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Как бы там ни было, прибыв в галерею на Корк-стрит, он заплатил свой шиллинг, купил каталог и вошел. По залу слонялось человек десять посетителей. Сомс храбро двинулся к чему-то, что показалось похожим на фонарный столб, накренившийся от столкновения с автобусом. Вещь была выдвинута на три шага от стены и в каталоге названа «Юпитером». Сомс с любопытством осматривал ее, так как с недавнего времени уделял некоторое внимание скульптуре. «Если это Юпитер, - думал он, - то какова же Юнона?» И вдруг, как раз напротив, он узрел и ее. Богиня показалась ему как нельзя более похожей на водокачку с двумя рычагами, слегка запорошенную снегом. Он глядел на нее в недоумении, когда налево, рядом с ним, остановились двое.

-«Сногсшибательно! – громко сказал один из них.

-Жаргонное словечко! – проворчал про себя Сомс.

II. Теоретические вопросы

Список теоретических вопросов по лингвистике с аннотациями

Synthatical and analytical means of grammatical expression.

The traditional division of means employed for building up member form of categorical opposition. Synthetical means of realization of grammatical forms.

inner inflexion

outer inflexion


The peculiarity and the role of inflexion as a mean of grammatical expression in English. Analytical forms of realization of grammatical forms.

The Noun. The nominal categories.

The general characteristic of the noun and its position in the system of parts of speech. Gender distinctions in the English nouns. The grammatical category of number in the English noun. Singularia Tantum, Pluralia Tantum. The grammatical category of case in the English noun. Four theories of case.

The Verb. The verbal categories.

The position of the verb in the system of parts of speech. Subclasses of verbs. The grammatical category of tense. The grammatical category of aspect. The grammatical category of time correlation. The grammatical category of mood. The grammatical category of voice.

The articles.

The notion of the article. Determinative function of the article. Semantic observation of the articles in English. Grammatical features of the article.

The phrase as a syntactical unit in English classification of a phrase.

The definition of the phrase and the main problems in the study of phrases. The problem of phrase classification. Nominalization and its functions in the language. Grammatical means of expressing syntactic relations between the components of the phrase.

The sentence as basic syntactical unit.

The problem of the sentence definition and its levels. The main categories of the sentence:

a) predicativity: its role in the sentence;

b) modality: its heterogeneous nature;

c) negation and its types;

Classification of sentences according to their structure. The semantic structure of the sentence. Classification of sentences according to the purpose of communication.

The actual division of the sentence.

The actual division of the sentence. The central notions of the actual division: the theme and the rheme. Means of expressing the components of actual division.


1. Blokh M.Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar = Теоретическая грамматика английского языка: учебник для вузов: рекомендовано М-вом образования РФ / М. Я. Блох. - 3-е изд., испр. - Москва: Высшая школа, 2000. - 381 с.

2. Blokh M.Y. Theoretical English Grammar Seminars = Практикум по теоретической грамматике английского языка: учебное пособие для вузов: допущено М-вом образования РФ / М. Я. Блох, Т. Н. Семенова, С. В. Тимофеева. - Москва: Высшая школа, 2004. - 471 с.


The system of English consonants.

The definition of the consonant phoneme. The classification of the English consonants made by Russian and foreign phoneticians. The problem of the English affricates.

The phoneme theory.

Phonology as a branch of Phonetics. The morphological approach to the phoneme, the psychological approach to the phoneme, the system of phonological oppositions, the theory of arch-phonemes.

Word-stress in English.

The definition of word-accent and articulatory means of the language by which it’s effected. Different types of word accent. English word accentuation tendencies. The functions of word accent.

The English vowel system.

The definition of vowel phoneme. The classification of the English vowels made by Russian and foreign phoneticians. The problem of the so-called triphthongs.

English intonation, its basic functions.

The definition of intonation. Intonation as a complex of features. Basic functions of intonation.


1. Практическая фонетика английского языка учебник для вузов: рекомендовано М-вом общего и проф. образования РФ / М. А. Соколова, К. П. Гинтовт, Л. А. Кантер и др. - Москва: ВЛАДОС, 1997. - 384 с.

2. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка / учебник для вузов: рекомендовано Гос. комитетом РФ по высш. образованию / М. А. Соколова, К. П. Гинтовт, И. С. Тихонова и др. - Москва: ВЛАДОС, 1996. - 286 с.

The origin of the English language.

The English language as a Germanic language within the Indo-European family of languages. The Indo-European languages. The Germanic languages. The ancient Germans. West, East, North Germanic languages. The Great Migration Age. The tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes; their settlement on the British Isles. The first kingdoms and their struggle for dominance. The Old English dialects. The Old English literature. King Alfred the Great. The Union of the kingdoms. The formation of the English language.

14. The historical character of the English spelling system.

The change of the English spelling system due to the changes in the system of phonemes. The features of the Old English spelling. The Runic and Latin alphabets. Changes in the Middle English period. Reasons of spelling instability. The period of spelling stabilization. Etimological restoration of spelling.

The development of English word accentuation.

The notion of word accentuation. Types of word accentuation. Word accentuation in Indo-European and in Proto-Germanic. Word accentuation in Late Common Germanic and in Old English. Its functions. Its influence upon the sound changes.

Common feaches of Germanic vowels and consonants.

The English language as a Germanic language within the large Indo-European family. Grimm’s law. Verner’s law. Gemination. Long vowels. Short vowels.

The historical development of the system of nouns in English.

The structure of the noun in Indo-European and in Proto-Germanic. The root, the stem-building suffix, the inflection. The remnants of the 3-morpheme structure in Modern English. Old English noun categories. Changes in the Middle English period. Disappearance of the categories. The Modern English noun.


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