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II. Speech practice. 1. Fill in the table of your girlfriend / boyfriend, sister / brother, mother / father’s preferences. Describe all possible things (kind of things, shapes, colours, etc.)


- Good morning. I’ve got an appointment with Mr Brown in the Marketing Department.   - Good morning. You must be Mr Ross.   - Yes, that’s right.   - Mr Brown is waiting for you. Marketing Department is on the 4th floor. You can take the elevator, if you like. - Доброе утро. У меня назначена встреча с мистером Брауном в отделе маркетинга.   - Доброе утро. Вы, наверное, мистер Росс.   - Да, верно.   - Мистер Браун ждет вас. Отдел маркетинга находиться на 4 этаже. Можете сесть на лифт, если пожелаете.



- Well, Mr Brown, let’s resume our talks, shall we?   - Yes, we are going to discuss guarantees today. We guarantee the highest standards and excellent performance. In fact the models we are supplying are the latest. We put them on the market a year ago.     - That’s good. So the guarantee period is 12 months, isn’t it?   - Quite right.   - But we’d like the final test to be made at our plant.   - No problem. Let’s issue the document about the tests and fix the date. - Ну, мистер Браун, давайте продолжим нашу беседу.   - Да, сегодня необходимо обсудить гарантии. Мы гарантируем самые высокие стандарты и превосходное исполнение. Фактически мы поставляем только последние модели. Мы выпустили их на рынок год назад.   - Это хорошо. Так значит срок гарантии 1 год?   - Верно.   - Но мы хотели бы провести последнюю проверку на нашем заводе.   - Нет проблем. Давайте оформим документ насчет проверки и назначим дату.


II. Speech practice

1. Fill in the table of your girlfriend / boyfriend, sister / brother, mother / father’s preferences. Describe all possible things (kind of things, shapes, colours, etc. )

Clothes Jewelery Habits


2. Make up the following dialog. You are in a jewelry shop talking to a shop assistant about a gift for your girlfriend / boyfriend. You are discussing her / his preferences

III. Grammar practice. THERE IS / THERE ARE

       Present Simple. Positive sentences

Exercise 1. Stolbtsy is a small town. Look at the information in the box and write sentences about Stolbtsy with There is / are

a castle? Yes (one)
any restaurants? Yes (a lot)
a hospital? Yes (one)
a swimming pool? Yes (one - small, one - large)
any cinemas? Yes (two)
a school? Yes (three or four)
any hotels? Yes (one)


Excrcise 2. Write sentences with There are…. Choose from the boxes

seven letters September
nine days the solar system
fifteen players the USA
twenty-six days a week
thirty planets a rugby team
fifty states the English alphabet


       Present Simple. Negative sentences


Exercise 1. Write ten sentences about your town (or a town that you know). Use There isn't/aren't


Exercise 2. Put in there isn’t / there aren’t

1. … … … any big trees in the garden.

2. … … … any good films on TV tonight.

3. … … … any money in my wallet.

4. … … … many accidents on this road.

5. … … … any e-mails for you today.

6. … … … many people in the restaurant.

7. … … … any apples in the fridge.

8. … … … many children in their family.

9. … … … enough salt in my soup.

10. … … … any fresh air in the room.


Exercise 3. Translate into English

1. В этой комнате нет сломанных стульев.

2. В квартирах на первом и втором этажах нет балконов.

3. Эта книга не для детей – в ней совсем нет картинок.

4. В школьной библиотеке нет интересных книг.

5. В этом году в наших группах нет новых студентов.


       Present Simple. Interrogative sentences

Exercise 1. Ask questions on the sentences about Stolbtsy (unit VIII, item 1, exercise 1)


Exercise 2. Ask questions about the things in your classroom. Start your sentences with How many…

Exercise 3. Translate into English

1. Есть ли новые студенты в твоей группе?

2. Есть ли красивые платья в новой коллекции Prada?

3. В этом журнале только скучные статьи?

4. Много ли новых слов в этом тексте?

5. В твоей комнате есть какие-нибудь растения?

6. В Москве много новых кинотеатров?

7. Есть ли сахар в чае?

Unit IX. Jewelry Buying Mistakes. Not educating yourself


Vocabulary. Write down and learn the following words and words combinations


Scary – жуткий Intimidating – устрашающий To purchase – приобретать To cringe – чувствовать раздражение Salesperson – продавец Hitting – посещение Discouraged – обескураженный Precious – драгоценный Semi-precious – полудрагоценный Lab-created – искусственный Reward – награда Intelligent – разумный To dazzle - ослеплять


1. Read and translate the text

Buying a gift for a loved one can be a daunting experience. And buying jewelry as a gift is even scary at times. Jewelry is probably the most intimidating gift a man could purchase. Many of us don’t know how to make the first steps in buying jewelry, much less all the different stones and types of metal available without being prepared.

So, before hitting the store to come home completely discouraged, do your homework in Jewelry. com’s Jewelry Education Section. Learn as much as you can about jewelry - metals, precious, semi-precious or lab-created gems, pearls, prices, retailers in your area, etc. Information on jewelry will make walking into a store a comfortable experience. And the results will be rewarding; your purchases will be intelligent and very personal. It will be easy to dazzle a loved one with your knowledge, which will again show how much thought you put into this.



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