6. Name the important facts to interest the audience.
6. Name the important facts to interest the audience.
Housing Maintenance of proper housing is also an important consideration in maintaining good animal health. Housing should be clean and free from cold drafts. Good air circulation throughout the housing is important to help lower high temperatures in the summer and reduce humidity in the cold of winter. Extremely dry and dusty conditions are also to be avoided when possible. Proper maintenance of animal housing is also important. Loose boards, roofing materials, and nails often pose problems in poorly maintained facilities.
7. Complete the sentences with the words: 1. Maintenance of … is also an important consideration in maintaining good animal health. 2. Housing should be … and free from … drafts. 3. Good air circulation is important to help … in the summer and reduce humidity in the cold of winter. 4. Proper … of animal housing is also important. 5. Loose …, roofing materials, and … often pose problems in poorly maintained facilities.
8. What is your personal opinion about housing as an important consideration in maintaining good animal health? Handling Manure Piles of manure, dirty pens, and dirty feedlots are often sources of serious health problems in animals. It is important that manure not be allowed to accumulate in areas frequented by animals. Manure piles often harbor diseases and parasites. They also attract flies, which may spread diseases. Cages and pens soiled continually with animal waste products may also lower the quality of the air that animals breathe. Wet, poorly drained, manure-soiled feed-lots usually reduce the rate of gain of beef cattle and swine. Feedlots are areas in which large numbers of animals are grown for food. Feet and leg problems can often be traced to poorly maintained feedlots. 9. How can people use the manure? Give your own reasons. Controlling Pests The control of pests and parasites is also an important consideration in the maintenance of animal health and welfare. Regular use of disinfectants to control parasites such as lice and flies is necessary in a good disease-prevention program. Regular, close observation of animals may be necessary to determine when outbreaks of parasites occur. Prevention of such parasites is preferable to controlling outbreaks that occur. To that end, the development of a good prevention program is a wise decision. The control of other pests, such as birds and wild animals, is also part of a good animal health program. Many birds carry parasites on their bodies and in their droppings. When they move from infected animals to healthy ones, they often carry diseases and parasites with them. Wild animals and pets may also cause serious health problems when allowed to roam freely around farm animals. Dogs and coyotes will often chase animals and cause them to injure themselves. Bites from these animals may also cause infection and other health problems. Just the presence of pets around farm animals may cause them to be nervous and affect how rapidly to grow and produce.
10. Choose the correct word or word combination 1. The control of pests and parasites is also an important consideration in the maintenance of animal health and …. a) welfare b) exercises c) environment 2. Regular use of … to control parasites such as lice and flies is necessary in a good disease-prevention program. a) disease-prevention program b) clean equipment c) disinfectants 3. … animals and pets may also cause serious health problems when allowed to roam freely around farm animals. a) clean b) wild c) domestic 4. … from these animals may also cause infection and other health problems. a) feedlots b) parasites c) bites 11. Make a report about controlling pests. Isolation The isolation of animals new to the herd is an important part of any good health-prevention program. Such animals may be harboring disease or parasites that are not readily apparent. It is wise to keep them isolated from other animals for a period of time, usually a minimum of 30 days. This gives the new owner time to observe the animals closely for health problems. Similarity, isolation of diseased animals is important. Animals with contagious diseases that can be spread by contact should never be allowed to come into contact with healthy animals. It is difficult to treat unhealthy animals when they are living with large groups of animals. Healthy animals tend to pick on unhealthy ones, making it especially difficult for such animals to regain health. 12. Tell the audience about the importance of isolation. Pasture Rotation The rotation of pastures is a consideration in maintaining a healthy environment for animals and in preventing health problems. Many diseases of animals are harbored in the soil and are killed only by not being able to come into contact with host animals for extended periods of time. A host animal is a species of animal in or on which diseases or parasites can live. Moving animals to different pastures on a regular basis also allows for the breakdown of animal wastes and for pasture regrowth.
13. Agree or disagree with the statements, using the phrases of agreement and disagreement: 1) The liberal use of disinfectants in dealing with animals is also important. 2) A disinfectant is a material that develops disease-causing organisms. 3) Maintenance of proper housing is also an important consideration in maintaining good animal health. 4) Housing should be clean and free from cold drafts. 5) Piles of manure, dirty pens, and dirty feedlots are safe for animals. 6) It is important that manure not be allowed to accumulate in areas frequented by animals. 7) Similarity, isolation of diseased animals is not important. 8) Animals with contagious diseases that can be spread by contact should never be allowed to come into contact with healthy animals. 9) A host animal is a species of animal in or on which diseases or parasites can live.
14. Complete the sentences, using the text: 1) A host animal is…. 2) Many diseases of animals are…. 3) The isolation of animals new to the herd…. 4) The control of pests and parasites…. 5) Manure piles often harbor…. 6) Housing should be…. 7) Sanitation also requires….
15. Divide the sentences: goodsanitationisimportanttogoodhealththerotationof 10pasturesisaconsiderationinmaintainingahealthyenvironmentforanimalsandinpreventing healthproblemstheisolationofanimalsnewtotheherdisanimportantpartofanygoodhealthprevention programadisinfectantisamaterialthatkillsdiseasecausingorganisms.
16. Find two parts of the sentence:
17. Say some words about healthful environments for animals answering the following questions: 1) Good sanitation is important to good health, isn’t it? 2) What does sanitation include? 3) Is maintenance of proper housing is also an important consideration in maintaining good animal health or not? 4) How are domestic animals maintained? 5) What are sources of serious health problems in animals? 6) What are feedlots? 7) Why is the control of pests and parasites also an important consideration in the maintenance of animal health and welfare? 8) How are pests controlled? 9) What is isolation for? 10) What are animals moved to different pastures for?
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