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Текста B. 1. The flesh of poultry and game ranks next to the flesh of mammalian in terms of volume of consumption. 2. The flavour of different birds depends upon the quantity of fat in the flesh. 3. Chickens are usually divided into domestic and wild. 4. Turkeys are the most popular poultry in Britain. 5. Poultry are allowed to “hang” for some days to improve their flavour. 6. Game may be divided into furred and feathered one. 7. Both poultry and game are consumed in a state of decomposition.
Прочитайте три отрывка. Озаглавьте каждый отрывок и скажите, какие из них дополняют информацию текстов А и В. 1. Some people avoid eating the flesh of animals (meat, poultry, or fish). They are known as vegetarians. People are vegetarian for a number of reasons. Some think that it is wrong to keep and kill animals for use as food. Others choose to be vegetarians because they believe that a vegetarian diet is healthier than a diet that includes meat. Indeed, a vegetarian diet fits in very well with modern medical advice to cut down on fats, salt, and sugar, and to eat more fiber and fresh vegetables. It is also cheaper than meat. Some people are vegetarians because of their religious beliefs. Some people have chosen to be vegetarian for ecological reasons. They argue that the growing of vegetables takes up much less valuable space than the raising of livestock; moreover, it is easier to provide food for all the people on Earth by growing vegetables for food rather than raising vegetable-eating animals. 2. Amongst the order of Mollusca used for human food one can find the oyster, scallop, mussel, clam, cockle, whelk and periwinkle. The internal organs of molluscs consist of a heart, liver, gut, genitals, breathing apparatus. Oysters, the aristocrats of the shellfish, are imported from abroad, therefore, they can be obtained practically the whole year through. About five years must elapse before the oysters becomes mature and ready for the market. There are many oysters fisheries around the world. Oysters may be kept alive for lengthly periods in tanks containing ozonized sea-water, which is constantly changed. The tanks are usually made of wood. In living oysters, the shells are tightly closed. It is essential that they should be alive when opened and consumed immediately. Crustaceans are articulated animals, nearly all of them aquatic, the skins of which contain calcareous deposits, rendering them hard and shell-like, and the flesh contained within. Those crustaceans used for food are crabs, lobsters, crayfish, prawns and shrimps, all of which are cooked before sale. Boiling turns the shell red or pink, due to chemical change in a natural pigment. Crustaceans, especially lobsters and crabs are all foul feeders, and it is essential that they should be thoroughly cleaned before being eaten otherwise they may cause outbreaks of gastro-enteritis and typhoid fever.
3. The continued application of science and technology to the slaughter of animals and processing of meat is essential. Modern slaughter and processing plants have already achieved considerable reduction in their labor requirements. However, the potential for further automation exists. The industry will probably continue on the path toward total automation. Not only will greater automation allow for greater speed and efficiency, but it will allow a shift of personnel to quality control and research and development. The trend toward centralized preparation of retail meat products calls for improved meat distribution techniques. There are two aspects of distribution that must be improved. First, special equipment and technology are required to maintain freshness and extend shelf life. This will reduce spoilage, another major source of loss in the meat industry. Secondly, along with the distribution system, a market system should be established which will assure that each individual product goes into the market where the consumer demand for that product is greatest. This will assure greater consumer satisfaction and at the same time, increase profits to the total industry.
УПРАЖНЕНИЯ 26. Обсудите информацию отрывка 1 в парной беседе. Для этого составьте 5-6 вопросов к отрывку и задайте их своему товарищу. Ответьте на его вопросы. 27. Ответьте на вопросы к отрывку 2. 1. What meat category is dealt with in the text? 2. What are the aristocrats of the shellfish? 3. What is essential about oysters? 4. What crustaceans are used for food? 5. What should be done with crustaceans before: a) sale; b) being eaten? Переведите отрывок 3 письменно с помощью словаря.
Прочитайте текст С и скажите: а) почему важно употреблять в пищу субпродукты и в каком виде? б) какое свойство субпродуктов необходимо учитывать при их переработке? Слова для понимания текста С: meats – мясные продукты item – продукт, изделие human diet – питание (пищевой рацион) человека to process – обрабатывать, подвергать обработке processed – подвергшийся технологической обработке processing – обработка; переработка perishable – скоропортящийся продукт retail trade – розничная торговля in recent years – в последние годы decline – падение, упадок, спад delicacy – деликатес, лакомство Text C Variety meats in human diet Numerous edible meat by-products are obtained during the slaughter and processing of meat animals. Items, such as tongue, brains, sweetbreads, heart, liver, and kidney are called variety meats. They are excellent sources of many essential nutrients that are required in the human diet. Liver is the best known and most widely served of all the variety meats. It is one of the best food sources for vitamin A and iron. More beef liver is used fresh, whereas more pork liver is used in making sausages.
In recent years there has been a decline in the general consumption of variety meats. This may be due to the image, held by some people, that variety meats are foods for poor people who cannot afford steak. However, various ethnic groups have traditionally been large consumers of variety meats. Variety meats are also popular menu items in many of the finer restaurants. They could potentially become a pleasurable source of food for the population who do not now eat them. Some of the variety meats are more perishable than the carcass. Liver is one of the most perishable of these items. Therefore, these items must be chilled quickly after slaughter, and be processed or moved quickly into the retail trade. Variety meats can be merchandised as fresh or frozen items, or used in making other processed items. Tripe is obtained from the first (rumen) and second (reticulum) stomach compartment of cattle. It is used in some sausages, and is also sold to the consumer as a variety meat. Brains, which are regarded as a delicacy by some people, are sold to the consumer either chilled, frozen, or canned. Beef tongues are used fresh, cured and smoked, canned, or as an ingredient in sausage items. Sheep and pig tongues can be used fresh, but they are most commonly used in making other processed meat items. Kidneys are used fresh, or they can be frozen for the meat trade. However, they are more commonly used as an ingredient in pet food. Sweetbreads are the thymus glands obtained from the necks of calves or young cattle. These are used fresh or frozen. Hearts are used fresh, frozen, or as an ingredient in liver sausages or other processed luncheon meats. Comparatively, more beef liver is used fresh, whereas more pork liver is used in making sausages. However, kosher style liver sausages include only beef or lamb liver.
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