1.4. Мое хобби (My Hobby). Useful Phrases. Грамматика (Grammar). 1.5. Глаголы to be/to have (Verbs to be/to have). Глагол to be
1. 4. Мое хобби (My Hobby) Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст (Read and translate the text): Different people like doing different things. Different people have different hobbies. As for me, I am fond of reading. I have got many different books: fiction and historical novels. I have got many books about animals and birds. I have also books which can tell you about different countries and lands. I think many people can say that their hobby is reading. And I am sure it’s easy to explain why. We learn when we read books. My best friend, Tom, likes sport. He plays football from his childhood. Also he collects posters. His collection is thematic. The theme is his favourite football team. He keeps his posters on the wall. When you come into his room you can see them all there. My father collected coins when he was a boy. When he was in different countries he always brought home coins. Some people collect pictures, cups, toys, books and many other things. But collecting things is not the only hobby people have. Some people are fond of travelling or gardening. Many people are fond of sport or art and music. Задание 2. Ответьте н вопросы (Answer the questions): 1) What do you care for (увлекаешься)? Why do you like to do it? 2) Do you like to go to the cinema? What films do you prefer? 3) Can you draw very well? Did you attend an art school? 4) Can you sing or play some instruments? What kind of music do you listen to? 5) Can you dance very well? Do you like to go to discos in nightclubs? What kinds of dances do you like most of all? 6) Are you good at sports? How often do you work out? Задание 3. Составьте монологическое высказывание о своем хобби (Make up your own story about your hobby): Useful Phrases 1. To begin with… 2. Firstly, Secondary, Finally…. 3. Besides… 4. In any case… 5. As far as I know… 6. As for me… 7. I suppose… 8. From my point of view… 9. In conclusion… 10. To sum up… Грамматика (Grammar) 1. 5. Глаголы to be/to have (Verbs to be/to have) Глагол to be Значения: 1) быть, существовать He is alive and happy. – Он (есть) жив и счастлив. 2) находиться Jake is in Tokyo now. – Джейк сейчас (находится) в Токио. 3) являться She is an outstanding artist. – Она (является, есть) выдающаяся художница. · am – форма первого лица единственного числа. Употребляется лишь в одном случае – с местоимением I. · is – форма третьего лица единственного числа. Используется вместе с местоимениями he, she, it, а также с любыми именами и предметами в единственном числе.
· are – форма множественного числа настоящего времени. Употребляется с местоимениями you, we и they, а также с существительными во множественном числе. В настоящем простом времени эти формы выступают сказуемыми. Примеры: I am here just to help you. – Я здесь для того, чтобы помочь тебе. You are so kind and beautiful. – Ты так добра и красива. He is twenty two. - Ему двадцать два года. I have got a cat. It is red and fluffy. – У меня есть кошка. Она рыжая и пушистая. We are young, we are green. – Мы молоды и неопытны. You are still in the garden. – Вы все еще в саду. Вопросительная и отрицательная формы: В отрицательных предложениях частица “not” занимает место после to be. I am not a lazy bone. You (we, they) are not (aren’t) alone here. It (she, he) is not (isn’t) red, it is orange. В вопросительных предложениях подлежащее и глагол (в одной из 3 форм) меняются местами, на первое место выходит сама форма глагола, а подлежащее ставится за ним. Is he that very Olympic champion? Настоящее время (Present)
Прошедшее время (Past)
Будущее время (Future)
Упражнения (Exercises): Ex. 1. Дополните предложения. Используйте am , is или are (Complete the sentences. Use am , is or are . ) My name (1) ______ Brenda Foster. I (2) ______ on the left in the picture. I (3) ______ ten years old and I (4) ______ in the fifth form. My birthday (5) _____ on the first of January. I (6) ______ from Santa Monica, California, USA. I (7) ______ American. My phone number (8) ______ 235-456-789. I live at 16 Park Street. My post code (9) ______ LA 30 SM. I’ve got a sister and a brother. Their names (10) ______ Gina and Paul. Gina (11) ______ 16 years old and Paul (12) ______ only three. I’ve also got a dog. His name (13) ______ Spot. He (14) ______ on the right in the picture. My Mum (15) ______ a doctor. She works at a hospital. My Dad (16) ______ a driver. He works in Los Angeles. We (17) ______ all friendly in our family.
Ex. 2. Дополните предложения (Write in is / isn’t, are / aren’t, am / ’m not. ) 1. I __________ lazy. 2. My friend ___________ naughty. 3. My granny___________ kind. 4. My granddad ___________clever. 5. My teachers___________ funny. 6. I___________ a bad pupil. Ex. 3. Дополните предложения (Write in was / were) 1. _______ your mum tired yesterday? 2. _______ you hungry yesterday evening? 3. _______ it cold yesterday? 4. _______ your teacher sad yesterday? 5. _______ your pet hungry yesterday? Ex. 4. Дополните предложения формами глагола to be (Fill in to be (Present Simple / Past simple / Future Simple) A. Hello! Му name ________ Alan. I________ thirteen. My friend’s name ________ David. He ________ thirteen, too. We ________ from Belarus. Last summer we ________ at the seaside. The weather ________ sunny. There________ many people on the beach. We had a good time. I hope next summer it ________ sunny and warm, too. There________ a lot of nice days. I ______ never ________ to other countries. Some day in future I ________ lucky to visit London and my holidays ________ great. B. 1. The animals ________ in danger. 2. There ________ only a few mountain gorillas in the world now. 3. It ________ the thirty-first today. 4. The wind ________ strong yesterday. 5. We________ at the end of Cliff Road when Alan fell down. 6. What ________ the weather like yesterday? 7. I hope your leg________ better soon. 8. ________ you________ at home tomorrow? 9. _______ you ever________ to London? 10. I ________ ill for a week.
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