Of children and teenagers. hygienic requirements. To physical training of children. 2. Duration of a motorial activity.
of children and teenagers. Main principles of hygienic requirements: - Conformity to daily biorhythms of the child; - The maximal preservation of a dynamic stereotype, if necessary - its gradual change (the new mode should be entered gradually); - Rational distribution of the basic components of a mode of day (dream, study, games, stay on air, a feed, personal hygiene) within day and their alternation; - Conformity to limits of serviceability and to psycho-physiological opportunities of the child. BASIC COMPONENTS of DAY REGIMEN of CHILDREN And TEENAGERS 1. Dream. In the new-born age - dream inordinate - 16, 5 clocks. Day dream: at 1, 5 - 2 years - 2, 5 - 3 hours. From 3 up to 6 - 7 years - 2 - 1, 5 hours. Night dream: since 1 year till 7 years - 10 hours 40 minutes - 10 hours 15 minutes. From 8 years dream only at night: At 8 - 10 years - 10 clocks, 11 - 14 years - 9, 5 - 9 clocks, 15 - 17 years - 9 - 8 clocks. 2. Stay on fresh air: Up to 1, 5 years stay on open air is at the day dream. At 2 - 3 years - not less than 4, 5 - 5 clocks per day (2 walks - in PCE and house before dream), At 4 - 6 years - 4, 5 - 3, 5 hours, At 7 - 10 years - 3, 5 hours, At 11 - 14 years - 3 hours, At 15 - 17 years -2, 5 hours 3. Educational activity: At 1, 5 - 2 years - some occupations per one week on 8 - 10 minutes. At 3 - 4 years -10 occupations on 10 - 15 minutes At 4 - 5 years - 10 occupations on 20 minutes, At 5 - 6 years - 15 occupations on 20 - 25 minutes, At 6 - 7 years - 19 occupations on 25 - 30 minutes. At school: 1 class - 20 occupations on 35 minutes, 2 classes - 22 occupations 45 minutes, 3-4 classes - 24 occupations, 5 - 8 classes - 30 occupations, 9 - 11 classes - 31 occupations per one week 4. Game activity or rest: In prescholl age - 4, 0 - 5 hours, for schoolboys - 1, 5 - 4, 0 hours. 5. Receptions of food and personal hygiene. 2, 5 - 4 hours per day (morning, evening toilet, charging, hydro procedures, changing clothes, transferrings, receptions of nutrition).
HYGIENIC REQUIREMENTS to physical training of children. Moving activity is necessary condition of normal development organism of the child. It is measured in locomotions. At infringement of physiologically caused need of organism of the child in movements may be 2 states: а) hypodynamya (low moving activity) - asteno-vegetative syndrome, syndrome detraining, excess weight. The reasons: wrong mode of day, disease, climatic conditions, social factors; b) hyperkinesia (high moving activity, which do not correspond to abilities of organism) - miocardiodysthrophya, proof arterial hypertension. The reasons: speeding up employment by sports, aspiration of full children to grow thin. Hygienic requirements to physical training of children: Main principles: Individuality; Adequacy to a state of health and opportunities of organism; Systematic; Gradual increase loading at the medical control; Favorable psycho-emotional condition and conditions of Environment.
Estimation adequacy of physical loading: 1) By external attributes: reddening of the person, frequency of breath, degree of perspiration etc. 2) By methods studying physical serviceability: on time of development physical exhaustion, 3) On a pulse rate: measure before lesson (initial level) and everyone 5 mines during a lesson of physical culture. Criteria: increase of pulse at unitary measurement - up to 90 % from initial, on the average for a lesson - up to 50 %. Requirements to duration moving activity in a mode of day: The moving component of a mode of day should be up to 50 % of time of rest, thus 70 % of it are regular forms of physical culture, 30 % - independent moving activity. UNITS OF MOVING ACTIVITY 1. Amount of locomotions (walks) per day H = 1, 3 n, where: H - necessary number of walks per day (in thousand walks), n - age in years 2. Duration of a motorial activity. T = 6, 5 - 0, 2 n, where: T - duration of a motorial activity per day (in clocks) n - age in years The note: At usage these formulas a standard deviation from daily norm - no more 10 %. For the girls in the teenage age (13 - 15 years) the estimated values of daily amount of walks and time of locomotion should be diminished by 15 %, in connection with physiological drop dynamical activity in this age. Hygienic requirements to hardening children. The purposes of hardening: а) Development and perfection thermoregulation organism (basically due to training a tone of peripheral vessels). Features thermoregulation at children: increased heat-production because of high basic exchange; high heat-return - big surface of body, lability vessels; b) Adaptation to change climatic conditions; c) Decrease sensitivity to cold diseases. Principles of hardening - see principle physical training. HYGIENE of NUTRITION of CHILDREN The main feature - high intensity exchange in organism of the child, thus a feed should not only compensate losses of energy, but also provide synthetic processes of growth and development of organism. Therefore - caloric content of a feed on kg of weight of a body in 1, 5 - 2 times are higher, than at the adult and it should exceed losses of energy. Differences in 2 principle of balanced diet - ratio: Proteins: Fats: Carbohydrates not 1: 1: 4 as for adult, but 1: 1: 3 - relative increase content proteins and fats in a diet. Features protein nutrition in children: - More protein on kg of weight of a body in comparison for the adult; - The big part of animal protein - 60-75 %, especially dairy proteins; - Obligatory presence conditionally irreplaceable amino acids argynin and hystidin, and also irreplaceable amino acids lysin and tryptophan (factors of growth). Features fatty nutrition: - A lot on kg of weight of a body; - A lot of animal fats, vegetative fats – not more than 10 % - if it more - inhibition growth, lack vitamins A and D. Features carbohydrate nutrition: - Rather big need on kg of weight of a body (energy); - In comparison with the adult person in children’s feed must be many unprotected carbohydrates (up to 20 %) and pectins, less superprotected carbohydrates (vegetative cellulose). Features mineral substances and vitamins in children’s nutrition. In view of intensive growth bones - increased receipt Са and Р, because it participates in forming bones. Enough magnesium - 12-13 mg/day is necessary. The basic products of children's feed - dairy - do not provide need in Fe, therefore are necessary sources of its additional receipt.
Vitamins. In view of intensive growth more vitamins are necessary, is especial A, D and groups B. Artificial vitaminization feed in the winter-spring period is necessary. Regimen of diet. Than more small child - the more often receptions of food is necessary: at preschool children 5 times with break 3 hours, at schoolboys - 4 times in 4-5 hours. More uniform distribution caloricity on receptions of food is recommended in comparison with adults.
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