Interrogative sentences. 1. Make questions with have to. Exercise 2. Ask questions for these answers. Exercise 3. Translate into English
Interrogative sentences 1. Make questions with have to
Exercise 2. Ask questions for these answers 1. Yes, I can come tomorrow. 2. Yes, I can easily do it. 3. Yes, we can go there together. 4. No, we can't afford to buy this car. 5. No, you shouldn't go there alone. 6. Yes, they should meet their grand parents at the railway station. 7. No, you can't stay there at night. 8. Yes, she should prevent her friends. 9. No, he shouldn't change his job. 10. No, they don't really need our help.
Exercise 3. Translate into English 1. Ты не мог бы сегодня пойти со мной в кино? 2. Твоя сестра умеет говорить по-французски? 3. Вы не можете мне сказать, как доехать до вокзала? 4. Не могли бы вы мне помочь донести эти сумки? 5. Где тут можно купить хлеб? 6. Ты сможешь отправить ему e-mail сегодня вечером? 7. Ты сможешь сделать эту работу завтра? 8. Мы сможем поехать в Америку в будущем году? 9. Ты сможешь починить мою машину? 10. Могу я войти? 11. Можно я возьму свою сестру на вечеринку? 12. Ты должен уехать завтра? 13. Могу я взглянуть на ваш тест? 14. Вам действительно нужно уходить прямо сейчас? 15. Тебе нужна моя помощь с этим переводом?
Unit VII. A History of Jewelry (part IV)
1. Read and translate the text 18th Century Vast amounts of Brazilian diamonds were being imported into Europe at this time, and they enjoyed widespread popularity. Since techniques of cutting precious stones had improved dramatically, it became quite fashionable to show off the stones by trying to hide the settings as much as possible. Because of this jewelry was airier, lighter and easier to wear. People finally had the opportunity to really show off the sparkle and beauty of diamonds and other gems.
19th Century The Industrial Revolution brought enormous change to the whole world - and that included jewelry. Mass production finally made jewelry available to everyone. For the first time it could be produced on a large scale at prices both the middle and lower classes could now afford. The quality of imitation stones also improved so that even the lower-class could enjoy beautiful rings, pendants and other pieces they couldn't previously afford. On the other side, firms such as Faberge and Cartier were producing high-quality jewelry for the rising bourgeois class.
20th Century and Beyond Today, jewelry comes in many different flavors. No matter who you are or what your taste or budget, there are designs that will suite your individual style. In the 20th century, fashionable clothing finally gained the esteem and prominence jewelry has always enjoyed. Now jewelry and fashion are joined hand-in-hand. You can't have one without the other. There is more room for creativity and personality than ever before. From classic looks to the explosion of cool and ultra-modern body piercing, if you want it, it's out there.
I. Word study
1. Insert a proper word or a word combination from the text 1. The… … … of imitation stones also improved. 2. Now jewelry and fashion are joined… … …. 3. Because of this jewelry was… … …, … … … and easier to wear. 4. On the other side, firms such as… … … and Cartier were producing… … … jewelry. 5…. … …, … … … comes in many different flavors.
2. Find in the text opposites to the following 1. out-of-date 2. small 3. low-quality 4. unfashionable 5. heavier
3. Make up words out of the letters 1. m d r c a t i a l y l a 2. n o r o m e u s 3. c i e r a t v t y i 4. b t u g d e 5. i n m i t i o a t
4. Make up sentences out of the words 1. jewelry now and fashion are hand-in-hand joined. 2. different jewelry comes today in many flavors. 3. stones of imitation the quality also improved. 4. jewelry because lighter of this was airier, and to wear easier. 5. bourgeois Faberge and were producing class high-quality Cartier jewelry for the rising.
II. Oral practice 1. Write out of the text no less than 10 key words and word combinations and retell the text 2. Make up 5 questions 3. Read, learn and dramatize the dialogs Telephoning 1.
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