Medical College. 2.2. Рабочий день студента-медика (The Working Day of Medical Student)
Medical College My name is Sveta Popova. I’m 17. I’m a student of the medical college. Our college is one of the oldest educational establishments of the region with its own traditions. Its graduates are considered to be the most highly trained specialists in the region. There are 7 departments in our college. I would like to tell you about them. “Nursing Affair” gives qualification of a nurse of general practice. A medical nurse is a chief assistant of a doctor. She provides uninterrupted medical health, including preventive and rehabilitation measures. Our graduates work at the polyclinics, hospitals, kindergartens, schools and houses for aged people. If you want to become a doctor assistant, you should study at the “Curative Affair” department. A doctor assistant of general practice is a highly-trained specialist who works independently in the policlinics, emergency ambulances and hospitals. His main task includes prescription and performance of preventive, curative and diagnostic measures. The graduates of this department are waited for at the stations of emergency medical help, in the country-side hospitals and in the military hospitals. “Obstetrician Affair” is another interesting department, it offers qualification of an obstetrician. An obstetrician provides preventive and curative medical help to the pregnant women and patients with gynaecological diseases. Boys and girls whose future profession is dentist study at the “Stomatology”. A dentist is a highly trained specialist who works independently or under the guidance of a senior doctor who provides preventive and curative medical help for the population. “Medical-prophylactic affair” gives qualification of a sanitary doctor assistant, who prevents appearance and spreading of infections and other kinds of the diseases. He controls the influence of the conditions of work and life on a person s health and takes some measures to prevent this harmful influence of the surroundings. They work in the centers of state sanitary inspectors and laboratories of different branches. A dental mechanic-while studying at the “Orthopedic stomatology” departments a future specialist learns to make artificial teeth and crowns, plastics and porcelain teeth. On graduating from the college they usually work in the denial mechanic laboratories. As for me 1 am a student of the “Pharmacy” department. My future profession is pharmaceutist. I’ll be provided the population with different medicines. My work will demand the knowledge of preventive rules, the rules of herb’s preparation and so on. The graduates of our department will be able to work in the chemist’s, pharmacological enterprises, laboratory. I like to study at our college very much. Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы (Answer the questions): 1. Where does Sveta Popova study? 2. How many departments are there in the college? 3. What kind of qualification does the “Nursing affair” department give? 4. Who can work at the station of emergency medical help? 5. What does an obstertrician provide to the pregnant women and patients with gynaecological diseases? 6. Where do the sanitary doc tor assistants work? 7. What is Sveta’s future profession?
Задание 3. Заполните таблицу (Fill in):
Задание 4. Расскажи о своем колледже (Tell about your college):
2. 2. Рабочий день студента-медика (The Working Day of Medical Student) Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст (Read and translate the text): I am very busy on my week-days. My week-days do not differ much one from another. On week-days my working day begins early in the morning. My school starts at 8 o’clock, so I have to get up at 7, to be ready in time. I never wake up myself, my mother always wakes me up. Sometimes I do my morning exercises, then I rush to the bathroom. I clean my teeth, wash my face. The cold water makes me feel not so sleepy. Then I go back to my room, make the bed. I switch on my radio, usually I listen to radio. I put on my clothes, comb my hair, put a little make-up. By that time my breakfast is ready (my mother cooks it for me). At a quarter to eight I grab my bag and rush to my school. My school starts at 8 o’clock and I don’t like to be late. Usually I have six or seven lessons a day, it lasts till 3 o’clock. After each lesson there is a break, so I can talk to my friends or eat my sandwich. When school is over I go home. First of all, I need to walk my dog. Then I have my dinner and a little rest. The teachers give us a lot of homework, so I start doing it about 16. 30 or 17. 00. As a rule, it takes me two or three hours to do my home assignments. My parents get home about six o’clock. We watch soap opera on TV, have supper together. We share all the news, I tell about the lessons and school. After it, I help my mother to do some work about the house — wash dishes, sweep the floor, clean the room. Twice a week in evenings I go play tennis. When I do not go to play tennis, I stay home and watch TV, listen to the music, read magazines. Sometimes my friends call me and we go for a walk. At eleven o’clock tired after a long working day I go to bed and fall asleep. Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы (Answer the questions): 1. What time do you get up on your week-days? 2. Do you usually do your morning exercises? 3. Who cooks your breakfast? 4. What time do you leave your house to go to school? 5. How many lessons do you have a day? 6. Do you usually do your homework? 7. What do you do in the evening? 8. What time do you go to bed?
Задание 3. Прочитайте текст «Мой рабочий день» (Read the text “My week day”): Many of you are either applying or thinking of applying to medical school — but what is it really like? I am a student. My dream has come true. A new life began. I guess it is not easy to study at the Medical College. Every day I have much work to do. My week-days don’t differ much one from another. My working day begins early. English people say: «Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise». I am not an early riser, but I have to get up at 7 a. m. At a quarter past 8 a. m. I leave the hostel for the college. I go to there on foot as it is not far from the hostel where I live. Many of our students live at home. They go to the college by bus or trolley bus. Our classes usually begin at 8. 30 a. m. Every medical school has a different curriculum. A student goes to college for 4–8 hours of a traditional lecture-based format, and then comes home and studies. Medical school is difficult due to the large amount of material presented and tested in each course. The students have practical classes, lectures and seminars in numerous theoretical and special subjects. For most students, the hardest course, right at the beginning, appears to be Biochemistry taught in the first semester of the first year. Physiology, Pathology and Pharmacology are also very intense course. Like most of our students I attend all the lectures as they are delivered by qualified teachers, and are very interesting and important. We work much in class, at our laboratories and library to get deep knowledge. As the students want to become not ordinary but good specialists they must study not only their text-books but read special medical literature in Russian and foreign languages. So English, German and French are taught at our college. To know some foreign language is necessary for every person because its knowledge also helps to learn more about culture, science, life and other events abroad. The students carry out research work and then make reports at the conferences. My classes are over either at 2. 40 or 4. 10 p. m. Right after classes I go straight to the hostel. Sometimes I go to the library to take some books or articles necessary for my studies. Задание 4. Дополните предложения (Complete the sentences): 1. At a quarter past 8 a. m. ... 2. They carry out research work … 3. Right after classes … 4. English people say … 5. As a rule we … 6. I am not an early riser but … 7. We work much in … 8. In the evening I … Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы и расскажите одногруппникам о своем рабочем дне (Answer the questions and tell your groupmates about your working day): 1) What are you? 2) When does your working day begin? 3) Are you an early riser or a heavy sleeper? 4) When do you leave home for the college? 5) How do you get to the college? 6) Are you late for classes? 7) When do your classes usually begin? 8) Do you miss lectures? 9) What subjects are you studying in the 1st year? 10) When are your classes over? 11) Where do you go right after classes?
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