III. Answer the following questions.
1. Do you often go shopping? 2. What shops do you usually go to? 3. What do you buy there? 4. Do you prefer to go to big or small shops? 5. What are the advantages of big shops? 6. Are there any big shops in Volgograd? What are they? 7. What departments are there in Volgograd stores? 8. Is there an escalator in these stores? 9. Are the prices high in these shops? IV. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Мне нужно сделать сегодня кое-какие покупки. 2. Завтра мы идем покупать мне пальто. 3. Больше всего я люблю в этом универмаге отдел электротоваров (electric appliances). 4. Я ищу сумку к этому костюму уже три месяца. 5. Покажите мне, пожалуйста, ожерелье (necklace), которое лежит рядом с тем большим кулоном (pendant). 6. Когда открываются магазины в вашем городе? 7. Надо торопиться. Магазин скоро закроется. 8. Такие костюмы сейчас в моде. 9. В этом магазине товары наилучшего качества. 10. Мне идут все оттенки зеленого. UNIT 14 Text 1 Shopping at the supermarket People buy foodstuffs at the food stores, at the markets and at the supermarkets. It is more convenient to do shopping at the supermarket: you can find there everything you need. More and more people nowadays prefer to provide themselves with foodstuffs for a long period. As they buy in quantities, they go to the supermarket by car and after having done shopping they load their bags and packets into the luggage compartment. A supermarket is a one-storied building, spacious and light, with large shop windows. Inside one can see some signs: Dairy produce, Dry groceries, Vegetables and Fruit, Meat and Fowl, Fish, Bakery Goods, Confectionery and Pastry, Wine. The dairy produce counter is well stocked with fresh milk foodstuffs. What is there for sale? Butter, cheese, processed cheese, cottage cheese, cream, sour cream, milk, fruit yogurt, eggs, margarine, mayonnaise. Everything is sold ready packed. Next to this is the bakery counter where everybody can choose whatever he or she likes: white and brown bread, rye and sliced bread, French loaves, buns, rolls, rings, rusks, pies, cheese cakes, doughnuts and so on. In the dry groceries counter there is also a great choice of produce. You can buy flour, groats (millet, buckwheat, semolina, rice), spices (cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, coriander, cloves, nutmeg, vanilla, pepper), mustard, vinegar, horse radish, tea, salt, lump sugar and granulated sugar there. Besides, customers can find there various packets filled with dry soup, noodles and uncooked food. They are easy to cook within some minutes that is why they are called instant.
The meat and fowl counter looks very attractive too. Chicken, duck, goose, turkey, bacon, ham, pork, beef, veal, mutton are at your disposal there. You will find a variety of sausages in this section too. A special counter handles frozen and fresh fish, smoked and dry fish, saltwater fish. Sturgeon, trout, salmon, Siberian salmon, humpback salmon, sole, cod, plaice, mackerel is also offered to the customers. Besides, the counter is full of sea products, quite exotic and unseen before. There are crabs, shrimps, crawfish, squids, lobsters, oysters, mussels. A large space is occupied with tinned fish, sprat, herring, and caviar. The section where fruit and vegetables are for sale is called a greengrocery. It always attracts a lot of customers because irrespective of the season the counters are full of fresh fruit and vegetables grown in Russia or brought from other countries. Apples, pears, plums, pineapples, apricots, peaches, bananas, grapes, oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruit, pomegranate, persimmon are practically available all the year round. For those who like berries there are strawberries, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, cowberries, bilberries, blackberries, blueberries, gooseberries, currant, melon, water-melon nicely packed in small baskets. If you want to buy vegetables, you will find everything you need: potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, egg plant, marrow, cabbage, beetroot, onion, garlic, sweet pepper, turnip, radish, pumpkin, green peas, asparagus, dill, parsley, basil, celery, leek, lettuce and mushrooms. When doing shopping at the supermarket don't forget to look at the expiry date printed on the packet. You are recommended to use the foodstuff before it. Choosing products customers put them into a special basket and with the basket full go to the cashier. The cashier calls the price and gives them a check. Visiting a supermarket you considerably save your time. Vocabulary to buy foodstuffs – покупать продукты питания food store (shop) – продуктовый магазин, гастроном to do shopping – делать покупки to provide oneself with smth. – обеспечивать себя чем-либо to buy smth. in quantities – покупать что-либо в большом количестве to load into a luggage compartment – загружать в багажник автомобиля dairy produce – молочная продукция dry groceries – бакалейные товары bakery goods – хлебобулочные изделия confectionery and pastry – кондитерские и мучные изделия to be well stocked with smth. – иметь в продаже широкий ассортимент чего-либо to be for (on) sale – продаваться butter – масло processed cheese – плавленый сыр cottage cheese – творог sour cream – сметана white / brown / rye / sliced bread – белый / темный / ржаной / нарезной хлеб French loaf – французский (длинный) батон ring – бублик, баранка rusk – сухарь, сухарик cheese cake – ватрушка doughnut – пончик; жареный пирожок
flour – мука groats – крупа millet – пшено, просо buckwheat – гречка, гречневая крупа semolina – манная крупа rice – рис spice – специя, пряность cinnamon – корица ginger – имбирь cloves – гвоздика nutmeg – мускатный орех pepper – перец mustard – горчица vinegar – уксус horse radish – хрен lump sugar – кусковой сахар granulated sugar – сахарный песок noodles [nu:dlz] – лапша, макаронные изделия uncooked food – полуфабрикаты ham – ветчина, окорок to be at one’s disposal – быть в чьём-либо распоряжении frozen fish – мороженая рыба fresh fish – свежая рыба smoked fish – копченая рыба dry fish – сушеная рыба saltwater fish – морская рыба sturgeon – осетр trout – форель salmon – лосось; семга Siberian salmon – кета humpback salmon – горбуша sole – морской язык; камбала; палтус cod – треска plaice – камбала mackerel – макрель; скумбрия shrimp – креветка crawfish – рак; лангуст squid – кальмар oyster – устрица mussel – мидия tinned fish – рыбные консервы sprat – килька, шпрот herring – сельдь caviar – икра greengrocery – овощная или фруктовая лавка; зелень; фрукты irrespective of smth. – независимо от чего-либо apple – яблоко pear – груша plum – слива pineapple – ананас apricot – абрикос peach – персик grapes – виноград orange – апельсин lemon – лимон tangerine – мандарин pomegranate – гранат persimmon – хурма berry – ягода strawberry – земляника; клубника raspberry – малина cherry – вишня, черешня cranberry – клюква cowberry – брусника bilberry – черника blackberry – ежевика blueberry – голубика gooseberry – крыжовник currant – смородина melon – дыня water-melon – арбуз potatoes – картофель carrot – морковь cucumber – огурец tomato – помидор, томат egg plant – баклажан marrow – кабачок cabbage – капуста beetroot – свекла onion – лук garlic – чеснок pepper – перец turnip – репа radish – редиска pumpkin – тыква green peas – зеленый горох asparagus – спаржа dill – укроп parsley – петрушка basil – базилик celery – сельдерей leek – лук-порей lettuce [letis] – салат-латук expiry date – дата истечения срока хранения I. Give Russian equivalents to the following word combinations: to provide oneself with foodstuffs for a long period; to go to the supermarket by car; to load bags and packets into the luggage compartment; dairy produce; dry groceries; meat and fowl; bakery goods; confectionery and pastry; white and brown bread; rye and sliced bread; French loaves; rings; rusks; doughnut; spices; ham; sturgeon; trout; salmon; sole; sea products; crab; squid; lobster; oyster; sprat; greengrocery; berry; cherry; melon; potatoes; carrot; cucumber, tomato, egg plant, marrow, cabbage, beetroot, turnip, pumpkin, green peas, asparagus, dill, parsley, celery; mushrooms; to look at the expiry date; to go the cashier; to give a check.
II. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations: покупать продукты питания; продуктовый магазин; базар, рынок; делать покупки в супермаркете; покупать что-либо в большом количестве; иметь в продаже широкий ассортимент свежих молочных продуктов; масло; сыр; плавленый сыр; творог; сметана; молоко; яйца; маргарин; майонез; сдобная булочка с изюмом; ватрушка; мука; крупа; пшено; гречка; манная крупа; рис; перец; горчица; уксус; соль; сахар; макаронные изделия; полуфабрикаты; кета; горбуша; креветки; мидии; рыбные консервы; сельдь; икра; привлекать много покупателей независимо от времени года; яблоко; груша; слива; ананас; абрикос; персик; банан; виноград; апельсин; лимон; мандарин; грейпфрут; гранат; хурма; клубника; малина; клюква; брусника; черника; ежевика; голубика; крыжовник; смородина; арбуз; лук; чеснок; редиска; базилик; лук-порей; салат-латук.
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