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 Using ra­dio protective mate­rial

 Using ra­dio protective mate­rial


1. Protection against Alpha radia­tion, by using papers

2. Protection against Beta radia­tion, by using glass or aluminium 0, 5 cm thickness

6. Protection against Gamma radiation by using lead and con­crete.


I I. Open source of ionising radiation:

The open sources are those which can cause of radiopollution of the surroundings, e. g. laboratory and mines.

The protective methods:

1. All the methods which used with closed sources

2. Proper planing of the building (the building must be con­tent three zones)

3. Personal protective instruments

4. Periodic radiometric analysis the level of radiopollution of the air, water, and solid material.

Means of decontaminations

1. Mechanical: Vacuum pump and brush

2. Absorb: Active coal

3. Solvent: Kerosene and benzine

4. Cleanse: Soap 40%        

5. To form complex: Acid

6. Ionic exchange method

7. Oxidant and alkali



1. To find out the time, distance, and activity of the source by the formula

                                      m • t

                    120 = —————



2. To find out the dose by the formula



                               8, 4 • m • t

                     D = —————


3. To find out the thickness of screen to reduce the intensity of ionising radiation by using special sanitary table, and the formula:



                     K = —————

                                                           P 1


К - How many times, weakening the activity

     P – Permissible dose ( PDD )

     P 1 - the dose in fact




1. Introduction to hygiene and ecology                                                                     2. Aim of teaching Hygiene and ecology 


3. Uses of water                                                                                                       4. Drinking water. Classification of water.                                                                         5. Quality of water                                                                                                     6. Diseases associated with water                                                                            7. Bacteriological examination                                                                                 8. Chemical examination                                                                                         9. Physical examination                                                                                           10. Self purification of streams                                                                                11. Hardness of water                                                                                              12. Type of wells, protection of wells                                                                     13. The hygienic value of water sources. The way to choose water source for population.

14. The protection zones of water supplies.   

15. Purification's methods of drinking water.

16. The hygienic value of disinfecting methods of drinking water.

17. Chlorination of drinking water.

18. Local water supply in rural area, wells, recommended standards of water rural in area.

19. The source of water supply in rural area, and methods of purification


20. Epidemiological value of soil, sanitarian signs of soil.
2 1. The role of soil in endemic diseases.

22. Solid waste in the cities, treatment of refuse disposals.

23. Pollution of water source, hygienic and epidemiological  prob­lems.           

24. Planing of the cities, the choice of planing area, the important of the green zone in the cities.

25. The chemical and bacteriological content of the air. Natural and artificial ventilation.       

26. Main cause of bacteriological pollution in the air, air born infections, the methods of air disinfecting

 27. Natural lighting in the room, factors which influence the lighting in the rooms.

28. The hygienic need for artificial lighting in the room.


29. Nutrition in relations with the age and the profession.

30. The value of proteins in nutrition, the recommended daily in­take in relation with the age and profession, the sources of pro­teins.

31. The value of fats in nutrition, the recommended daily intake in relation with the age and profession.

32. The value of carbohydrate in nutrition, the recommended daily intake, the source of carbohydrate.

33. The importance of vitamin A in nutrition, the recommended daily intake, the source of vitamin A and carotene.

34. The importance of vitamin D in nutrition, the recommended daily intake, the source of vitamin D.

35. The importance of vitamins C and P in nutrition, the recom­mended daily intake, the source of vitamins C and P.

36. The importance of vitamins bi and B2 in nutrition, the recom­mended daily intake, the source of vitamins bi and 62.

37. The importance of vitamin PP in nutrition, the recommended daily intake, the source of vitamin PP.

38. The role of Ca and P in nutrition, recommended daily intake, the source of Ca and P.

39. The importance of the flour and the bread in nutrition, prophylac­tic of grain born diseases.

40. The value of meat and meat production nutrition, prophylactic of meat born diseases.

41. The importance of the milk and diary products in nutrition, prophylactic of milk-born diseases.

42. The importance of the fish and fish products in nutrition, pro­phylactic offish-born diseases.

43. Food poisoning, classification, bacterial food poisoning.

44. Bacterial food poisoning (toxic infection), and preventive methods.

45. Bacterial food poisoning (staphylococcus), and preventive measures.

46. Food poisoning of clostridium botullinum, and preventive measures.

47. Mikotoxicoses and preventive measures.

48. Food poisoning non bacterial ethiology, preventive measures.

49. The sanitary inspection of food poisoning.

50. Food premises in the hospital and the medical supervision.


51. The meaning of radioactivity, types of units for measuring.

52. The natural sources of radiation, the causes of increasing of radia­tion.

53. The types of radiation, physical characteristic, and measures of harmful level.

54. Closed sources ionising radiation, and protection methods.

55. Opened sources of ionising radiation, and protection methods.

56. The meaning of FDD, PD ionising radiation.

57. The methods of radioactive material dicantemenation.


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