Интернет-источники. Приложение. Игра «The codebreaker». Игра «Find the words». Игра "Какие виды искусства ты знаешь?"
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 12 из 12 Интернет-источники 66. Артамонова, Л. Н. Игры на уроке Английского языка и во внеклассной работы. URL: https: //eng. 1sept. ru/article. php? ID=200800417 (Дата обращения: 11. 11. 2020 ) 67. Берн Э. «Игры, в которые играют люди / Э. Берн. Nykö ping, Sweden: PHILOSOPHICAL ARKIV. Стр. 166. URL: http: //aifet. com/books/transl_v2_Berne. pdf Дата обращения: 02. 12. 2020)]. 68. Критерии выбора методов по Бабанскому Ю. К. URL: https: //studopedia. ru/19_12778_kriterii-vibora-metodov-po-yuk-babanskomu. html (Дата обращения 02. 12. 2020) 69. Левитес, Д. Г. Педагогические технологии/ Д. Г. Левитес. Москва: ИНФРА-М. С. 153 (403стр. ) //URL: http: //znanium. com/bookread2. php? book=950834 ( дата обращения: 19. 11. 2020). Приложение Игра «The codebreaker». Игра проводится на знание определенных словосочетаний (желательно, чтобы они были даны в учебнике). Задача обучающихся: расшифровать выражения на английском по цифровым комбинациям. Каждая цифра обозначает одну из трех букв (за исключением девятки). При затруднении можно пользоваться учебником.
1) 3127( I bet …). 2) 32557116211577 (I don t care about …). Игра «Find the words». В этой игре надо найти слова по строго определённой теме или по вокабуляру, который есть в учебнике. Обучающиеся при этом повторяли и ознакомились раннее с данными словами. Перед игрой учитель объясняет учащимся, что они могут найти слова по горизонтали (слева-направо) или вертикали (сверху-вниз); допускается и по диагонали.
Игра " Какие виды искусства ты знаешь? " Дополни диаграмму другими торжествами.
Даны 7 картинок. Все они обозначают смертные грехи. Ниже написано столько же слов. Только на английском языке. К слову следует подобрать картинку, точно обозначающий какоё-либо грех. Ответы: 1 lust(A); 2 gluttony (B); 3greed (C); 4 rage (D); 5. sloth (E); 6. pride (F); 7. envy (G); Игра «Explain! » Задача обучающихся – объяснить значение определённых слов на английском языке. Они могут работать в паре или в группах. Также им можно пользоваться словарями.
Игра «Сlaster». I've never been sailed the Amazon, I've never reached Brazil; But the Do and Magdalena, They can go there when they will! I've never seen a Jaguar, Nor yet a Armadill – He's dilloing in his armour, And I s'pose I never will, Unless I go to Rio These wonders to brhold – Roll down - roll down to Rio – Roll really down to Rio
Oh, I'd love to roll to Rio Some day before I'm old! Обучающиеся читают стихотворение и затем в парах, понравилось ли им стих и в каких странах они хотели бы побывать. Далее обучающиеся составляют свой небольшой кластер ( в парах или мини-группах): главная тема - определённая страна на выбор ( например, Великобритания или Канада) и свои ассоциации по теме (достопримечательности, специфические термины, присущие данной стране и т. д. ). Чем больше кластер, тем лучше. Когда в конце обучающиеся представляют свой кластер. Они начинают свою речь следующим образом: «I've never been in …». Также можно использовать еще ряд дидактических игр. Игра “Мy school life” 1. Say what you think about the following statements. · Education should be compulsory for everybody. · Pupils should come to school to study not to entertain themselves. · Uniforms are necessary at schools. · Discipline at school should be strict enough to keep everything in order. · Teachers and pupils should never be friends. 1. Can you tell us about your idea of a perfect school? Say a few words about it and explain why you really think so. Compare your ideas about school with the ideas with your classmates and say whether you agree with them or not. Use the following model to speak about a school of your dream. · First of all I’d like to say that I (don’t) like to study in my school, because… · And if I had a chance to change it I would (not) do it, because… · I think that discipline in school should (not) be strict at school, because… · I also believe that uniforms are (not) necessary, for… · So, that is why… 2. Education is a very important problem for the country and the people who live in it. Do the following puzzle and find out the question that worries many people all over the world. Find in the table hidden words related to the problem of education. The explanations of the hidden words is given below the table.
1. The room where children can get books. (L…) 2. A boy’s uniform hat (C…) 3. A person who tells you everything about the lesson. (T…) 4. A person who doesn’t have any homework enjoys his ______ time. (F…) 5. A child who goes to school. (P…) 6. A place in the school where you have lunch. (C…) 7. School gives pupils opportunity to study and to have __________. (R) 8. Some rules and laws that help keep everything in order in school. (D) 9. A thing that you can read and discuss with your friends. (B) 10. A place where you can swim. (P) 11. A place where you can play tennis and volleyball. (G) 12. Biology, mathematics as a thing to study and learn. (S) 13. A place where pupils go to study and meet their friends. (S) 14. A place where children can listen to different tapes. (L) 15. A time at school when you study. Not a break. (L)
Игра “Is it easy to keep friendship” 1. Read the following sentences and choose one that is close to you. Comment on it and say why you agree with it. · A true friend is one of those who walks into your lives and finds home into your hearts. · A true friend is someone who knows that you are not perfect but tells you as through you are. · A true friend is someone who lands you a hand before you ask and gives you love just when you need it most. · A true friend is who understands you and is kind to your dreams. · A true friend is someone whom you never feel alone with even if he is far away. 2. Tell us who is a good friend Can you explain why think so? I think that a true friend is_________________________________, because___________. More than that, I believe____________________________ I am sure that a real friend should be___________________________________. And although people say that is very difficult to find a real friend I”ve got one. His/her name is_____________, and we are really happy when we are together. Игра “Ecological problems” 1. Read about some ecological problems and try to analyze the situation. Ecology is the science of how living things are related to their environment. Many people are concerned about their ecology today. They are concerned about protecting the environment from various harmful effects. These are the main environmental problems today: air pollution, water pollution, littering, overpopulation, endangered animals and plants, greenhouse effect, ozone holes, destruction of natural resources, cutting down forests and some others. Questions: · Which of the problems mentioned do you consider the most dangerous? · Have you noticed any of these problems in the place you live? · What is done or can be done to protect environment all over the world? 2. Ecologists think that the most important things for protecting the environment are: to save, to reuse, to recycle. Try to add to the list given bellow. · What can be saved? Water, energy, plants, animals… · What can be reused? Glass bottles and jars, some plastic containers… · What can be recycled? Tin and aluminum cans, old paper… 3. Suppose you are to speak about environmental problems on TV, over the radio or at the meeting. You may use the following ideas and develop them: · Dear friends! Our planet Earth is our common home and we must keep it in a good state. · We use the gifts of nature: air, water, land, minerals, animals, plants and we mustn’t waist them. · We are parts of Nature and plants and animals are our sisters and brothers. · We are destroying our environment and creating ecological crisis. · Our technical civilization is thinking only of its material welfare and profits. Игра “Traditions and customs” Задание: Используя " ключевые" предложения рассказа, заполните таблицу, которая поможет вам ответить на вопросы рассказа. Halloween is the evening of October 31, when children play tricks while wearing strange clothes and false faces or marks. Their costumes may look like the clothes of a sailor or cowboy, a queen or a clown. Or they may dress to look like an animal such as a monkey. Each child puts on a mask so that no one can know who he is. Last year the three sons of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper attended a Halloween Party. I was at home of David, the friend of the Cooper's boys. When Mr. Cooper went there to take his sons home, he was unable to recognize them. Everyone was dressed in costumes. One was dressed as Superman, other was a robot, one was Mickey Mouse and the forth was a ghost. Mr. Cooper was sure that children were his three sons, Arthur, Billy and Charles, and the host of the party, David. But he could not decide which was which.
Look at the clues below and help Mr. Cooper decide the costume that each boy was wearing. Write + in the grid for YES. and 0 for NO
1. Mr. Cooper 's wife had bought the costumes for their sons. He did not know exactly what costumes she has bought, but he knew she had not bought an animal costume. 2. Mr. Cooper was sure that Arthur, the oldest boy, was too tall to be dressed as the robot or the ghost. 3. He was sure that the robot was not Charles.
Итак, мы предложили модели некоторых дидактических игр, которые можно использовать на занятиях по иностранному языку. На их основе можно разработать игры на любую тему.
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