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Structure sanitary - epidemiological services of Ukraine




Main sanitary - epidemiological management Ministry Public Health of Ukraine


                                  Main state sanitary doctors of Crimea,     Hygienic research

                                               of areas, Kiev and Sevastopol                   scientific institutes

Departments                        of cities and areas (urban and village)

(Ministry of defence           Desinfection and antyplague stations

Ministry of Internal

Affairs, etc. )




Sanitary - hygienic      Epidemiological                        Desinfection

Department          department                                    department

Branches:               branch especially                   Branch prophylactic

Hygiene of nutrition   dangerous infections disinfection, desinsection

Hygiene of children   antyepidemical                      and deratization

teenagers                         branch            Branch chamber disinfection

Municipal hygiene            Branch infections and sanitary Processings

Hygieneofwork                 Branch of evacuation and

Sanitary Laboratory   Bacteriological disinfection

Тoxicologic laboratory            Laboratory

Radiologic branch



Ecology is the biological science studying mutual relation of alive organisms in nature among themselves and with inhabitancy, structure and functioning biological systems (populations).

Ecology ( bionomics ) is divided in such sections:

AUTECOLOGY - the section of a bionomics which studies all ecological aspects in respect of the separate representative of kind of alive organisms. Autecology studies action of the factors of the environment on each alive organism. Thus an investigated organism are considered outside of link with other living entities of the given ecological system.

SYNECOLOGY studies communities of various alive organisms. For example: community microorganisms, plants, animal and their interaction with each other, and also with the inorganic environment.

In ecology to hygienic concept " environment" approximately there corresponds concept " biosphere", but biosphere - wider concept.

Concept about biosphere and its structure.

The term " biosphere" was entered in 1875 by the Austrian scientist E. Zjuss. The doctrine about biosphere as complex multicomponent planetary system, was created by V. I. Vernadsky.

Biosphere - sphere of life on the Earth, it enter:

- Troposphere - layer part of atmosphere (height - up to 25 kms)

- Ground - litosphere (depth - up to 10 kms)

- Hydrosphere (depth of oceans - up to 12 kms).

Ecosystem is a collection of all living together organisms and also factors of the environment, in which they live.

Any ecosystem consists of two parts:

1 part is named as biocenosis. It is all alive organismsof ecosystem.

2 part is named as biotope. It is a part of earth surface, with particular physicochemical properties, on which the biocenosis lives.

       Sorts of the ecosystems             

1. Microecosystems  - small stream, glade.

       2. Mesoecosystems  -sea, wood, pond, river.

3. Macroecosystems - ocean, continent.

4. Global ecosystems - biosphere as a whole.

Larger ecosystems include smaller ecosystems.

Environment. The environment consists of biocenosis, biotope and physical, chemical, biological, anthropogenous factors ( forces ), operate on living organism (Tabl. ).







          biocenosis        biotope                   Abiotic Biotic

                                                                            Anthropogenic factors



а) аbiotical (factors of lifeless nature)

b) biotical (mutual relation of alive organisms, trophic circuits etc. )

c) Anthropogenous (are connected to activity of the man)

K inds of action of ecological factors on alive organism depend from it intensity and can act as:

- Irritation - cause adaptive reactions,

- Signals - testify change of other factors of environment,

- Modifiers - cause morphological changes,

- Terminators - stop or oppress ability to live of an organism

Zone of ecological optimum is a zone of comfort for living organisms, when Environment factors acts favourably on animals and plants. Quantity and quality of organisms in this zone is greatest.

Zone of pessimum (depression) - is behind (low or high) the zone of optimum. The factors of Environment act unfavourable on animals and plants. The indexes of quantity and quality of organisms are lower in this zone.

The critical point of life - it is the meaning of factor of Environment. In this point life is impossible.

                         factors of Environment    

Rule of limiting ecological factors. The more value of the separate ecological factor keeps away from zone of optimum for the given kind, the more it oppresses ability to live and refers to limiting.

The range of zone optimum under each ecological factor for the given kind of organisms refers to ecological valency of a kind.

Ecological spectrum of a kind it isa set of ecological valencies under different ecological factors. On breadth of an ecological spectrum all kinds share on every biontable (for example, every thermal) - has a wide spectrum and steno-biontable - has a narrow ecological spectrum.

Ecological niche - set of the ecological factors providing normal ability to live of the given kind of organisms.

Ecosystem - set of in common living kinds of alive organisms and conditions of their existence.

Biocenos - set in the certain territory homogeneous ecological factors and kinds of alive organisms, consists of 2 parts: 1) ecotop – set of аbiotical factors, 2) biocenosis - a complex of alive organisms.

The basic parameters of ecosystem:

а) Qualitative - specific variety ecosystem, amount of kinds

b) Quantitative - quantity of individuals of each kind.

Everyone ecosystem is in a condition of mobile - stable balance - homeostasis. Gradual change parameters ecosystem under influence of any factors - succession.

The law of trophic chain. The trophic chain is the chain transmission of substance or energy from low -organized organisms to high –organized organisms in ecosystems (Tabl. ).

First level of trophic chain - is level of producents - / plants /.

Second level is the level of consuments 1 order (herbivorous animals).

Third level is the level consuments 2 order (carnivorous).  




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