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b - Vibration. Exercises

b - Vibration

Workers exposure to vibration in hammering, cutting drilling, tailoring transport and conveyer line.

Vibrations may cause general symptoms such as fatigue and disorders of nervous system ( headache, drowsiness), disorder of movement, myocardiodestrophy, and changing in ECG.

Local symptoms such as inflammation of the joints. The vi­bration my effect the tendons, ligaments, blood vassels, sever pain of the hands specially after washing with cold water.

с - Noise

Industries as textiles, automobiles industry and railway work


shops are source of noise. The noise in that places varying 63-8000 Hz (20-140 decibels).

Noise effect the hearing, cardiovascular, respiratory and nerv­ous system.

Clinical picture:

Acoustic damage and impairment of hearing,. headache, fatigue, and high blood pressure.

Preventive measures against vibration and noise:

1. Periodical medical examination of the workers

2. Rest and proper exercises 

3. Reduction of noise and vibration  

4. Personal protective instruments as eannuff and special


5. Health education

6. Measurement the level of vibration and noise myst be done


7- Inspection of workplaces


d - Toxicology

Toxin: is a substance which may causing human disease or injury.

Toxicology: is the study of external substances and their ef­fects on human.

Duration of exposure:



a) Acute poisoning: as a result from single exposure to high doses,

b) Chronic poisoning: as a result from exposure for a long

period to low doses. The chemical agents may occure in the:

1. Form solid dust as rocks, and coal j

2. Cases as carbon dioxide, and hydrogen cyanide. 1

3. Vapours of hydrochloride and nitric acids.

The chemical poisoning by industries commonly take place in, ingestion, inhalation, and skin absorption. Example of chemical poisoning: Lead poisoning It enter in body through

1. Ingestion - such as tetraethyl lead

2. Skin absorption - as paints and oil

3. Inhalation - as fumes and dust of lead

Table 16. Class of harmnuss ( chemical agents) (State standard 1976)

signs   1"   2-   3-   4*  
The level of dose caused death by in­gestion nig/kg less than 1 5   15-150   151-5000   more than 5000  
The level of dose caused death by skin absorption mg/kg less than 100   100-500   501-2500   more than  
The level of dose caused death by in­halation mg/kg less than 500   500-5000   5001-50000   more than 50000  
Coefficient of poi­soning by inhalation more than 300   300-30   29-3   less than 3  
Zone of severe influ­ence Zac less than 6 6-18 18, 1-54, 0 more than 54
Zone of chronic in­fluence Zch more than 1 0   10-5   4, 9-2, 5   less than 2, 5
Admissible concen­tration in the air of workshop mg/m less than 0, 1   0, 1-1   1, 1-10   more than  

The source:

Manufacture of batteries, paints, lead pipes, ship industry

Clinical picture: motor weakness, neurobehavior abnormali­ties, Spongy gums, lead colic softening of the bones, and high level of lead in blood and urine.

Mercury poisoning:

It inter in body through ingestion, …………. егу rare through skin absorption.


Medical industries ( thermometer), gold manufacture, electri­cal apparatus and pesticides.

Clinical picture of chronic poisoning:

Stomatitis, bronchitis, line on the gums, colitis, anaemia, weakness, tremor arid excitement (e. g. irritability)

Preventive measures:

1. Regular medical examination of workers

2 Minimising environmental pollution

3. Proper ventilation

4. Periodically measuring the level шг of workshops

5 Use of protection instrument's by workers

6. Regular find out the level of dangerous of chemical agents it.     


1. Find out the level of concentration of dust in- tory, and write your recommendations. The samples was taken by air aspiration

Air capacity -     2001

Weight of the filter before aspiration -     0, 494 g

Weight of the filter after aspiration - 0, 528g

Air temperature - 20

Atmospheric pressure - 755mm

Type of dust  - silica 75%

To find out the concentration you have to use the formula:

        AQ • 1000        

 X = ————— mg/m


      V1 * 273 * B

V0 = ----------------

      273 * t*P


Q - Weight of filter before aspiration

Qi - Weight of filter after aspiration

X - concentration of dust

V0 - normal capacity of air

P - atmospheric pressure = 760,

t- temperature of air

В - barometric pressure in the workshop


Table 1 7. The result you have to compare with sanitary standard table

Agents admissible level
Silica 70%
Hexochloran 0, 1
Lead 0, 01
Vegetable and animal dust 2-4


2 Vibration

Find out the speed of vibration on the vibrogramma of workshop, and write your conclusion

a) The distance between highest and lowest waves = 24 mm

b) Number of the waves = 32 frequency - 32 Hz

c) Amplitude = 24 2 = 0, 12 cm

use the formula: V =2л- f –a

V - speed of vibration

f - frequency

a - amplitude

After that compare the result with sanitary standard table to

find the type of vibration.

3. Toxicology:

Find out the level of harmness of CH3COOCH = CH2 (vini-


The volatile( flyer) = 415 mg/1

Limac (limit of acute concentration) = 25 mg/1

A. C (admissible concentration) = 10 mg/1 J

Linich (limit of chronic concentration) = 0, 005 mg/1

The result of laboratory work, where they used this agent in different concentration - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 mg/1. To find their effect on six groups of mouse's in each group six mouse's, through inhalation.

After inhalation the number of dead mouse's was 3, 4, 5, 6, 6 and 6.

Use the following formulas

The level of deadly dose.




, …………………



The results you have to compare with special table of class harness of chemical agents e e - Ionising radiation

Ionising radiation are either electromagnetic as gamma radia­tion and roentgen, and particulate as alpha and Beta particles. They are derived from natural or artificial radioactive isotopes. The most harmful radiation is Alpha particles 

Physical character.

Alpha radiation' The distance of movement in the air from f the source 15 cm, penetrating ability 3-5 mm Beta radiation: The distance of movement in the air from the source 17m, penetrating ability 1 cm.

Gamma radiation: High energy shortwavelength radiation. Has deepest penetrating ability.

The natural sources of radiation to which most of the people are exposed to, are, cosmic rays, atmospheric radiation, and per-restrial radiation.

Half life: The time taken by radioactive isotope to decay to half of its radioactivity.



Rad: The unit of absorbed dose of radiation. unit of radioac­tivity, equivalent 10" 2 joules of energy absorbed per kg of irradiated substance. 1 rad = 1 ber

Roentgen: The unit of measure the quantity of gamma ionis­ing radiation in the air.

Gray: The unit of measure the amount of energy absorbed in any substance gray = 100 rad.

Maximum permissible dose MPD (FDD) - The dose which ' must not produce of any pathological changing in the body of per­sonal in the period of Ms work

a) For personal - 5 ber/year

b) For those who are living or working in the area of the source, but they have no direct contact with the radiation – 0, 5 per/year.

Tota| naturai radiation per year for population - 0

Damage caused by ionising radiation two types:

a) тhе damage of the chromosomal structure (genetic effects)

b) Formation of H*ion, OH ion and hydrogen peroxide

The most sensitive tissues to ionising radiation is, bone mor­row, lymphatic, germinal cells of the testes and ovaries


The main complication:



Infection, haemorrhage, depression of immune system, septi­caemia,

Acute radiation syndrome:

Nousea, vomiting, diarrhoea. During the critical period there is, bone morrow failure with fever and oropharyngeal ulceration, mas­sive doses of gamma rays may cause death in few hours or days. T  Local radiation injury:

Chronic exposure; Cancer, mutation of chromosomes, skin lesions, signs of erythema over the area of exposure, late complica­tions isotropy of the skin, and later hyperkeratosis.

The types of ionising radiation, and the protective methods:

I. Closed source of ionising radiation:

Are those which do not cause radiopollution of surroundings area, as X-ray machine.

The protective methods:

a) Control the level of activity of the ionising agent


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