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Test for unit 11. 1. Maintenance of _____ housing is also an important consideration in maintaining good animal health. 2. Good sanitation ____ important to good health

Test for unit 11

1. Maintenance of _____ housing is also an important consideration in maintaining good animal health

a) wise

b) improper

c) proper

d) intense

2. Good sanitation ____ important to good health

a) are

b) is

c) am

d) has

3. A ______ is an instrument used to give injections of medicine or to draw body fluids from animals.

a) solution

b) suspended

c) silage

d) syringe

4. This ____ the new owner time to observe the animals closely for health problems.

a) gives

b) give

c) gave

d) given

5. A _______ is a species of animal in or on which diseases or parasites can live.

a) wild animal

b) host animal

c) contended animal

d) beef cattle

6. ______ are areas in which large numbers of animals are grown for food.

a) cereal grains

b) feedlots

c) silage

d) green roughages

7. It ___ difficult to treat unhealthy animals when they are living with large groups of animals.

a) were

b) are

c) am

d) is

8. Animals with contagious diseases that can be spread by contact should never be _____ to come into contact with healthy animals.

a) allowed

b) allowing

c) allow

d) allows

9. Maintaining a healthy environment for animals is a ___ factor in a complete animal-health program.

a) fence

b) castle

c) key

d) wall

10. The rotation of pastures is a consideration in maintaining a _____ environment for animals and in preventing health problems

a) unhealthy

b) bad

c) healthy

d) harmful

11. The liberal ___ of disinfectants in dealing with animals is also important.

a) will using

b) used

c) using

d) use

12. ______ piles often harbor diseases and parasites.

a) feces

+b) manure

c) pest

d) chase

13.  Cages and pens ____ continually with animal waste products may also lower the quality of the air that animals breathe.

a) soil

b) soiled

c) soiling

d) soils

14. Extremely dry and dusty conditions are also to be ___ when possible.

a) avoid

b) avoided

c) avoiding

d) will avoiding

15. Bites from these animals _____ also cause infection and other health problems.

a) unable

b) can not

c) may

d) impossible

16. Such animals may be harboring disease or parasites that __ not readily. apparent.

a) are

b) is

c) am

d) -

17. This gives the new owner time to ___ the animals closely for health problems.

a) observe

b) observation

c) observance

d) observer

18. Many ____ of animals are harbored in the soil and are killed only by not being able to come into contact with host animals for extended periods of time.

a) health

b) diseases

c) wellness

d) cheer

19. Moving animals to different pastures on a regular basis also allows for the breakdown of ____ wastes and for pasture regrowth.

a) animal

b) food

c) bad

d) toxic

20. Just the presence of pets ____ farm animals may cause them to be nervous and affect how rapidly the grow and produce.

a) under

b) on

c) between

d) around

21. 1) healthy environment 2) key factors 3) cold drafts 4) unhealthy

4d) нездоровый

3c) холодные сквозняки

2b) основные факторы

1a) здоровая окружающая среда

22. Составьте предложение 1.

1a) Good sanitation

2b) is

3c) important

4d) to good health

23. Составьте предложение 2.

1a) A disinfectant

2b) is a mate­rial

3c) that kills

4d) disease-causing organisms

24. Housing … be clean and free from cold drafts.

a) should

b) can

c) must

d) ought

25. Feet and … problems can often be traced to poorly main­tained feedlots.

a) leg

b) head

c) ligament

d) teeth

26. Many birds … parasites on their bod­ies and in their droppings.

a) carry

b) carried

c) carries

d) will carry

27. It is wise to keep them isolated from other animals for a period of time, usually a minimum of … days.

a) 30

b) 20

c) 15

d) 10

28. … animals to different pastures on a regular basis also allows for the breakdown of animal wastes and for pasture regrowth.

a) moving

b) moved

c) move

d) moves

29. The rotation of pastures is ….

a) a consideration in maintaining a healthy envi­ronment for animals and in preventing health prob­lems

b) also lower the quality of the air that animals breathe.

c) is also important.

d) are also to be avoided when possible.

30. Выбрать правильный специальный вопрос.

a) What does sanitation include?

b) What do sanitation include?

c) What sanitation include?

d) What did sanitation include?


UNIT 12. Animal diseases and parasites


contaminated - зараженный

feed - корм

discharge - выделения

rough - грубый

cough - кашель

open wound – открытая рана

contagious – заразный

noncontagious – незаразный

herd – стадо

intermediary host – промежуточный хозяин

rodent - грызун

insect - насекомое

nutrient excesses - избыток питательных веществ

tapered – конический

somewhat – отчасти

fluke [fluː k] – трематода, двуустка

protozoa [prə ʊ tə ˈ zə ʊ ə ] - простейшее, протозоа


1. Find in the text the equivalents for the following words, translate the sentences

with them: заразные заболевания, незаразные заболевания, отдельное стойло, бактерии и вирусы, зараженная вода и корм, ядовитые растения и животные, распространение инфекционных заболеваний.


     2. Find the correspondences:

Disease заметные симптомы
Herd заболевание
infected animals кровяная моча
Insects зараженные животные
poisonous plants насекомые
poor growth отдельное стойло
contaminated feed ядовитые растения
shared housing стадо
bloody feces плохой рост
noticeable symp­toms зараженный корм

3. Fill in the verb is or are (см. Приложение 12-15):

1. Part medications... always learnt by heart.

1. Rare animals... protected in many countries.

2. This feed... made by factory.

3. Animals in the reserve... fed two times a day.

4. The same bathrobe medical... worn by all the members of our team.

5. New Russian books... shown in our library

6. Many Russian vets... described in this book.

7. Recipe... always written by doctors.

8. This place... crowded on Sunday.

9. Our village... surrounded with a forest.


4. Open brackets, using verbs in Present Simple Passive (см. Приложение 12-15): 1) Causes of contagious diseases (to cause) mostly by bacteria and viruses. 2) Many diseases of animals (to harbor) in the soil and (to kill) only by not being able to come into contact with host animals for extended periods of time. 3) Noncontagious diseases (to cause) by nutrient deficiencies or nutrient excesses.



Diseases The diseases of animals can be di­vided into two major classes, contagious and non-contagious. Contagious diseases are those that can be passed on to other animals. Noncontagious dis­eases cannot be spread to other animals.

The handling of these two classes of diseases varies somewhat. It is important that animals suf­fering from contagious diseases be isolated from other animals in the herd as soon as the disease is identified. Since some contagious diseases of ani­mals can be transmitted to humans, care must be taken when handling animals so infected.

Noncontagious diseases pose no threat to hu­mans or other animals, except to the animals with the disease. Therefore, there is more leeway in dealing with animals suffering with noncontagious diseases. It is still a good idea to isolate these ani­mals from the herd for their own good.

Causes of contagious diseases are caused mostly by bacteria and viruses. They can be spread by direct contact with infected animals, from shared housing, or from contaminated feed or water. In some cases, the spread of infectious diseases takes place through intermediary hosts, such as birds, rodents, or insects.

Noncontagious diseases may be caused by nutrient deficiencies or nutrient excesses. Poisonous plants and animals, injection of foreign material, and open wounds may cause or lead to noncon­tagious disease.

Symptoms. General symptoms of disease are extremely varied and may include:

1. poor growth and/or reduced production.  

2. reduced intake of feed.

3. rough, dry hair coat.

4. discharge from the nose or eyes.

5. coughing or gasping for breath.

6. trembling, shaking, or shivering.

7. unusual discharges such as diarrhea, bloody feces, or urine.

8. open sores or wounds.

9. unusual swelling of the body, including lumps and knots.

10. abortion, or the loss of a fetus before it is born.

11. peculiar gait or walking pattern, or other odd movements.

Some diseases may have little or no external symptoms and may even progress so rapidly that death of the animal occurs before noticeable symp­toms occur.


5. Match two parts of the sentences, using the text:

The diseases of animals can be di­vided are those that can be passed on to other animals.
Contagious diseases   can be transmitted to humans, care must be taken when handling animals so infected.
Noncontagious dis­eases may be caused by nutrient deficiencies or nutrient excesses.
Noncontagious diseases cannot be spread to other animals.
Since some contagious diseases of ani­mals are caused mostly by bacteria and viruses.
Causes of contagious diseases pose no threat to hu­mans or other animals, except to the animals with the disease.
Noncontagious diseases into two major classes, contagious and non-contagious.


6. Make up word – combinations:

poor poor production
reduced growth
reduced or shivering
open sores or gasping for breath
rough, dry intake of feed
unusual discharges including lumps and knots
discharge or the loss of a fetus before it is born
coughing or wounds
trembling, shaking, hair coat
unusual swelling of the body, such as diarrhea, bloody feces, or urine
abortion, from the nose or eyes
  1. Find in the text the verbs in Passive

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