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Практические задания. Physiological Identity. Psychological Identity. Try it – You’ll Like it

Практические задания


Physiological Identity

1 Here are some ideas for describing a person’s appearance and some expressions you might use if someone asked you these questions:


– What’s special or remarkable about him or her?

– How would someone else recognize?


First impression and personality:

He or she looks a bit like / reminds me of… (name of a well-known person)

He or she strikes me as / comes across as…

ambitious glamorous easy to get along with insensitive self-conscious  


He / she is …

thirty-something in her mid-twenties middle-aged in his teens over sixty in her early / late thirties / forties 

Face, hair eyes and complexion:

He / she has…

an open face curly / wavy / straight hair a pale / dark complexion

bushy eyebrows a good tan wrinkles a double chin laughter lines 

Height and build or figure:

He / she is quite / very / fairly / rather…

athletic / well-built slim / skinny plump / chubby


He / she usually wears…

casual / smart / conventional clothes a formal suit a sweater a jumper a pullover  a cardigan  a sports jacket

He / she takes …

pride in his / her appearance a lot of trouble with her appearance

Family background and past achievements:

He / she …

is an only child the eldest child single a single parent

has a pilot’s license once spent a year in the States  has two kids

Job and interests:

He / she is…

a lawyer / solicitor /attorney works in the city used to be an engineer

enjoys sailing spends a lot of time reading / surfing the Internet is quite sporty a workaholic


2 Describe the appearance of an American, Russian, Belarusian, English, African American, Spanish, German, Italian, using the words and expressions given above.


3 Describe the people in the photo. Judging by the appearance define what culture they are representatives of. Try to guess (рисунок 3. 6)


What is the most important in the life of this person?

How does (s)he spend his / her free time?

What is her / his favourite book / movie?

What is his / her attitude to his /her friends?

What will (s)he do if (s)he wins 1 million dollars?

What’s special or remarkable about him /her?

How would someone else recognize him /her?



Рисунок 3. 6


Psychological Identity


4 Read the following text and answer the question:


What is the main difference between Americans and English?

Try it – You’ll Like it

The great American novelist and humourist Mark Twain describes the typical Englishman or woman as a “person who does things because they have been done before”. Americans love to try something new out of curiosity and a belief that newer may be better.

As a nation of immigrants, the U. S. has had a continual influx of people with a pioneering spirit. In the nineteenth century, this spirit led American settlers to make the long, difficult, and dangerous journey westward in search of gold or free land. The desire to make a fresh start in a new place is still noticeable throughout the nation. About 42 million Americans change residences every year. Some people move because they change jobs or go off to college. Others move to find adventure or a more pleasant climate.

The pioneering spirit of Americans can be seen in the working world too. Employees change jobs and even careers as opportunities change. Americans love science and technology because these fields involve new discoveries.

   (Mamontova N. Y. Insights into Cross-Cultural Communication)


5 Describing People – Character. Check out the definitions of the expressions.


Intellectual ability

Ability: intelligent  bright  clever  smart  able  gifted  talented  brainy (col)

Lacking ability: stupid foolish half-witted simple silly brainless daft dumb dim (the last four are colloquial)

Clever, in a negative way, using brains to trick or deceive: cunning crafty sly

Attitudes towards life

Looking on either the bright or the black side of things: optimistic pessimistic

Outward-looking or inward-looking (i. e. to the world around one or to one’s own inner world): extroverted introverted

Calm or not calm with regard to attitude to life: relaxed tense

Practical, not dreamy in approach to life: sensible down-to-earth

Feeling things very intensely: sensitive

Attitudes towards other people

Enjoying others’ company: sociable gregarious

Disagreeing with others: quarrelsome argumentative

Taking pleasure in others’ pain: cruel sadistic

Relaxed in attitude to self and others: easy-going even-tempered

Not polite to others: impolite rude ill-mannered discourteous

Telling the truth to others: honest trustworthy reliable sincere direct

Unhappy if others have what one does not have oneself: jealous envious


One person’s meat is another person’s poison

Some characteristics can be either positive or negative depending on your point of view. The words in the right-hand column mean roughly the same as the words in the left-hand column except that they have negative rather than positive connotations.


determined          → obstinate stubborn pig-headed

thrifty / economical  → miserly mean tight-fisted

self-assured         → self-important arrogant full of oneself (colloquial)

assertive              → aggressive bossy (colloquial)

original                → peculiar weird eccentric odd

frank / direct / open  → blunt abrupt brusque curt

broad-minded      → unprincipled permissive

6 Match these words with their opposites.


1) clever                        introverted

2) extroverted               tight-fisted

3) rude                          courteous

4) cruel                         gregarious

5) generous                   kind-hearted

6) unsociable                half-witted


7 Do you think that the speaker likes or dislikes the people s/he is talking about?


1) Di’s very thrifty.                 5) George’s quite bossy.

2) Molly’s usually frank.        6) I find Dave self-important.

3) Liz’s quite broad-minded. 7) Don’t you think Jim’s nosy?

4) Sam can be aggressive.      8) Jill is very original.


8 Magazines often publish questionnaires which are supposed to analyse your character for you. Look at the words below and then match them to the question which aims to decide whether a person is like that.  


Example: If you arrange to meet at 7 p. m., do you arrive at 7 p. m.?


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