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I. Oral practice. 1. Advertise any ornament.   2. Read, learn and dramatize the dialogs. Health. II. Word study. 1. Complete the sentences. Find the endings in the text

I. Oral practice


1. Advertise any ornament

       2. Read, learn and dramatize the dialogs



- Good morning.   - Hello, Doctor.   - Now then, how can I help you?   - Well doctor, I’m not feeling very well. I’ve got these awful pains in my stomach and I haven't been sleeping at all well.   - Do you have any other symptoms? A temperature, for example?   - Well yes, I have had a bit of a high temperature, actually.   - It looks to me - as if you’ve got some kind of a stomach infection.   - Oh, have I, doctor?   - Yes. Now I’m going to prescribe you these pills. I want you to take two pills three times a day.   - Thank you, doctor, thank you. - Доброе утро.   - Здравствуйте, доктор.   - И так, чем я могу вам помочь?   - Доктор, я чувствую себя не очень хорошо. У меня ужасные боли в животе. И у меня практически не сплю.   - Еще какие-нибудь симптомы есть? Температура, например?   - Да. Вообще-то, температура у меня намного выше нормы.   - Мне кажеться у вас какая-то кишечная инфекция.   - Что серьезно?   - Да. Я пропишу вам таблетки. Нужно принимать по две таблетки три раза в день.     - Спасибо, доктор, спасибо.



- What is the trouble with you?   - I’ve caught a bad cold.   - How long are you feeling this way?   - I’ve been ill since Monday.   - And you are coughing a lot, aren’t you?   - Yes.   - Have you taken your temperature?   - Yes, I’d taken my temperature before I left home. It was normal.   - Have you a headache or a sore throat?   - I have both.   - Have you taken anything for your headache?   - I took aspirin.   - Well, I’ll examine you. It is not an ordinary cold. You have flu. I’ll give you two prescriptions which you must take to the chemist’s. If you follow my instructions you will feel better in a few days. If you don’t feel better, you will have to call for me.   - Thank you, doctor. - Что у вас за проблемы?   - Я подхватил сильную простуду.   - И как долго это длиться.   - Я болен с понедельника.   - У вас кашель?   - Да.   - Вы мерили температуру?   - Да, перед выездом сюда. Она была нормальной.   - У вас болит голова или горло?   - И то и другое.   - От головы вы что-нибудь принимали?   - Аспирин.   - Ну, давайте я вас осмотрю. Это не просто простуда. У вас грипп. Я пропишу два лекарства, купите их в аптеке. Если будете следовать моим указаниям, вам полегчает через несколько дней. Если лучше не станет, позвоните мне.   - Спасибо доктор.


II. Word study


1. Complete the sentences. Find the endings in the text

1. And the results will be rewarding…

2. And we definitely cringe at the thought of facing a salesperson…

3. Buying a gift for a loved one…

4. Learn as much as you can about jewelry…

5. It will be easy to dazzle a loved one…

       2. Find in the text opposites to the following

1. Lab-created                       

2. Buyer                     

3. Nice                                   

4. To sell               

5. Foolish                   


       3. Make up words out of the letters

1. p r i e c o s u                   

2. t i i n t i m a i n g d         

3. z d a z e l                           

4. w r e a d r                       

5. s s a l e p e r s n o              


III. Grammar practice. THERE IS / THERE ARE


       Past simple


Exercise 1. Read the first sentence and then write a sentence beginning There

1. The roads were busy today. There was a lot of traffic.

2. This soup was very salty. There… … … in… … … the soup.

3. The box was empty. … … … in… … … the box.

4. The film was very violent. … … ….

5. The shops were very crowded. … … ….


Exercise 2. The room is empty now but there were a lot of things in it last week. What was there?

A. Write sentences with There was / There were using the following information

1. Three armchairs

2. A sofa

3. Two lamps near the sofa

4. A TV

5. Nice pictures on the walls

6. Curtains

7. A table in the middle of the room

8. A flower on the table

9. A carpet

B. Write sentences with There wasn’t / There weren’t using the following information

1. A clock

2. A shelf

3. Some books

4. Three photos

5. A video on the TV

6. A lamp near the door

7. Some flowers on the window

8. Some toys on the floor

8. A wardrobe

Exercise 3. Ask questions on the sentences from the previous exercise


Unit X. Jewelry Buying Mistakes. Not pre-shopping

Vocabulary. Write down and learn the following words and words combinations


Car dealership – агенство по продаже автомобилей Hapless – несчастный Dazed – потрясенный Substitute – замена Figure out – вычислять Tanzanite – танзанит (полудрагоценный камень) Garnet – гранат



1. Read and translate the text

It’s a known fact that men hate to shop. Take us to a car dealership, the local Home Depot or Best Buy, and chances are we'll cruise along like kids in a candy store. But watch a guy in a supermarket wandering up and down the aisles looking for olives, or some hapless, dazed soul trying to find his way around a mall or department store. You get the idea! The problem is that there is no substitute for pre-shopping.

Once you’ve figured out what “she” would like, done your homework and learned all you ever wanted to know about jewelry; it is necessary to see what’s out there and who has the best selection for your needs. One big reason we built Jewelry. com is so you can browse through a wide assortment at your leisure, in the comfort of your own home (in your bathrobe, unshaven if you like! ). Since you will have done your homework before pre-shopping, you’ll realize that it's much easier when you know white gold from platinum and tanzanite from garnets!



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