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Classification. Role of medical personals. Exercise. Occupational hygiene. The factors in industries. Types of pneumoconiosis


1. Natural hazards as floods, tornado and volcano

2. Artificial hazards as explosions and Fire

3. Social hazards as starvation, unemployment and wars.

  The main problems

1. Dead bodies as a source of infections

2. Problem of mass vaccinations

3. Social and psychological problems  

4. Food problems and starvation       

5. Quality and quantity of water    

6. Water and food infections

7. Difficulty with the drugs (drug shortages)

8. Dwelling problems

9. Environmental pollution

10. Problem with transport

11. Communicable diseases

12. Wastes and refuse disposal


Stages to resolve:

• acute stage (isolation) first 2 days (primary healthcare)

• salvation stage next 7 days (all types of medical services)

• recovery stage it takes about 2-3 months.

Role of medical personals

1. Primary health care    

2. Health education

3. Prophylactics of infectious diseases

4. Prophylactics of food poisoning  

5. Purification of drinking water

6. Take part in resolving the housing problems

7. To resolve the problems of environmental pollution

8. Food inspections

9. Cleanliness of surrounding

10. Sanitary-epidemiological services

11. Mass vaccination if there is any need.




In rural areas where the population was about 20000 persons. They used the water from the river. There was a flood in summer time.


• Type of problems as result of flooding?

• The function of medical personals?  

• The methods of water purifications?

The ways to resolve the problem of wastes and refuse disposal?

The causes of environmental pollution?




This is an important branch of preventive medicine, ft deals with, protection of the health of the worker.

The environment at the place of work should be healthy and free from any harmful agents as far as possible.


The factors in industries

1 Physical factors.

a) Dust

b) Temperature and humidity

c) Vibration and noise

d) Radiation

e) Mechanical factors

2. Chemical factors as: dust, gases, fumes.

3. Biological factors as:  bacteria, and virus.

A man is exposed to these factors at least 6-8 hours daily at his place of work, and these factors may caused a professional dis­eases.


a ) Dust

Types of dusts particles:

a) Non organic as: stone iron and gold

b) Organic as: wool, dried sputum, cotton, and pollen


Classification of dust diseases:

I. Pneumoconiosis; Is a group of lung diseases which are caused by inhalation of insoluble dusts particles in size 0, 5-3 microns. The particles lodged in bronchioles and alveoli, and caused their damage and development of fibrosis.

The incubation period varies from few months to many years.

Clinical picture; The severity of disease depends on the nature and size of particles, and their concentration in air.

The disease is characterised by chronic cough, dyspnoea, chest pain and fatigue. Tuberculosis is a common complication.

Types of pneumoconiosis

a) Silicosis — due to inhalation of silicon dioxid (ceramic in­dustry and metal grinding) (cough, dyspnea, and pulmonary restric­tion)

b) Anthracosis — due to coaldusts

с) Siderosis — due to irondusts    

d) Asbestosis — due to asbestos dusts ( cough, pulmontry function abnormalities, pleural effusion and lung cancer).

e)Byssinosis — due to cotton dusts


II. Skin diseases; as dermatitis and eczema  

III Conjunctivitis and eyes diseases

IV. Respiratory diseases, as chronic bronchitis and tuberculo­sis

V. Allergic reactions


Preventive measures

1. Periodical medical examinations of the workers

2. Modification of the manufacturing process

3. Inspection of the factories

4. Removal of dust by proper ventilation

5. Measurement of dusts concentration in air, must be done periodically

6. Personal protection methods

7. Good level of lighting and microclimate

8. Pre-selection Workers with lungs, skins, and allergic dis­eases should be kept away from these types of jobs.

b ) Vibration

Workers exposure to vibration in hammering, cutting drilling, tailoring transport and conveyer line.

Vibrations may cause general symptoms such as fatigue and disorders of nervous system ( headache, drowsiness), disorder of movement, myocardiodestrophy, and changing in ECG.

Local symptoms such as inflammation of the joints. The vi­bration my effect the tendons, ligaments, blood vassels, sever pain of the hands specially after washing with cold water.


c) Noise

Industries as textiles, automobiles industry and railway work

shops are source of noise. The noise in that places varying 63-8000 Hz (20-140 decibels).

Noise effect the hearing, cardiovascular, respiratory and nerv­ous system.

Clinical picture:

Acoustic damage and impairment of hearing, headache, fatigue, and high blood pressure.


Preventive measures against vibration and noise:

1. Periodical medical examination of the workers

2. Rest and proper exercises 

3. Reduction of noise and vibration  

4. Personal protective instruments as earmuuff and special glove

5. Health education

6. Measurement the level of vibration and noise must be done periodically.

7. Inspection of work places




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