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18. State the tense forms of the following verbs.

18. State the tense forms of the following verbs.

Model: link - Present Indefinite (active voice) does not link - Present Indefinite (negative form)

is circulating, have not moved, transmits, emitted, did not emit, has burnt, will not operate, act


19. Put down the tense forms of the verbs.

Model:        to lower - Pres. Perf. have (has) lowered

to heat - Past Indef. - __________________________
to discharge - Pres. Contin. - __________________________
to remove - Pres. Perf. - __________________________
to bum - Pres. Perf. Contin. - __________________________
to waste - Future Ind. - __________________________
to demand - Past Perf. - __________________________
to move - Future Perf. - __________________________


20. Translate these negative sentences into Russian. What is the difference between the English constructions and the Russian ones?

1. No charges can move in an open circuit.

2. Nothing less than a map of the Universe is planned by the research.

3. No special equipment is necessary to carry out the experiment.

4. A current which does not change its polarity is called a direct current.

3. A dry battery is a type of a small battery containing no free liquid.

6. The efficiency of a machine can never be greater than unity; it is often given as a percentage.

7. A fast reactor is a reactor in which little or no moderator is used and in which, therefore, the nuclear fissions are caused by fast neutrons.

8. Electrically safe locations are those where conditions causing extremely high danger of electric shock do not exist.

9. No electric device has only advantages. All of them have also disadvantages.


21. Put down the negative form of the following verbs.

Model:        moved - did not move

required - _____________________________________
was operating - _____________________________________
links - _____________________________________
has demanded - _____________________________________
will have been replaced - _____________________________________
release - _____________________________________
is transmitting - _____________________________________
fissioned - _____________________________________


Passive Voice

Страдательный (пассивный) залог








suppl ied


suppl ied


be suppl ied

are were will



being suppl ied


being suppl ied


are were




suppl ied

had been suppl ied


have been supplied

has will


22. State the voice and the tense form of the following verbs.

Model:        was removed - Past Indefinite Passive

is discharged - _____________________________________
was being discharged - _____________________________________
has discharged - _____________________________________
had not been attached - _____________________________________
is circulating - _____________________________________
will not be heated - _____________________________________
extends - _____________________________________
does not maintain - _____________________________________
is not maintained - _____________________________________
will be linked - _____________________________________
will release - _____________________________________
will have been removed - _____________________________________


23. Change the sentences into questions:

1. There are various types of nuclear reactors.

2. The use of underground transmission lines must be increased.

3. The fuel can be enriched uranium.

4. The fission heat is used to generate steam, which drives a turbine generator.


24. Think of three questions of your own about each of the given sentences. Put them down.

1. Electric charges are acted upon by forces when they move in the magnetic field.
2. Copper has been used as a conductor since the beginning of the industry.
3. Nuclear reactors decrease air and land pollution but they increase thermal and radiation pollution.


25. Use the required tense form. What are the meanings of the word time in the sentences?

1. The experiment (repeat) many times.

2. The power which (radiate) as light is almost three times as great as that radiated as heat.

3. It (know) that iron molecules are magnets at all times.

4. Under ordinary room lightning the resistance of transistors (decrease) millions of times.

3. Ruby crystals about ten centimetres long can (intensify) light ten times.

6. The density of a semiconductor laser radiation (be) hundreds of times as great as that of the ruby laser.

7. The power which (transmit) along a wire is the product of the voltage times the amperage.



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