III. Speech practice. 1. Make up a table describing each period of the history of jewelry. 2. Speak on the topic “A history of jewelry” using your table
III. Speech practice
1. Make up a table describing each period of the history of jewelry 2. Speak on the topic “A history of jewelry” using your table IV. Grammar practice. MODAL VERBS Review
1. Complete the sentences using could, couldn’t or was / were able to 1. My grandfather was a very clever man. He could speak five languages. 2. I looked everywhere for the book but I couldn’t find it. 3. They didn’t want to come with us at first but we were ableto persuade them. 4. Laura had hurt her leg and… … … walk very well. 5. Sue wasn’t at home when I phoned but I… … … contact her at her office. 6. I looked very carefully and I… … … see a figure in the distance. 7. I wanted to buy some tomatoes. The first shop I went to didn’t have any but I… … … get some in the next shop. 8. My grandmother loved music. She… … … play the piano very well. 9. A girl fell into the river but fortunately we… … … rescue her. 10. I had forgotten to bring my camera so I… … … take any photographs.
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with must, mustn't or needn't 1. We haven’t got much time. We must hurry. 2. We’ve got plenty of time. We needn’t hurry. 3. We have enough food at home so we… … … go shopping today. 4. Jim gave me a letter to post. I… … … remember to post it. 5. Jim gave me a letter to post. I… … … forget to post it. 6. There’s plenty of time for you to make up your mind. You… … … decide now. 7. You… … … wash those tomatoes. They’ve already been washed. 8. This is a valuable book. You… … … look after it carefully and you… … … lose it. 9. ‘What sort of house do you want to buy? Something big? ’ ‘Well, it… … … be big – that’s not important. But it… … … have a nice garden – that’s essential.
Exercise 3. Write two sentences for each situation. Use needn’t have in the first sentence and could have in the second (as in the example) 1. Why did you rush? Why didn't you take your time? Example: You needn’t have rushed. Yon could have taken your time. 2. Why did you walk home? Why didn’t you take a taxi? 3. Why did you stay at a hotel? Why didn’t you stay with us? 4. Why did she phone me in the middle of the night? Why didn’t she phone me in the morning? 5. Why did you leave without saying anything? Why didn’t you say goodbye to me?
Unit VIII. Jewelry Buying Mistakes. Not asking for help Vocabulary. Write down and learn the following words and words combinations
1. Read and translate the text It’s no secret that we hate asking for directions. Most men would rather drive around in circles for hours rather than stop and ask someone how to get somewhere. It's hard to tell if this is some biological imperative imprinted into our genes, or a behavioral thing impressed upon us almost from the time of birth. Maybe a combination of both. But the fact remains that, if you’re a guy, you’re supposed to be in charge: a leader, a navigator, an expert at map reading, with an innate sense of direction. Woe to the traitor that breaks this code. Well let’s face it... This “predisposition” can be very dangerous when trying to buy a jewelry gift for a girlfriend, daughter or wife. It is necessary to seek help in these cases. The first thing you need to do is help yourself by doing some research... Pay attention to the jewelry she wears now. Pay attention to the clothes she wears most often, and make sure you pick jewelry that matches and complements them. Finally, go snooping in her jewelry box, and look at what’s in there that she has but doesn't wear. Look for items that are missing a piece – does she have a ring and necklace in a particular gemstone, but no earrings to match?
I. Oral practice
1. Write out of the text no less than 10 key words and word combinations and retell the text 2. Answer the following questions: 1. Do people like asking for directions? 2. If you are a guy, you are supposed to be in charge, aren’t you? 3. What should you do first before buying a jewelry gift? 4. What else do you have to pay attention to? 5. What do you have to do finally in your research? 3. Read, learn and dramatize the dialogs International relations 1.
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