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K1 - % of exercises solved with correct results

K1 - % of exercises solved with correct results

T1 - time to solve one exercise (second)



after first lesson

T = 2min

V=15x 10= 150

V1= 120

V2 =60

n= 10 schoolboys

after 5th lesson

T= 2 min

V=15x 10= 150

 V1= 100

V2 = 50

n= 10 schoolboys


Table 14. Table for evaluation

K%   K1 %   T ( sec )   Conclusion  
decrease   With out change   increase   he work slowly  
decrease   decrease   decrease   he work slowly with bad results  
decrease   decrease   increase   the physical activity is break down and bad results of testing  



The school, and kinder-gardens buildings should be in a healthy area and as possible far from factory, and the main street. The child should not become a victim of a diseases due to bad environ­mental condition of the building.

The space of the area for the school must be about 40-50m2, for kinder-gardens with 90 children's - 40m2 for each child, with 140-320 children's - 35m2for each child, 15% of the space for building and 40-50% for green zone.


/ - School building

The building should provide adequate space for well ventilated of class-room and good lighting

Types of rooms

b) Common rooms, as classes, workshops, laboratory and sport hall, the space of classes not less than 50m2,

c)  Official, as cabi­net of director, teachers room and medical cabinet,

c) Cloak-room and toilets


The school health services

There should be a programme to keep healthy schoolchildren more healthy. The programme should be a direct continuation of service of pre-school children, as supervision of growth and develop­ment of children, prevention of infections diseases, earned out of the immunisation programme. Resolved the health education programme for school children's, the health education can be given in the school, through healthful school environment, health teaching by the school teachers.

The medical inspection is provided by school doctors and school nurses, investigation of all communicable diseases in the school, inspection of the hygienic conditions of the school.



After examination the school plan, write your conclusion

about the school.


2 - The kinder-garden

a) The building. There are three types of group rooms. Rooms for junior groups for pre-school groups official and medical rooms.

b) The group cell it must be with good natural and artificial lighting In the group cell for junior age there must be reception hall (15m2), dinning room (50m2), bedroom (50m2), latrines (12m2)

c) In the group cell for pre-school age there must be, cloak­room (16m2), play room (50-62, 2m2), bedroom (50m2), and latnnes (12m2).

In the ground floor there are medical cabinet, music-class, and the kitchen.



Picture 8 Kinder-garden (group cell)

Сloakroom ( раздевальная )

toilet (туалегная),

bedroom (спальная) 

 playingroom (групповая)



After examination the kinder-garden plan, write your conclu­sion



Pre-school examination:

Thisis carried out before the child is due toattend school.

The mother is invited to bringthe child to the health centre. A careful medical history is taken from the parents, including full detail of any illness, medical or surgical problems, especially chronic dis­eases, as infective hepatitis, pylonephritis, tuberculosis, rheumatic fe­ver (in active stage), anaemia, chronic tonsillitis, congenital hard dis­ease, and bronchial asthma, and then medical examination is carried

out, to define the health group of the child:

1 - Healthy child, who ill less than 3 times yearly.

2 - Healthy child, who ill more than 3 times everyyear.

3 - Child with chronic disease in compensation stage.

4 - Child with chronic disease in subcompensation stage.

5- Child with chronic disease in dicompensation stage.

After that doctor should estimate the growth and development of child, provide medical examination. Then the child should pass

special testing, to estimate his readiness to the school.


Types of testes (Kerna-Iraseka method) :

1 Ask the child to write

                                         (HE EAT SOUP)



2. Ask the child to draw points:

                       . . . . . . .

                          . . . . .

                             . . .


3. Ask the child to draw a man orwomen.    


After that you have to estimate the results; for every mistake he get one mark. The amount of the marks show the readiness of child to the school.



Write your conclusion abaut the readiness of the child to theschool.

The exercise paper in the class.




Hardening: improvement and promotion of the defense reac­tion and immunity of the body against the influence of external factors as high and low temperature.


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