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Указатель географических и этнических названий


австралийцы, эти. 18, 155 Азиатский континент 192, 195 азиаты 203 Азия 8, 22, 141, 192, 204, 205, 208,

216—218 алуры, этн. 9, 58, 59, 86, 87, 90, 118,

123, 174, 175, 177 Амазония 159 Америка, Латинская 10

— Северная 135, 141, 152

— Центральная 112, 192

— Южная 112, 192 Ангола 118, 187 ануаки, этн. 7 аньи, этн. 103, 104 арабы, этн. 71, 75, 146

— среднеазиатские 178 Аравия 71

Аттика 171

Африка 19, 21, 22, 24, 83, 85, 102, 120,

152, 163, 180, 192, 204, 205, 208,

211, 216—218

— Восточная 21, 120, 133

— Западная 63, 76, 186

— Экваториальная 21

— Северная 63, 188

— Северо-Восточная 120


—Тропическая 6, 71, 73, 75, 82, 132, 180, 192, 196, 215, 219, 220

—Центральная 19, 152

—Юго-Восточная 99, 121, 135, 146

—   Южная 99, 135, 146, 152
Африканский континент 6, 19, 82, 85,

92, 180, 195 африканцы 203, 211

Багирми 76 Бали, о-в 109 Банкса, о-ва 141 баньяруанда, этн. 73, 174' барма, этн. 76 белуджи, этн. 73, 74 Белуджистан 73 Бельгия 8

берибери см. канури Бирма 176 боро, этн. 155 Бразилия 191 Британия 59 британцы 9, 192 Буганда 155

Буньоро 92, 93 Буркина Фасо 9 Бусога 10 бушмены, этн. 155

Великобритания 8, И, 14, 54 Восток Ближний 71, 174, 178, 188

— Средний 71

Габон 194

Гавайи (Гавайские о-ва) 83, 135, 151

Газели, п-в 142

Гана 110, Г99, 204, 207, 218

Гвинея 199

Германия 187

германцы, этн. 59, 135, 144

голландцы, этн. 192

Гонджа 111

гонджа, этн. ПО, 111

Греция древняя 25, 51, 182

гунантуна, этн. 142

гуроны, этн. 152

Дагомея 204 дакота, этн. 152 делавары, этн. 152 динка, этн. 86, 172, 173, 176

Европа 18, 21, 141, 146

— Западная 39, 63, 132, 193

— Северо-Западная 59

— Центральная 132

— Юго-Восточная 132 европейцы 203

Заир 58, 174, 187, 219 Золотой Берег см. Гана зулу, этн. 99, 101, 121

и (носу), этн. 149 ибо, этн. 20, 213 иджо, этн. 213 имбангала, этн. 187 индейцы, этн. 141, 159

— Южной Америки 155
Индия 191, 192, 194, 216
Индонезия 9, 194, 203
Индостанский п-ов 10

ирокезы, этн. 7, 83, 100, 144, 145, 150,

152, 185 Иран 71, 74, 195, 196



Испания 73 испанцы, эти. 191 итсекири, эти. 213

йеке, эти. 187 йомбе, эти. 118 йоруба, эти. 133, 141

Камерун 218

Кано 75, 76

канури (берибери), эти. 75.

кэчины, этн. 9, 176, 177

кельты, этн. 59

Китай 22, 182, 195, 196

Китайская равнина 182

китайцы, этн. 182, 183

Конго, р. 133

Конго, гос-во 194

Кот-д'Ивуар (Республика Кот-д'Иву-

ар) 103

кпелле, этн. 142 крики, этн. 152 Кухак 73, 74 кхонды (кандхи), этн. 204

Лациум 163

ленду, этн. 174, 177

Либерия 142

Ливия 220

Лоанго (берег Лоанго) 118

лоанго, этн. 187

Ляншань 149

Мадагаскар 109

майя, этн. 112

малагасийцы, этн. 108, 109

Мали 186

малинке, этн. 186

Мампруси 88

мампруси, этн. 89, 107, 111

Маради 75, 76

масаи, этн. 86, 121

массагеты, этн. 152

Мату-Гросу 153

мбунду, этн. 118

Межозерье восточноафриканское 73,

149, 174, 175, 180 меланезийцы 203 Меланезия 81, 85, 135, 138, 141 менде, этн. 141, 142 мерина см. малагасийцы Месоамерика 123, 191 Микронезия 141 Моала, о-в 206 моей, этн. 88, 89

ндебеле (матабеле), этн. 19 Нигерия 20, 68, 90, 172, 204, 207, 218

— Юго-Восточная 213 Новая Гвинея 159, 213 Новая Каледония ПО

Новый Свет 10, 191, 192

нупе, этн. 187

нуэры, этн. 7, 10, 86, 119, 120, 172,

ньоро, этн. 92, 111 ньякьюса, - этн. 122 ньямвези, этн. 187

Объединенные Арабские Эмираты 196. овимбунду, этн. 187 оджибве, этн. 141 Ойо 204

Океания 22, 195, 205 окебо, этн. 174 Орисса, штат 204, 208 ория, этн. 208 Османская империя 73

папуасы, этн. 159

— баруйя 138, 213

— кума 155

патаны (пуштуны), этн. 10

Персидский залив 174

Перу 191

Полинезия 81, 82, 85, 123, 125

Португалия 8

португальцы, этн. 9, 191

Прибалтика 73

Пукапука, о-в 125

пуэбло, этн. 99

Республика Нигер 75 Республика Судан 86 Рим 51, 103 Руанда 73, 174

Самоа 135

Саудовская Аравия 196

Сахара 21, 152

свази, этн. 99—101, 103, 121, 201

скифы, этн. 152

сога, этн. 9, 39

Соединенные Штаты Америки (США)

8, 12—14, 18, 99 Сонгай 187 сонгаи, этн. 187 Судан 20, 94, 172, 174

— Западный 66, 178, 201

— Центральный 66, 178, 201 сунди, этн. 187 Сьерра-Леоне 207 Сычуань, провинция 149

талленси, этн. ИЗ, 118, 119

Танганьика 9, 20

Танзания 9, 187

темне, этн. 141, 142

тив, этн. 68, 86, 90, 91, 119, 172

Тикопиа, о-в 109

Тонга, о-ва 109, 135

Тробриан, о-ва 24

-туареги, эти. 152, 175, 178

— кель-ахаггар 175 -турки, эти. 73 'Турция 74, 195, 196

Уагадугу 88

Уганда 20, 39, 54, 204, 219

фанги, эти. 194 фиджийцы, эти. 206 фоны, этн. 133 • фракийцы, этн. 152 -Франция 8, 11, 12, 94 «фульбе, этн. 75, 186 •4> утуна, о-в 125

хауса, этн. 75 хиваро, этн. 155

Центральноафриканская (ЦАР) 191

чикито, этн. 155

шаны, этн. 176, 177 шауни, этн. 152 шахри, этн. 73, 74 шиллуки, этн. 94 шона, этн. 152

яга (яка), этн. 187



Аверкиева Ю. П. 14, 19 Адаме Р. Н. 16, 17 Алмонд Г. 43, 45

Арутюнов С. А. 59, 165, 168, 183, 204, 205

Баландье Ж. 5, 12, 18, 22, 82, 86, 93,

197—198, 205, 209 Барнс Дж. 9, 11 Барт Ф. 10, 168, 178 Бейли Ф. 10, 200, 204, 208 Бентон М. 33 Битти Дж. 85, 106 Блайден Э. У. 211 Блок Марк 12 Блок Морис 15, 108 Бочаров В. В. 21

Бромлей Ю. В. 32, 165, 167, 183 Брук С. И. 182

Бурлацкий Ф. М. 23, 28, 33, 34, 44 Бьюкенен Л. 119 Бьюкенен П. 119

Васильев Л. С. 22, 153—155, 157 Вебер М. 10, 11, 29, 36—39, 81, 83,

109, 193

Веселкин Е. А. 11 Витфогель К. 160

Глакмэн М. 9, 111 Годелье М. 15, 18, 112 Гуди Дж. 108 Гуляев В. И. 22 Гумплович Л. 7, 159 Гурвич Ж. 166 Гуревич А. Я. 21

Делафосс М. 12 Доул Г. 166 Дюмезиль Ж. 102

Истон Д. 8, 13, 22

Кейзеров Н. М. 29, 35, 44, 77, 83 Ким И. 46 Кинан Э. 108 Кирхгоф П. 122 Классен X. 15, 156, 161 Кнорозов Ю. В. 112 Козлов В. И. 168, 186 Колесницкий Н. Ф. 187 Копан Ж. 18, 22

Косвен М. О. 19 Коттак Ч. 16 Кочакова Н. Б. 193 Коэн И. 53 Коэн Р. 15 Кроутер С. 211 Крэйдер Л. 16 Крюков М. В. 182, 183 Кушнер П. И. 168, 186

Лашук Л. П. 171

Леенар М. 12

Ленин В. И. 30, 72

Лич Э. 9, 111, 112, 176, 177

Ломбар М. 12

Лоуи Р. Г. 7, 13

Макэ Ж. 12, 166

Малиновский Б. 43

Мамут Л. С. 47

Маркарян Э. С. 47

Маркс К. 30, 80, 125, 17. 1, 181

Мейн Г. С. 7, 117

Мид М. 137

Миллер Д. 118

Монтей Ш. 12

Морган Л. Г. 7, 37, 100, 117, 144, 145.

150, 177, 185 Мэр Л. 9, 90, 121

Надель 3. Ф. 47—48, 107, 177, 187 Неусыхин А. И. 21 Нкрума К. 199 Нэролл Р. 57, 58, 166

Оберг К. 153 Ольдерогге Д. А. 19 Оппенгеймер Ф. 7, 14, 159 ^ Оруэлл Дж. 87

Перро К. -Э. 104 Першиц А. И. 19, 52 Потехин И. И. 19 Пригожий И. 16 Пуланцас Н. 12 Пэден Дж. 45

Рэдклиф-Браун А. Р. 9, 10, 13, 40, 43, 55

Салинз М. Д. 15, 16, 122, 137, 138. 172, 206

118, 187

Саутхолл Э. 9, 58, 59

Семенов Ю. И. 31

Сервис Э. Р. 14, 153

Сказкин С. Д. 21

Скальник П. 156

Смирнов С. Р. 20

Смит М. Дж. 9, 35, 52, 177, 178

Соколов Э. В. 48

Солцмэн Ф. 73, 74

•Стюард Дж. 14, 57

Сукарно А. 203

Тимур 178

Токарев С. А. 19, 166 Толстое С. П. 19 Томановская О. С. 21, Туре А. С. 199

Уайт Л. 16

Фсвр Л. 12 Ферс Р. ПО, 112 Фоллерс Л. 9, 10, 39 Фортес М. 7, 10, 113, 119, 120 Фрэзер Дж. 106

Фрид М. Г. 14, 16, 28, 31, 101, 150, 159, 160, 185

Харрис М. 17 Хлопин И. Н. 186

Чака 121

Чебоксаров Н. Н. 59, 165, 168, 182, 183, 205

Эванс-Причард Э. Э. 10, 43, 86, 119,

120 Энгельс Ф. 80, 128, 129, 132, 134, 143,

153, 154, 171, 173


L. Ye. Kubbel. Essays of Potestal and Political Ethnography. Potestal andC political ethnography is a special branch of etnnology (ethnography), studying;, the relations of power and authority in pre-capitalist, above all pre-class and early class social organisms. The emergence of its Western analogue usually termed political anthropology traditionally dates back to 1940, when appeared the work African Political Systems by a team of British anthropologists and The Nuer by E. E. Evans-Pritchard. However, problems related to the organiza­tion of power in the so-called traditional societies had sufficiently been studied earlier, for instance by L. Morgan and H. Maine in the 19th century and R. Lowie in the 20th century.

National schools of political anthropology emerged in the West in the last half-century. Their approaches to the subject differ reflecting the national acade­mic tradition. The British school was closely associated with the functional met­hod then prominent in the British anthropology; the French school, in turn, emphatically focused on the historical method combining political anthropology and history; the American political anthropology was linked with the sociologicat studies, and from the late 1950s was strongly influenced by the concepts of neo-evolutionism, particularly the advocates of cultural ecology.

In this country special studies in potestal and political ethnography started only in the 1970s; however, many earlier general ethnographic studies gave much attention to the relations and organization of power. The basic difference-between Soviet and Western studies lies in the delimitation of the relations of power and authority in pre-class and class societies: only the latter may be regarded as genuinely political, and for their designation at the earlier stages of development the definition 'potestal' (Lat. potestas, authority) seems more appropriate. This explains a combined name of this discipline. In this country, studies in potestal and political ethnography have been closely related to the study of Medieval mass mentality.

Potestal and political ethnography has much in common and, to certain extent, overlaps with the political science and political sociology. The difference between them lies in the approaches to power and authority: specifically, pote­stal and political ethnography uses as a basis of study a related cultural sphere defined as potestal and political culture. The book draws on this particular approach.

The central idea of potestal and political ethnography is the idea of power as volitional relations between people in a definite socio-economic framework that ensures the integrity of social organism and its normal functions as a system of self-reproduction. The development and execution of power generates 'dialectic pairs' with notions such as control, management, and authority. Power is initially asymmetrical suggesting inequality between the subject and object of the relations of power. And as society evolves from pre-class to class rela­tions, the idea emerges of power being ambivalent, as something both beneficial

and dangerous. A situation when the relations of supremacy and subordination begin gradually to dominate in society constitutes a major watershed in the functional development of power from potestal to political.

Potestal and political culture, as a special cultural aspect of society as a whole, has the same cultural functions as the latter: communicative, significati­ve, normative, protective, etc. In рге-class societies it does not form a specific division of culture in general and so we may regard the development from po­testal to political culture as gradual and, still, incessant specialization of this as­pect and its derivation from the syncretic culture of pre-class society. Traditional -continuity is very important for the evolution of potestal and political culture, just as of culture in general. Its contacts with other potestal and political cultu-. res occuring at the juncture of ethnocultural areas are also very important. As. potestal culture evolves into a political one their influence becomes evermore pro­minent so that political culture invariably assumes a multistructural pattern: in addition to inevitable class differentiation it was also ethnically stratified, and ethnic distinctions were usually a form of manifestation of class distinc-iions.

The excercise of power requires a combination of measures and instruments of coersion without which power cannot exist. The coersion can both be phy­sical and psychological. That is why we must consider in detail the most com­mon forms of psychological coersion based on the premise that any power (demands that the subject and object of power relations accept certain common values. These are ideological forms (religious authorization of power, its con­secration, mythologization and genealogization), ritual forms through which: the related ideological ideas are realized (ideology in this case is interpreted as a distorted reflection of social realities), and various types of etiquette, in-Deluding language.

At the same time, specific forms of power organization and authority are interesting and considered above all as a reflection of evolution from potestal to political organization as class society emerges. This approach inevitably invol­ves, in particular, an attempt to analyse ways and mechanisms of the emergence -of political organization (politogenesis).

Potestal and political culture is closely associated with the ethnic aspect in the development of any society. Particularly as a mechanism of culture pi#tec-tion it helps to conserve culture which is the most important quality of an eth-nos; at the same time, it importantly functions as a delineator between 'we' and ''they', which also is a major instrument for the conservation of integrity and identity of ethnic culture. Specifically, potestal and political consciousness and self-consciousness are among the most important elements of ethnic conscious­ness.

Contemporary potestal and political culture in developing countries of Asia -and Africa is a result of protracted interaction between formationally different. cultures—bourgeois political culture and traditional potestal and political cultu­res of formerly colonial and semicolonial nations. These cultures had essential­ly opposite parametres: ethnically isolated and fragmentary aboriginal culture was opposed above all by class-determined and, under the colonial conditions, ethni­cally almost neutral culture of the colonialists. The latter, destroying the boun­daries of ethnopolitical and ethnopotestal entities, did irreparable damage to iraditional culture, on the one hand, and stimulated the rise of the anticolonial

sentiment among the entire ethnically heterogeneous population of a colony, on the other. The colonial political culture emanating therefrom invariably was two-fold, and this quality was inherited by the political culture of emergent countries. Numerous attempts to appeal to 'tradition', be it Muslim ideas of the political organization of society or the traditional image of a ruler and his socially-indispensable qualities, have essentially been made by the ruling groups to do away with this phenomenon so as to create certain functionally national unity.



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