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2.3. Будущая профессия (Future Profession)

2. 3. Будущая профессия (Future Profession)

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст (Read and translate the text):

Before the 1850s nursing in England was classed with the lowest kind of work. Women who worked in public hospitals were regarded as rough, ignorant and dirty. Florence Nightingale was brought up in a wealthy family. In those days girls like her were expected to marry well and produce children.

 Florence’s parents were horrified when she told them that she wanted to become a professional nurse and she went abroad. She spent three months in Germany and a short time in Paris observing their methods. To gather information about hospital administration she devoted a lot of time writing to institutions in various European countries. In 1853 she took over the administration of a women’s hospital in London and reorganized it with great success. The following year England went to war with Russia. Florence Nightingale was asked to help and in the autumn of 1854 she sailed for the Crimea with a party of 38 other nurses. The hospital was a crumbling old building. Many were lying on the bloodstained floors because there were not enough beds. There was a shortage of everything including bandages, medicine, blankets, even soap and the wards were rat-infested-there was filth everywhere. Together with her team she set to work. Her nurses scrubbed the wards, corridors and lavatories. She reorganized the kitchens and set up a laundry. For months she worked up to twenty hours a day, ending each day by visiting the wounded soldiers, carrying a lamp in her hand. Queen Victoria offered her a reward for the work she had done. Instead Florence Nightingale asked people to give money to set up schools to train nurses. The money poured in. In 1860 a nursing school was opened in London and similar training schools were soon set up in other places. The student nurses were carefully chosen. They had to be literate, honest, hardworking and willing to live under strict discipline. Even their personal diaries were regularly inspected to see how they were behaving themselves. Florence Nightingale opened up a whole new field of work for women. By 1900 Britain had 64, 000 skilled nurses, ensuring that their hospitals were efficient and hygienic. Florence Nightingale lived to the age of 90 and died in 1910.

Задание 2. Выберете один верный ответ (Chose the right answer):

1) Florence Nightingale was:

a) an English nurse;

b) a Russian nurse;   

c) a French nurse;

d) a Turkish nurse.

2) Florence was born in:

a) autumn;  

b) winter;

c) spring;

d) summer.

3) Florence was called:

a) the lady with the clock;  

b) the lady with the lamp;   

c) the lady with the flowers;

d) the lady with the chair.

4) She studied the method of:

a) jumping;

b) nursing;

c) teaching children;  

d) swimming.

5) She worked in:

a) hospitals;

b) shops;

c) schools;

d) offices.

6) In 1854 she worked in the hospital in London in … Street.

a) Oxford Street;  

b) Fleet Street;  

c) Westminster;

d) Harley

7) In 1854 Florence went to the Crimean War together with … nurses to help soldiers get better.

a) 10;

b) 100;  

c) 50;  

d) 38

8) In 1860 she opened a school for nurses at St. Thomas’ hospital in:

a) Paris;

b) London;

c) Moscow;

d) St. Petersburg.

9) Florence got the King’s red Crist in:

a) 1883;  

b) 1903;

c) 1803;

d) 2013.

10) She was in Britain … woman to be awarded the Order of Merit in 1907.

a) the first;   

b) the second;   

c) the third;

d) the fourth

11) She died in … at the age of 90.

a) 1920;  

b) 1910;

c) 1935;

d) 1905

2. 4. Медицинское образование в Великобритании (Medical Education in Great Britain)

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст (Read and translate the text).


In Great Britain physicians are trained in medical schools or faculties of Universities.

To enter a medical school in Great Britain candidates must pass entrance examinations in oral form. Tuition fees are charged. Most students receive financial assistance in the form of grants.

The academic year is divided into 3 terms each of 10-11 weeks duration. Two pre-clinical years are occupied by human anatomy, biology, biochemistry and other subjects. Students attend lectures, do dissection and practical work in labs. Beginning with the third year, students study the methods of clinical examinations and history–taking, they have practical training in teaching hospitals. Besides the work in the wards the students attend lectures and study clinical subjects. After passing the finals students are given the degree of Bachelor of Medicine (B. M. ) or Bachelor of Surgery (B. S. ). Besides these degrees there is the degree of Doctor of Medicine (D. M. ). This degree is a post graduate qualification obtained by a thesis.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты к словам и выражениям (Find in the text equivalents).

Терапевты, факультет, семестр, посещают лекции; учебный год, оплачиваются, длительность, лаборатория, проходят практику, клинические предметы, начиная с 3-его курса, после сдачи государственных экзаменов, диссертация.

Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы (Answer the questions).

1. Where are doctors trained in G. B.?

2. What examinations is it necessary to pass?

3. Is education in G. B. charged?

4. How many terms has the academic year?

5. What subjects do the students study?

6. What degrees are given to students in G. B. after passing the finals?


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