7. Read the text and translate.
7. Read the text and translate. CLASSIFICATION OF FEED MATERIALS In general, feed for animals is classified into two types—concentrates and roughages. Concentrates are low in fiber and high in total digestible nutrients, abbreviated as TDN. Total digestible nutrients include all of the digestible protein, digestible nitrogen-free extract, digestible crude fiber, and 2Vt times the digestible fat contained in the ration. On the other hand, roughages are high in fiber and low in TDN. Concentrates are the feed or cereal grains. These include corn, wheat, oats, barley, rye, and mile, as well as many others. These grains make up the bulk of most concentrates. Also, grain by-products such as wheat bran, wheat middling, brewer’s grain, and distiller’s grain are concentrates. They are materials left over from the production processes used in making flour and alcohol. A by-product is a secondary product left from the production of a primary commodity. The oil meals are by-products left from making vegetable oil. Both oil meals and sugar in the form of cane molasses and beet molasses are considered concentrates used in animal feeds. Finally, animal by-products are important concentrates. They include tank age, fish meal, meat scraps, blood meal, feather meal, and dried dairy products. These products are some of the byproducts of the food processing industry. 8. Find the answers on the questions in the text: What are concentrates?, What do total digestible nutrients include?, What do cereal grains include?, What is a by-product?
Roughages Roughages can be divided into three categories—dry, green, and silage. The most important of the dry roughages is hay. Some types of legume hay are alfalfa, clover, lespedeza, soybean, and peanut. A legume is a plant in which certain bacteria can transform nitrogen in the air to nitrogen that plants can use. Grass bays include timothy, orchard grass, brome grass, Bermuda grass, and others. The hulls of cottonseed, peanuts, and rice also fall into the category of dry roughages. Green roughages are plant materials with high moisture content, such as grasses in pastures and root plants, including sugar beets, turnips, and rutabagas. Tubers such as potatoes are also green roughage. Silage is the feed that results from the storage and fermentation of green crops. The fermentation takes place in the absence of air. Corn silage is the most important member of this group. Other examples are grass, legume, and small gram silages. The successful production of animals for fun, profit, or sport requires proper animal nutrition. A knowledge of animal physiology, feed materials, and nutrition helps keep animals healthy and productive. Further, knowledge of nutrition deficiency symptoms will permit the animal manager to take corrective steps when the animal suffers from improper nutrition.
9. Find the correspondences:
10. Say true or false: 1. Antibiotics are substances used to help prevent or control animals. 2. Antibiotics added to feed allow growing animals to gain weight at their highest potential. 3. Dry matter is made up of inorganic matter and ash or mineral. 4. All feeds are composed of sand and dry matter. 5. The most important of the dry roughages is hay. 6. Green roughages are plant materials with high moisture content, such as grasses in pastures and root plants, including sugar beets, turnips, and rutabagas. 7. A knowledge of animal physiology, feed materials, and nutrition helps keep animals healthy and productive. 8. Further, knowledge of nutrition deficiency symptoms will permit the animal manager to take corrective steps when the animal suffers from improper nutrition.
11. Translate the sentences into Russian, don’t use the dictionary: 1) Silage is the feed that results from the storage and fermentation of green crops. 2) A legume is a plant in which certain bacteria can transform nitrogen in the air to nitrogen that plants can use. 3) Corn silage is the most important member of this group. 4. Concentrates are the feed or cereal grains. 5) The material left after all water has been removed from feed is dry matter. 6) Antibiotics keep certain low-grade infections at bay.
12. Insert the appropriate modal verb (can / may / must) (см. Приложение 9): 1)Roughages … be divided into three categories—dry, green, and silage. 2) A legume is a plant in which certain bacteria … transform nitrogen in the air to nitrogen that plants … use. 3) Nonprotein nitrogen in the form of urea … be used as a substitute for protein for ruminant animals. 4) They … convert amino acids in their rumens to other amino acids to meet their needs. 5) Yet, most animals … live only a matter of days if they do not have access to it. 6) To this end, proper nutrition is a …. 7) Poultry rations … be high in food value because they have no true stomach and have very little room for storage of food that has been eaten. 8) Muscles … be voluntary or involuntary, depending on whether or not they can be physically controlled by the animal.
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