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2 Acceleration. 3 Sex differential. 4 Genetic factor influencing the growth. 1. Standard deviation. 2. Regression scale. 3. Complex method

2 Acceleration

3 Sex differential

4 Genetic factor influencing the growth


The methods of estimation:

1. Standard deviation

2. Regression scale

3. Complex method

4. Screening test



1 Write your conclusion about the foot shape of boy 12 years old

2 Estimate the growth and development of boy 10 year old andwrit your conclusion


Omar is 10 years old His body weight 26, 4 kg, height is 130 cmand his chest circumference 63 cm


Table 11 Decision

Signs       M   difference   sigma CT   standard deviation  
Height      130cm   131, 8cm   -1, 8   6, 9   -0, 18   
Weight   24. 7 kg   28, 1 kg   -4, 6   5, 8   -0, 9
Chest circumference     63cm   63, 7 cm   -0, 7   3, 2   -0, 2  

Conclusion The growth and development of boy10 years old lowermediam minus one standard deviation.



(Hygiene of schools lessons)


The progress of any child in the school depend on many fac­tors the school he attends, the teachers, the pupils, the environment in the school, the schedule (time-table), the school furniture, his par­ents and home.

The over all objective of school health service is, to safeguard the health of children in the school, and to ensure that every child is healthy as possible, so that they can obtain the full benefit from their education.

First of all there should be an assessment of the work load for various classes.

It is necessary to ensure that the school environment is main­tain The school is experience of group living For children there are stress, and exhausting.

Exhausting is a result of influence of any external factor (class

work) for a long time.

Signs: a) Weight loss, b) Irritability, c) Loss of appetite

Class: air temperature - 18-20°, air velocity - 0, 1-0, 3 m/s, ori­entations - south-east, sk -1: 4 - 1: 6

The time of lessons:

for junior classes - 30 min

lor senior classes - 40 min

The time table depends upon the physiological activity of the childrens at the day and the complicity of the subjects.

The evaluation of physical activity of schoolboys and estima­tion of the function of central nervous system: there should be a test­ing programme which is periodically provided to children from differ­ent classes to check-up there physical and emotional activity.

The child must solve 10 mathematical exercises. After every lesson, and with the results of these tests we can evaluate the physi­cal and with the results of these tests we can evaluate the physical and emotional condition of the child.


Table 12 The subjects complicity

Subjects   Unit  
Mathematics National language Computer    
Foreign language    
Physics Chemistry Biology   9  


Picture 7. Correct position of the child

The class furniture

Seat and desks are important for the health of schoolboys. The arrangement of the size of the furniture depends upon their height. They must feel comfortable and sit in the correct position.

The desks should be with a slope for writing and reading. There should be space below the desk for the knees.

The construction of the class furniture is very important and it should support the spine m the correct position, and prevent the child from physical defects.

There are three types of relationship between the seats and desks:

 a) Zero position

     b) Plus position,

     c) Minus position

The suitable is the minus-position


Table 13. The size of the furniture

        Size                                                 Height of child

           A                                                  up to 130 cm

             B                                                        131-145 cm

             C                                                       146-160 cm

             D                                                       161-175 cm


The black-board should be green or brown. The distance be­tween the black-board and the desks should not be less than 2m The

height of the black-board from the floor should be 85-95 cm, and must be visible with proper light.


1 Writ your conclusion about the time-table for 6th class for one week


Write the correct time-table of 6th class on Monday:


Drawing Geography Russian language Mathematics

You have to alter the time-table depending upon the physio-fecal activity of the children's and complicity of the subjects.

The correct time-table  Geography Russian language Mathematics History Drawing

2. Write your conclusion about the physical and emotional ac­tivity of 10 schoolboys, after the first and the 5th lessons. The evalua­tion was done with mathematical testing.

The formula to be used

   V1 ´ 100                              

K = ————                                                 


V2 ´ 100 

K1 = ————


T ´ n ´ 60 

T1 = ————



n - numbers of schoolboys

V - number of mathematical tests for all schoolboys

T - time

V1 - number of exercises solved

V2 - number of exercises solved with correct results

К - % of exercises solved


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