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Trophic chain. Importance studying trophic circuits for hygiene. Interrelation and differences hygiene and ecology. Basic sources of environmental contamination.



          people and consuments 2 order( carnivorous)             Third level


          consuments 1 order ( herbivorous )                     Second level.  


          producents ( plants )                                           First level

 The law  of accumulation of polluting  substances  in trophic chains .

Polluting substances can accumulate in plants, herbivorous and carnivorous. Polluting substances transmit from lower level of trophic chainto high level of trophic chain.

Importance studying trophic circuits for hygiene.

In it circuits due to bioconcentration cancollect toxicants up to dangerous to the person levels. Besides loss of any parts of trophic circuits under anthropogenous influence results in disappearance of trade kinds of animals or fishes that can worsen quality of nutrition of the population.


Common at it 2 sciences - studying influence factors of environment on organisms, preservation environment (inhabitancies) from degradation owing to pollution. Changes in ecosystem sooner or later have negative effect for conditions of life or health of the person.


а) Different objects of research - the person (in hygiene) or alive organisms (in ecology)

b) Different methods of research in these sciences in connection with different objects of research

c) Differences in principles normalization harmful factors (in hygiene - preservation health of each person, in ecology - preservation the basic parameters ecosystem with possible destruction part of organisms).






Hygiene of environment is the section of hygiene, studying medical aspects protection environment as scientific basis prevention adverse influences factors of environment on the person on individual and population levels.

Kinds of concept «environment»:

1) The internal environment of organism - the internal maintenance, nervous and humoral mechanisms regulation and maintenance gomeostasis.

2) The external environment - everything, that is outside of organism and operates on his environments and receptors. From the point of view physiology, internal and an external environment are very individual and dynamical for each person.

3) The environment - everything, that surrounds and influences at the person. It is not individual, and general for a population. In hygiene the basic objects of an environment are: atmospheric air, water of reservoirs, ground and foodstuffs.

By a degree influence anthropogenous factors distinguish the following versions condition of an environment:

1. Not changed (natural) - the part of environment, which has no anthropogenous influence (reserves etc. )

2. Changed (polluted) - as a result of activity of the person, it can render negative influence on health of people.

3. Artificial - environment specially created by the person (a spacecraft, a submarine etc. )

Basic sources of environmental contamination.

Natural - volcanoes, earthquakes, flooding, forest fires, typhoons etc. - the natural extreme phenomenon. Scales pollution of environment thus can be very significant, cover the big territories and levels pollution may be more, than anthropogenous pollution.

Anthropogenous - caused by activity of the person: the industry, the atomic power station, transport, agriculture, municipal services etc.



Major factors of environmental contamination:

- Chemical (pesticides, mineral oil, heavy metals etc. )

- Physical (noise, vibration, radiation, electromagnetic fields)

- Biological (microorganisms, biological products etc. )

Concept about pollutant of environment.

Pollutant is the any natural or anthropogenous factor, which is taking place in environment in amounts more, than natural fluctuations, natural background or exceeding allowable specifications for the given object of environment. Not any presence pollutant in the environment is pollution.

Pollution - presence pollutant in the environment is higher than maximal permissible concentration, which can render adverse influence on health of the person.


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