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19. Weakness … birth. 21. Vitamin A. 22. Calcium. 23. Vitamin B2. 24. Niacin. 25. 1) blindness 2) Poor growth 3) hemorrhage 4) mange 5) lameness

19. Weakness … birth

a. at

b. as

c. in

d. from

20. Poor blood …

a. clotting

b. clotted

c. to clotting

d. to clotted

21. Vitamin A

a. Poor blood clotting, Internal hemorrhages

b. Night blindness, Loss of young, Poor growth, Nasal discharge, Diarrhea

c. Scurvy, Gum inflammation, Hemorrhages, Slow healing of wounds

d. Dermatitis, Loss of hair, Retarded growth

22. Calcium

a. Poor fertility, Deformed young, Poor growth

b. Slow growth, Joint stiffness, Poor feed efficiency

c. Rickets, Poor growth, Deformed bones, Milk fever

23. Vitamin B2

a) Poor appetite

b) Poor reproduction

c) Dermatitis

d) Poor coordination

24. Niacin

a) Anemia, Labored breathing, Edema (swelling) of the head and shoulders

b) Dermatitis, Retarded growth, Digestive troubles

c) Poor growth, Unhealthy wool or hair, Slow healing of wounds

d) Flabby, wrinkled skin

25. 1) blindness 2) Poor growth 3) hemorrhage 4) mange 5) lameness


2b) Плохой рост

3c) Кровотечение

4d) Чесотка

5e) Хромота

26. Составьте предложение: 1

2a) must be

1c) animals

4d) appropriate types of

3e) fed

5f) feed

27.  Составьте предложение: 2

  1 a) some common

2 b) symptoms

3 c) of nutrient

4 d) deficiencies follow

28. Составьте предложение: 3

4 d) observable effects

5 e) on the animal

3 c) produce

2 b) various nutrients

1 a) shortages of

29. Составьте предложение: 4

2 b) healthy

1 a) animals must be

3 c) and produce milk

30. Составьте предложение: 5

2 b) fed appropriate types

1 a) animals must be

4 d) and amounts

3 c) of feed

UNIT 9. Feed additives


feed additive – кормовая добавка

to pro­mote – активизировать, способствовать

to gain weight – набрать вес

controversy – спор, полемика

slaughter – убой

to reduce – уменьшать

dry matter – сухое вещество

crude – сырой, необработанный

wheat bran – пшеничные отруби

wheat middling – средняя пшеница

brewers grain – зерно для пивоварения

primary commodity – сырьевые товары

hull – шелуха

turnip -репа

rutabaga – брюква

fermentation – брожение

1. Translate the following words with the help of text: nonnutritive, progesterone, potential, antibiotics, substances, controversy, human con­sumption.

2. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following: кормовая добавка, быстрый рост, улучшать здоровье, гормоны, контролировать заболевания, самый высокий потенциал, гормоны роста.

3. Answer the questions, using the text: What is feed additive?, How are feed additives divided?, What are antibi­otics?.


4. Make up questions (см. Приложение 9):

1)Feed additives fall into two major groups—growth regu­lators (mostly hormones) and antibiotics. (What) 2) Some common growth regulators include stil-bestrol, progesterone, and testosterone. (What) 3) They in­crease growth rates and feed efficiency by as much as 5%. (What) 4) Antibiotics added to feed allow growing animals to gain weight at their highest potential. (What for) 5) The fermenta­tion takes place in the absence of air. (Where) 6) A knowledge of nutrition defi­ciency symptoms will permit the animal manager to take corrective steps when the animal suffers from improper nutrition. (What).



A feed additive is a nonnutritive substance that is added to feed to pro­mote more rapid growth, to increase feed effi­ciency, or to maintain or improve health. Feed additives fall into two major groups—growth regu­lators (mostly hormones) and antibiotics. Antibi­otics are substances used to help prevent or con­trol diseases.

Some common growth regulators include stil-bestrol, progesterone, and testosterone. They in­crease growth rates and feed efficiency by as much as 5%.

There are a wide range of antibiotics that are added in very low levels to the diets of animals such as swine and poultry. Antibiotics keep certain low-grade infections at bay. Antibiotics added to feed allow growing animals to gain weight at their highest potential.

In recent years there has been a good deal of controversy over including antibiotics and growth hormones in the feed of animals. Of major con­cern is the possibility of these substances remaining in the meat of animals slaughtered for human con­sumption. To reduce this possibility, the substances generally must be removed from the feed well before the animal is marketed.

5. Continue the sentences:

1. A feed additive is ….

2. Feed additives fall into two major groups ….

3. Growth regulators include ….

4. Antibiotics added to feed ….

5. In recent years ….


All feeds are composed of water and dry matter. The material left after all water has been removed from feed is dry matter. Water makes up 70 to 80% of most living things. However, dry feeds generally contain only 10 to 20% water.

Dry matter is made up of organic matter and ash or mineral. The organic-matter portion of ani­mal feeds consists of protein, carbohydrates such as starch and sugar, fat, and some vitamins. The proportion of these materials varies widely with dif­ferent feeds.


6. Answer the questions:

1. What is a dry matter?

2. How many percent does water make up of most living things?

3. What is a dry matter made up?

4. What does the organic-matter portion of ani­mal feeds consist of?

5. Can the proportion of these materials vary widely with dif­ferent feeds?


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