin)

• kidney bean (vazin)

b) Animal some types of Fishes (headache, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness)

c) Chemical agents.

Heavy metals as mercury and lead contamination of food during

collection, transportation and storage.

 d) Food allergy                          

e) Unknown causes                   


Staphylococcal toxin food poisoning:

Food: meat, fish, vegetables, milk and its products      

Incubation period very short - 2 to 4 hours, Staphylococcal

spreads through abscesses, nasal infections and infected nails of food stuff.

Clinical features: vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain.

Botulism : caused by toxins produced by the anaerobic clostridium botulinum. It is a very serious disease with high mortality. Botulinum toxin its extremely dangerous toxin.

Foods: inadequate sterilization of vegetables and fishes conserva­tion, and sore with soil, incubation period - 12-36 hours (some time 10 days).

Clinical feature: diplopia, blurring of vision, paralysis of cranials nerves, respiratory paralysis.

Salmanellosis : there are over 1000 different serotypes but the common one is salmonella typhimurium.

Foods: chicken, eggs, meat, milk and it's products and carriers.

Method of spread: human causes and carriers.

Incubation period usually 12-14 hours. Clinical symptoms, diarrhea, fever, vomiting and abdominal pain.


Prevention of food poisoning:

1 Food must always be stored in a cool place        

2 High degree of personal hygiene

3 Avoidance of storage of any food between 10-49° for more than three hour.

4 Immediate bacteriological investigation of any diarrea or gas­troenteritis

5 Pasteurization of any liquid products (milk)

6 Suitable legislation

7 Staff should not be carriers      

8. Skilled inspection of slaughter houses, markets         

9 Environmental sanitation        

10 Health education

11. Protect food against infections

12 Protection of the livestock of a country from disease which may be spread by the flesh or the products of diseased animals

13 Protect food from preservation unspecified by law

14 Periodic inspection of all types of foods  



A man age of 35 years with his son age of 10 years went to the

hospital with signs of food poisoning They ate dry fish 5 days ago       

Clinical picture: change of voice, diplopia and constipation

1) Please write your diagnosis and recommendation

2) What will you do with the suspected food


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