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Книги Гехлека Ринпоче на английском

Книги Гехлека Ринпоче на английском

Если вы заинтересовались работами Гехлека Ринпоче, ниже приводится список его книг на английском. Эти книги можно заказать по адресу:


Ganden Lha Gyema; The Hundreds of Deities of the Land of Joy

Karma; Actions and Their consequences

Love and Compassion

Six-session Guru Yoga

Self and Selflessness

Lam Rim Teachings; 1987-1991, 4 volumes

Transforming Negativity into Positive Living

The Three Principles of the Path to Highest Enlightenment by Je Tsong Khapa

The Three Principles in a Short Commentary

Healing and Self-Healilng Through Таrа

Three Main Short Vajrayana Practices

Guru Devotion: How to Integrate the Primordial Mind

Solitary Yamantaka Teachings on the Generation Stage

Odyssey to Freedom

The Perfection of Wisdom Mantra

Lojong, Training of the Mind in Eight Verses

Lojong, Training of the Mind in Seven Points

Shantideva's Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life




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