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11. Write your conclusion about the quality of wells water, the  sample was taken in June, the soil around the well is polluted,  and the well with out roof.

11. Write your conclusion about the quality of wells water, the  sample was taken in June, the soil around the well is polluted,  and the well with out roof.

  The results of analysis

test-nil, odour-nil, transparency - 25 cm, ammonia - 0, 3 mg/1, nitrate -50 mg/1, hardness - 6, 1 mg/1, iron - 0, 2 mg/1, fluoride - 0, 8 mg/1, chloride - 28, 6 mg/1, coli-titer - 0, 1 ml.          


  The result of chemical and bacteriological analysis show a faecal pollution of the water. The concentrations of fluoride, iron and chloride are normal. Recommendation

The well must be closed for repairing and to clean the area around the well. Before consuming we have to get the analysis of the water.         


12. Small village its population 258, they are using artesian water well, the quantity of water equal 700 I/hour.

The result of analysis shows: colour - nil, odour - nil, transpar­ency - more than 30 cm, hardness - 8, 8 mg/1, chloride - 135 mg/1, ammonia - 0, 1 mg/1, nitrate - 6, 2 mg/1, nitrite - 0, 001 mg/1, iron - 0, 6 mg/1, sulphate - 285 mg/1, fluoride - 0, 8 mg/1, coli-index - 4.    

 Your conclusion and recommendation about sanitary situation of that well.


In relation to the state sanitary standards of 1996. The quantity of water per person in rural area about 50 I/day. Daily quantity of water from that well is 700 l • 24 h = 16400 l or 63, 5 I/person, that is means, the water enough for the village. The analysis shows high con­centration of iron, that means the water cant be used for washing the clothes.


13. Your conclusion and recommendation about pipeline water.

The results of analysis shows: test - nil, odour - nil, transparency -30 cm, hardness - 6, 5 mg/1, ammonia - 0, 1 mg/1, nitrite -0, 005 mg/1, nitrate - 25 mg/1, sulphate - 185 mg/1, chloride - 28 mg/1, fluoride - 2 mg/1, coli-index - 2.

  Solution:  In relation to the state sanitary standards for 1996, the results of analysis shows:

1. The physical and chemical signs are normal.      

2. High concentration of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate because offaecal pollution of water. It is dangerous for health specially for children because of Metahemoglubinemia.

3. High concentration of fluoride may cause flurosis.    

4. The water need for dismfection


14. Find out the amount of 25% bleaching powder for chloranation 3m3 of water in rural area.                 

Solutlon: 1. In rural if the water with out analysis you must use hyperchloranation method.

2. The dosage of active chlorine is 20-25 mg/1. that mean for 3000 l of water (one m3 = 1000 l) 3000 • 25 mg = 75000 mg or 75 g of active chlorine.

4. The amount of bleaching powder 100-25

 X -75

X = 300 mg of bleaching powder.


15. Estimate the growth and development of 10 year old girl, living in Moscow. Somatometrical signs: height - 133 cm, weight -26, 5 kg, chest circumference - 62 cm.


For assessment we need special standard for growth and develop­ment of Moscow children's table of regression scale.










Standard deviation




133 cm


133, 7 cm


-4, 3


-0, 6





26, 5 kg


32, 4 kg


-5, 9


-0, 9








65, 9 cm


-3, 7


-0, 7




The signs of growth and development for girl 10 years old lower median minus one standard deviation.


16. Your conclusion about the group of kinder-garden planing.


1. There must be good isolating groups in kinder-garden, agents spreading of infection

2. In every group there must be: a) Reception room, b) Din­ing room, c) Bedroom, d) Playing room, and toilet.



17. Your conclusion about the general plan of the hospital.


You have to answer the following questions:

1. The system of hospital planing

2. How many zones in the area of the hospital

3. Is there enough entrance


The plan of the hospital is a compound system. All depart­ments in the main building.

The building of the infections diseases near the main building. There is enough area for green zone.

In the area there are:

a) Zone of main building( departments)

c) Zone of infection diseases department

c) Zone of morgue

d) Green zone

e) Thrifty zone

There are 3 entrance, one to the main building; another to the morgue and department of infectious diseases.

The sanitary recommendations says that for morgue must be individual entrance.


18. Your recommendation about the balanced daily diet for 37 years old worker in the factory:

Calorie   3200 unit   calcium   500 mg  
Proteins   90g   Phosphorus   1800 mg  
Animal proteins   30g   Vit. A   l, 5mg  
Fats   80g   Vit. bi   2mg  
Vegetables fats   20 g   Vit. B 2   1, 6 mg  
Carbohydrate   600g   Vit. C   70 mg  


You have to use the table of physiological standards of nutri­tion for populations. This man belong to the 4th professional group. The amount of calorie must be 3600 Kcl, the amount of protein must be 102 g, animal proteins must be 56g, (50%), the amount of fats must be 25 % of fats.

The amount of carbohydrate more than normal daily intake (528g), the relation between Prot, fat, carb. is 1: 0, 9: 7, 5. In normal must be 1: 1, 2: 5. Calcium not enough (N- 800 mg), Phosphorus high

than normal (N-1200 mg). The relation between Ca and P is 1: 3, 5, in normal 1: 1, 5. The daily intake of vitamins A, B1, B2 is enough, but vitamin C not enough (N - 150 mg).



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