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IX. Speak about your own family. Compare it with Olga’s family.

IX. Speak about your own family. Compare it with Olga’s family.


Olga came to her American friend Lucy Brown. They are looking through the Browns family album. Read the dialogue and say if the Browns family large or small.

– Look at our family album.

– With pleasure. Who are these people?

– They are my grandparents. And this man and this woman are my parents.

– I see. Your father is very handsome and mother is slim and beautiful.

– My parents are rather young. My father is 45 and my mother is only 40. She is very kind and energetic (1).

– Is your father fond of sports? He is tall and well-built.

– Yes, he is fond of playing tennis.

– Well. Is this your brother?

– No, he isn’t. He is my nephew (2). And this is my sister.

– She is a pretty girl! How old is she?

– She is 7. Her name is Betty. She is fond of music.

– I see. And who is this girl in the picture?

– You know her well. She is tall and slim (3) now. She has beautiful blond (4) hair and dark (5) eyes.

– Oh! Is this your friend Jane?

– Quite so!

I. Act out the dialogue using substitutional words.

SW 1. calm, cheerful, open-minded

  2. uncle, cousin, brother-in-law

3. attractive, of medium height and slender, not tall and a bit plump

4. fair and curly, red, wavy

5. grey, brown, blue


II. Make up your own dialogue according to the following situation: You are going to get married and want to know about the family of your future spouse. Ask him (her) about your future relatives.


Text II                   

People around me

Read the text and prove that Olga and Kirill are good friends.

People around me are very different in their character and appearance.

My father is a very serious man. He is calm, but rather strict. He is very ambitious and has strong will. My father is tall and well-built with short black hair and green eyes. My mother is very beautiful, to my mind. She is 40, but she looks much younger. She is slim and slender, not very tall, with fair curly hair and blue eyes. My mother is an active and energetic person. She can’t bear just sitting around doing nothing. It makes her impatient and restless. She knows what she wants and is sure to achieve her goal. I’ve got good relations with my mum. She is always interested in what I do and I can always ask her for advice. I love her very much though I love my father not less.

My sister is a very good-looking girl too. She resembles our father in appearance, while I look like our mother. Lena is thin, but slender. She has got lovely dark hair, green eyes with long lashes and a straight nose. My sister has a good sense of humor and never looks sad. She is very romantic and kind. She hasn’t got many friends, but her best friends are very close for her. They have similar ideas and common interests and are always «on the same wavelength».

As for my friends I like to have many of them because they make our life more interesting. But there is always one who is the best friend. My best friend is Kirill. He is an orphan. He used to live with his grandmother in his childhood. He hasn't got any other close relatives except her. He is a future economist. He is very clever, handsome and reliable. He isn’t very tall but he is well built. We live the same city and often see each other. Sometimes we meet at the weekends. We like to listen to pop-music and to watch new films. Sometimes we go to the cafes and shows. But the most important thing is that we are ready to help one another in any situation and that we have a lot of things in common. We have the same tastes in films and plays. On Sunday we sometimes go to the theatre or to a discotheque. We enjoy dancing. We have been friends for many years and I have learnt quite a lot of useful things from him about music, famous people and history. I respect my friend for his intellect, modesty, strong will and sense of humor He is always full of interesting ideas and knows what and how to do. I’m happy to be with him around.


 strict – строгий

 well-built – стройный

 to look much younger – выглядеть намного моложе

 to achieve the goal – достигать цель

 to ask for advice – просить совет

 to resembles somebody in appearance – быть внешне похожим

 childhood – детство

 orphan – сирота

 close relatives – близкие родственники

 to be ready to help one another – готовы помочь друг другу

 to respect – уважать


I. Study the notes after the text, read and translate the sentences they are used in.

II. Try to explain the meaning of the following words and word-combinations: to be ambitious; to be restless; to have a good sense of humor; to be on the same wavelength; the best friend; to have a lot of things in common; to have strong will.


III. Answer the following questions:

1. What does Olga’s father look like?

2. How old is Olga’s mother?

3. Why does the girl think her mother looks much younger than 40?

4. What relations has Olga got with her mother?

5. Is Olga’s sister a good-looking girl?

6. What kind of girl is she?

7. Who is Olga’s best friend?

8. Has he got a large family?

9. What kind of person is Kirill?

10. What does Olga respect her friend for?


IV. Imagine your sister is coming to visit you. You can’t meet her at the station. Your friend is not so busy and is ready to help you. Tell him (her) how you sister looks like.


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