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The Emphatic Construction. Эмфатическая конструкция. 42. Translate the sentences into Russian. 43. Change the following sentences into the emphatic ones in writing.

The Emphatic Construction

Эмфатическая конструкция

42. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. It is from the Greek word electron that the word electricity is formed.

2. It is the force of gravitation that makes the satellites move round the Earth.

3. It was the need for large-scale ballistic computations which gave rise to the development of electronic computers.

4. It was in 1882 that P. Chebyshev invented the arithmometer performing multiplication and division.


43. Change the following sentences into the emphatic ones in writing.

Model: B. Pascal invented the mechanical computer. It was B. Pascal that invented the mechanical computer.

1. N. Wiener is considered to be the father of cybernetics.

2. The special terms in any subject serve the keys to understanding it.

3. Oil, natural gas and nuclear power each have important roles to play in the energy industry.

4. The most precise clocks are being produced due to the invention of radio frequency quantum generators.

Punctuation Marks

Знаки препинания

Правила постановки запятых в английском языке отличаются от этих правил в русском языке.

Запятая ставится:

1) для выделения вводных элементов предложения:

Big power stations, up to 4, 800, 000 kW, were being constructed.

2) для отделения самостоятельного причастного оборота:

Measuring devices being widely used, their characteristics are constantly improved.

3) для выделения придаточных предложений, если они сообщают дополнительные сведения или служат пояснением к главной мысли:

The insulation, that may be of air or of a solid dielectric, separates the conductor from the axis.

4) после обстоятельственного причастного оборота в начале предложения:

When tested, the motor broke down.

5) запятая ставится перед словом which, если оно относится не к одному слову, а к предыдущей части предложения:

New plastic materials had been produced, which led to producing new types of isolators.

6) однородные члены предложения отделяются друг от друга запятой. Перед завершающим перечисление союзом and часто также ставится запятая:

Frequency is known to be the number of cycles, oscillations, and vibrations of a wave motion or oscillations in unit time, usually one second

Common faults in a transformer are an open in the winding, a short between the primary and the secondary, and a short between turns.

Запятая не ставится:

1) перед придаточными предложениями:

Devices are classed according to the use they are designed for.

Fijitsu transmission systems (Japan) can carry information very effectively. It is done by transmission systems which get it across the city and into the home.

 2) перед союзами but, because, provided, as, since …:

The discharge of heated water into natural water systems has not developed any big problems as yet but continued growth in electrical power production may result in damaging environmental processes.


44. Insert commas where necessary:

1. Wattmeter is an instrument for the direct measurement of the power in watts of a circuit.

2. If two conductors are placed in contact or joined by a conductor of much lower resistance than the rest of the circuit most of the current will flow direct between these conductors which are then said to be short-circuited or «shorted».



3. Alternating current is a flow of electricity which after reaching a maximum in one direction decreases, finally reversing and reaching a maximum in the opposite direction.

4. A few pounds of uranium can supply a medium-sized town with power it needs for a year.

5. Since the energy sources of the world are decreasing it is necessary to turn to atomic energy.

6. The engine cannot be restarted until its oil level is brought up to the correct level.

7. Pierre Curie examined properties of crystals which led him to the discovery of piezoelectric properties.

8. The capacity of the generating units has been increased which made it possible to build super-high-capacity power stations.

9. Each transformer has a nameplate attached to the tank. It bears the transformer’s ratings its type its capacity number of phases group of winding frequency method of cooling indoor or outdoor mass the name of the plant and some other data.

10. The instrument should be packed in a box which will prevent dust and dirt from getting inside its mechanism.

11. The article the speaker referred to is known to be published in the magazine «Modem Means of Communication».

12. The amount of heat depends on the current and the time it flows.

13. New plastic materials were invented which led to producing new types of isolators.

14. The device was connected to the cable under test which made it possible to detect the fault.



3. Materials for Reading and Discussing

Материалы для чтения и обсуждения

Work with a Dictionary

Работа со словарем

English Alphabet


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