Test for unit 9. 1. are substances used to help prevent or control diseases. 2. A feed additive … a nonnutritive substance that is added to feed to promote more rapid growth and other.
Test for unit 9 1.... are substances used to help prevent or control diseases a) Groups-growth regulators b) Antibiotics c) Hormones d) Vitamin 2. A feed additive … a nonnutritive substance that is added to feed to promote more rapid growth and other. a) Are b) Being c) Is d) Were 3. Dry feeds generally contain only … water. a) 80 to 90% b) 40 to 50% c) 60 to 80% d) 10 to 20% 4. Grain by-products such as … a) Soybeans, peanuts, cottonseed b) Wheat bran, wheat middling, brewers c) Orchard grass, timothy, molasses d) Sunlight, fertile land and high quality feeds 5. All feeds are composed … water and dry matter. a) Of b) The c) Is d) To 6. Tubers such as potatoes are also a … a) Silage b) Green roughages c) Dry d) Cereal grains 7. A knowledge of animal …, feed materials and nutrition helps keep animals healthy and productive. a) Psychologies b) Histology c) Physiology d) Anatomy 8. The most important of the dry roughages is …. a) Hay Corn Wheat Oats 9. The oil meals … by-products left from making vegetable oil. a) Of b) Is c) Are d) From 10. Blindness – a) Малокровие b) Слепота c) Деформация костей d) Плохой рост 11. Some common … include stil-bestrol, progesterone and testosterone. a) Hormones b) Antibiotics c) Vitamins d) Growth regulators 12. The hull of cottonseed, peanuts, and rice also into the category of … a) Dry roughages b) Silage c) Green roughages d) Cereal grains 13. Feather meal – a) Рыбная мука b) Перьевая мука c) Мясо-костная мука d) Кровяная мука 14. How many categories are roughages divided into …. a) 2 b) 4 c) 3 d) 5 15. Concentrates are the feed … cereal grains. a) And b) Or c) Are d) For 16. Concentrates are low in fiber and high in total digestible nutrients abbreviated as … a) DTN b) NTD c) TDN d) DNT 17. Cane molasses – a) Свекольная патока b) Сухая патока c) Карамельная патока d) Тростниковая патока 18. Water makes up … of most living things. a) 70 to 80% b) 20 to 30% c) 60 to 70% d) 10 to 20% 19. All feeds … of water and dry matter. a) Compose b) Composed c) To composed d) Are composed 20. Other examples … grass, legume, and, small gram silages. Is Of c) Are To 21. 1) разногласия 2) предотвращать 3) усваиваемый 4) объедки
22. Составьте предложение 1.
1a) Antibiotics are 2b) substances used 3c) to help prevent 4d) or control diseases 23. Other examples … grass, legume, and small gram silages. a) is b) are c) be d) am 24. Составьте предложение 2. 1a) finally animal 2b) by-products 3c) are 4d) important concentrates 25. A legume is a plant in which certain bacteria can transform nitrogen in the air to nitrogen that plants can use. a) Бобовые-это растения, в которых определенные бактерии могут преобразовывать натрий в воздухе в натрий, который растения могут использовать. b) Бобовые-это растения, в которых определенные бактерии не могут преобразовывать азот в воздухе в азот, который растения могут использовать. c) Бобовые-это растения, в которых определенные бактерии не могут преобразовывать азот в воде в азот, который растения могут использовать. d) Бобовые-это растения, в которых определенные бактерии могут преобразовывать азот в воздухе в азот, который растения могут использовать. 26. Составьте предложение 3. 1a) all feeds 2b) are composed 3c) of water 4d) and dry matter 27. 1) Roughages 2) peanut 3) Flour 4) Rye 1a) Грубый корм 2b) арахис 3c) мука 4d) Рожь 28. Составьте предложение 4. 1a) Antibiotics keep 2b) certain 3c) low-grade infections 4d) at bay 29. Составьте предложение 5. 1a) Corn silage 2b) is the most 3c) important member 4d) of this group 30. Составьте предложение 6. 1a) All feeds 2b) are composed 3c) of sand 4d) and dry matter UNIT 10. Animal health VOCABULARY syringe - шприц contagious - заразный noncontagious - незаразный intravenous – внутривенный intramuscular – внутримышечный intradermal – внутрикожный to derive – выводить innate ability - врожденная способность contentment – удовлетворенность alertness – бдительность, настороженность feces [ˈ fiː siː z] кал, экскременты to maintain – поддерживать keen sense – острое чувство to chew – жевать pulse rate – частота пульса respiration - дыхание breathing rate – частота дыхания
1. Translate the groups of words into Russian, find them in the texts: poor health, healthy environment, animal diseases, good health, body temperature, glassy eyes.
*** Maintaining animal health is the key to a profitable and satisfying animal enterprise. There are several considerations that need to be made in dealing with the health of animals. These include being able to recognize signs of good and poor health, maintaining a healthy environment, being able to identify animal diseases and parasites, and knowing how to treat health problems when they occur. These items will be explored in this unit. Diseases are infective agents that result in lowered health in living things. Parasites are animals that live on other animals and derive their food from their host.
2. Agree with the following: 1. Maintaining animal health is the key to a profitable and satisfying animal enterprise. SIGNS OF GOOD AND POOR HEALTH Having the ability to recognize the signs of good health or the symptoms of health problems is the single most important key to being efficient in maintaining good animal health. A keen sense of observation is important, as well as the innate ability to know when something is not right with an animal.
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