Part 7. Hygiene of hot climate.
THEME № 24. HYGIENIC CHARACTERISTIC OF THE HOT CLIMATE, ITS INFLUENCE ON THE ORGANISM OF PERSON. HYGIENE OF NUTRITION, HYGIENE OF WORK, PERSONAL HYGIENE AND HYGIENE OF LIVING ROOMS IN CONDITIONS OF THE HOT CLIMATE. Characteristic of hot climate. The climate of South countries can be conditionally divided into 2 kinds: tropical climate and climate of deserts. Tropical climate. Feature of it - constant high temperature of air with insignificant daily and annual fluctuations (1-60C). There is the high level of solar radiation (100 and more Kcal\sm2). Next feature - high humidity of air -80-90 %, sometimes 100 % (at night). In it kind of climate usually is high level of annual deposits, 2 periods of rains in one year (totally about 7 months). The combination of high temperature and humidity of air at its insufficient circulation conducts to formation fogs, activization degradation processes in fallen foliage therefore in air contents СО2 rises up to 0, 3-0, 4 %. Climate of deserts. There is small amount of deposits and low humidity of air - up to 5 %. As against tropical climate, the temperature of air in deserts more various with significant fluctuations within day (in Northern Sahara in December temperature at night –140C, at day +25-300C). There is often strong winds and high dust content of air (sandy storms). The listed features of these 2 kinds of climate considerably influence on organism of the person and processes thermoregulation, at hit person in these climatic conditions from other climate processes of acclimatization are sharply expressed. At acclimatization in organism there are complex processes of reorganization of functions bodies and systems, it is marked breaking established " dynamic stereotype" - mobile balance organism with environment and establishment new balance according to changed climatic conditions. This process occupies various time, that depends on level of health, adaptable opportunities, age, etc. The first phase of acclimatization is adaptation (partial acclimatization) from the first hours about 14 day, 2 phase - full acclimatization - some months - year, sometimes is more. During acclimatization, it is especial in 1 phase, is observed the asteno-vegetative syndrome, increase of disease, decreasing serviceability. Influence hot climate on the system of thermoregulation organism. The major factors influencing on thermoregulation in hot climate are the high temperature and humidity of air. The system thermoregulation of the person provides maintenance temperature of his internal environment in narrow constant range. Rise temperature of body on 2-3 0C essentially influences at function CNS, cardiovascular and renal systems, it increase on long terms on 4-50C and more is incompatible to life. Thermoregulation - the complex process, consisting from heat-formation (chemical thermoregulation) and heat-return (physical thermoregulation). Heat-formation is provided due to biochemical exchange processes (so, at easy work in organism of the person it is formed about 3000 Kcal heat for day). In hot climate organism receives from environment additional amount of heat (up to 200-400 Kcal / hour). The level heat-formation in organism basically depends on temperature of air; the zone of indifference is 15-250C, at higher temperature heat-formation is reduced. Heat-return consists of conducting heat to air (convection), thermal radiation IR-beams and evaporation sweat. In conditions of hot climate at high temperature and humidity of air these processes are reduced that conducts to overheating organism and occurrence infringements thermoregulation: heatstroke, thermal spasmes, thermal faint, thermal exhaustion by water and salt losses, thermal hypostasis of foot.
The factors conducting to overheating of organism. - High temperature and humidity of air, small speed air movement; - Heavy muscular work - increases heat-production; - Multilayer clothes; - Insufficient water inflow in organism - is worsened ewaporation of sweat. The heatstroke more often arises at people with cardiac-vessel diseases (hypertension, heart diseases), endocryn diseases (adiposity, hypertireosis). Overheating easily comes at children till 1 year. Depending on prevalence of those or other symptoms distinguish some forms of heatstroke: 1) cardio-vascular, 2) pulmonary (atelectasis), 3) brain, 4) shock, 5) delirious. On weight it may be easy, average and heavy degree.
Influence hot climate on a water exchange in organism. In conditions of hot climate water-salt exchange has a number of the features connected to participation water in thermoregulation and its allocation through a skin as sweat. Researches show, that at usual temperature about 200C water is allocated through kidneys, skin, lungs and intestines in the ratio 6: 2: 2: 1. At high temperature of air water basically (up to 70-80 %) is allocated through a skin as sweat. Loss of water with it at temperature 37, 80C makes 0, 3 l / hour and with rise temperature by everyone 0, 50C is increased on 20 ml. In hot climate at weakened people at heavy physical work daily losses of water can reach 12 l - thus can give dehydrotation of the organism different degree of weight. Thus plasma of blood (at dehydrotation organism on 11 % of weight of body plasma loses water in 2, 7 times more, than all organism as a whole) first of all suffers. Thus viscosity of blood, the contents of hemoglobin sharply raises, the volume of circulating blood decrease - reduction speed of blood circulation, reduction shock volume of heart, increase frequency of cardiac reductions. Large loss water from organism named DEHYDROTATION EXHAUSTION which symptoms depend on size of water-loss. So, at loss water up to 5 % from weight of a body there are feelings of indisposition, drowsiness, irritability; at 6-10 % - dizziness, headache, termination salivation, dysartria; more than 10 % - infringements of sight, hearing, speech, unconsciousness, delirium. Then all phenomena progress and the person died from irreversible frustration CNS, blood circulation and intimate activity. At loss water 15 % from weight of a body at temperature above 300C there can come death, at lower temperature - at loss water 25 % of weight.
Lack water in organism is accompanied by subjective feeling of thirst; distinguish true (at dehydrotation organism) and conditioned-reflex thirst (at absence deficiency of water in organism). The feeling of thirst has some inertness and is eliminated not right after drink, and after long time - till 10-12 minutes. In hot climate at weakened people at heavy physical work the original condition of water famine can arise: the more the person drinks, the more he would like water. If such condition to not remove, there can come a heavy stage - DRINKING ILLNESS or the WATER INTOXICATION: salivation, nausea, vomitting, strengthening urine formation, frustration coordination movements.
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