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Parasites. 9. Open the brackets and put the verb in one of the forms: Continuous Passive. Pay attention to the translation to understand what time is meant.


Parasites may also be grouped into two general classifications. They are internal-inside the animal —and external—living on the out­side of the animal.

The most important group of internal para­sites infesting animals are the roundworms (slen­der worms that are tapered on both ends). Other types of internal parasites include flukes and pro­tozoa. Flukes are very small, flat worms and pro­tozoa are microscopic, one-celled animals. Most internal parasites spend at least some of their life cycle outside of the host animal. It is during this period that the parasite may most eas­ily be spread to other animals. Contact with dis­charges from infested animals, contaminated feed, water, housing, or by contact with secondary hosts may result in the spread of internal parasites. A secondary host is a plant or animal that carries a disease or parasite during part of the life cycle. Some internal parasites are also spread by insects such as flies and mosquitoes.

External parasites include flies, ticks, mites, and fleas. They are spread in the same ways as are internal parasites.

Symptoms of parasite infestation may include:

1. poor growth, 2. weight loss. 3. constant coughing and gagging. 4. anemia.          5. lowered production and reproduction. 6. diarrhea or bloody feces. 7. worms in the feces. 8. swelling under the neck. 9. poor stamina. 10. loss of hair and mange, the presence of a crusty skin condition caused by mites. 11. visibility of the parasite itself.

8. Give the answers to the following questions: 1)How are parasites grouped?  2) What are they? 3) What is the most important group of internal parasites? 4) What are flukes? 5) Where do most internal parasites spend their life cycle? 6) What is the result of contact with infested animals? 7) What is a secondary host? 8) Whom are some internal parasites spread by? 9) What does external parasites include? 10) What are symptoms of parasite infestation?

9. Open the brackets and put the verb in one of the forms: Continuous Passive. Pay attention to the translation to understand what time is meant.

1. I (to watch) ! - За мной следят!

2. My cat (to groom) now. - Моей кошке сейчас делают стрижку.

3. The recipe (to print) . - Рецепт печатают.

4. Infested animals (to treat) . Please, wait. – Зараженные животные обрабатывается. Пожалуйста, ожидайте.

5. I think, I (to follow) when I was driving vet clinic. - Думаю, за мной следили (меня преследовали), когда я ехал в ветеринарную клинику.

6. The building (to inspect) by the firemen, so we decided not to go there. - Здание проверяли пожарные, так что мы решили туда не идти.

7. Your stuff (to pack) by the movers right now. - Твои вещи упаковываются грузчиками прямо сейчас.

Test for unit 12

1. …. diseases are those that can be passed on to other animals.

a) Contaminated

b) Contagious

c) Noncontagious

d) Poor growth

2. …. diseases cannot be spread to other animals.

a) Contagious

b) Contaminated

c) Insect

d)  noncontagious

3. Flukes are very small, flat worms and …… are microscopic, one-celled animals

a) protozoa

b) insect

c) feed

d) rodent

4. ……. may also be grouped into two general classifications

a) diseases

b) parasites

c) contagious

d) noncontagious

5. It ….. during this period that the parasite may most easily be spread to other animals.

a) Are

b) Is

c) Am

d) were

6. Flukes ….. very small.

a) was

b) did

c) are

d) am


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