Sources, forms, keeping and storage of drugs
Стр 1 из 12Следующая ⇒ Preface The present manual is intended for pharmaceutical, pediatric, general medicine and medico-biological departments of medical universities. It embraces the topics of drugs used in medicine, the structure of the chemist’s shop, drug annotations and other topics related to the sphere of verbal communication of pharmacists and doctors. The book also includes a series of exercises for developing various language skills necessary for improving both language use and extra linguistic awareness of the students.
Each unit of the manual consists of a text and a number of exercises to practice lexical and grammatical structures used in the texts. The texts are provided with comments on difficult points of vocabulary. The book is intended to help students to understand authentic articles, books and annotations in this specialty, to build up professional terminological vocabulary, to increase their extra linguistic awareness and to develop oral speech habits. The manual is also provided with Grammar Notes and Vocabulary Extensions of the texts. Unit 1 Description of a Pharmacy Grammar: Present Simple: Active Voice, Passive Voice
1.а) Прочтите слова из Vocabulary List вслух. б) Изучите список слов и укажите слова, называющие:
- инвентарь аптеки; - медицинские средства.
Vocabulary List pharmaceutical - фармацевтический to choose - выбирать stall - прилавок, стойка shelving - полка, стеллаж bandage - перевязочный материал, бинт implement - принадлежность, утварь perfumery - парфюмерия partition - перегородка to appoint - назначать prescription - рецепт sedative - успокоительное средство (лекарство) powder - порошок ointment - мазь
2. Ответьте на вопросы, используя слова и словосочетания в скобках.
1. Where may people choose any drug they need? (in the pharmacy) 2. What can you see in the pharmacy? (stalls, shelvings with different drugs) 3. What can you buy here? (sedatives, powders, bandages and even perfumery)
3. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский язык.
Description of a Pharmacy
The pharmaceutical service in our country is an unseparable part of the health protection. You can’t successfully treat people without highly effective medical aids. The pharmacy has a hall, the single place people may come in; a special room for keeping drugs; an assistants’ room where medicines are prepared and a room for the first medical aid. In the hall you can see special glass stalls and shelvings with different drugs. The people may choose here any drug they need. On the stalls and shelvings you can find all kinds of sedatives, vitamins and bandages. Here there are pills, powders, bottles of drops and mixtures, tablets, ointments, syringes, needles, thermometers, hot water bottles, medicine droppers and other things necessary for the medical care. In this department you can buy the implements for personal hygiene and even perfumery. The chemists will give you anything you need without prescription. This is the Chemist’s department.
In the hall there is a special department – Prescriptions – where a patient can order his prescriptions and have his medicine made up. A glass partition separates you from the pharmacist. Through a small window in this partition you hand in your prescription to the pharmacist and she gives you a medicine immediately if they have this medicine prepared or she appoints a special time to come for the drug. There are two drug cabinets in this department. In the drug cabinet, marked with a big letter A, poisonous drugs are kept. In the drug cabinet, marked with a big letter B, all strong-effective drugs are kept.
4. Закончите предложения, заменив русские слова в скобках их английскими эквивалентами.
5. Закончите предложения, используя подходящие по смыслу слова, приведенные ниже.
1. … has various treating methods for people, suffering from a disease. 2. Some medicines and drugs are used …chronic conditions which have no cure such as diseases of the central nervous system. 3. I have the medication on my…. 4. …. are administered in case of neurological disorders. 5. In any pharmacy you can … any drug you need. 6. … heal wounds.
to treat, prescription, medicine, to choose, sedatives, ointments.
6. Найдите в тексте «Description of a Pharmacy» английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний. Составьте предложения с ними по содержанию текста.
- защита здоровья; - отдел ручной продажи; - лечить людей; - рецептурный отдел; - хранить лекарства; - заказать лекарство по рецепту; - на прилавках и полках; - назначить время.
7. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
8. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту «Description of a Pharmacy».
9. Составьте устное сообщение (8-12 предложений) на английском языке, используя текст «Description of a Pharmacy», по плану:
1) Departments in any pharmacy; 2) Chemist’s department; 3) Prescription department.
Активизация грамматики.
1. The physician (advise) the patient to go to the Chemist’s.
2. Сравните выделенные формы глаголов в парах предложений и укажите разницу между ними. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
A doctor prescribes medicines for you. Medicines are prescribed for you by a doctor. A pharmacist at the chemist’s shop checks The prescription is checked by a the prescription. pharmacist at the chemist’s shop.
3. Изложите следующую информацию в страдательном залоге, сохранив временную форму глагола. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
4. a) Изучите образец, обратите внимание на возможность перевода пассивной конструкции на русский язык.
Medicines are bought at the chemist’s. Лекарства продаются в аптеке. However this drug is not used in such cases. Однако данное лекарство не используется (данное лекарство не используют) в таких случаях.
б) Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, используя словарь; дайте несколько вариантов перевода, если возможно.
5. Составьте вопросы, на которые можно ответить, используя приведенные ниже предложения.
6.Составьте общие и специальные вопросы к следующим предложениям.
1. Прочитайте текст и скажите на русском языке, что из перечисленного он описывает: - свойства лекарств; - виды лекарств; - поиск новых лекарств. Drugs. Any chemical substance which affects the functioning of the body is called a drug. Aspirin, penicillin and insulin are all common examples. A drug is the active ingredient of a medicine, and all medicines contain drugs. For instance, aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid. However, not all drugs are medicines. For example, alcohol and nicotine (in tobacco) are drugs but not medicines. Drugs which have made a great impact on people's lives include insulin for diabetics; heart drugs like digitalis and vaccines against infectious diseases like poliomyelitis (polio) and smallpox. Antibiotics form another group of drugs. Their job is to kill bacteria, for example, penicillin was first used to fight infection during the Second World War. Since then antibiotics have saved the lives of millions of people. Since Sir Alexander Fleming first discovered penicillin, other research workers have developed different antibiotics, such as streptomycin which conquered the terrible lung disease tuberculosis. Many women now take the contraceptive pills as a method of birth control. This allows people to have children only if they want them or to plan the number they have. If you look in your bathroom cabinet, you will probably find an assortment of antiseptics, creams, ointments, indigestion tablets or cough and cold remedies. There is no harm in keeping these (out of the reach of young children) because most people are responsible and use them only if they need them. However, if you find antibiotics or pills left over from a previous prescription, you should not keep them or give them to anyone else. You should return them to a chemist. Drug development and research have advanced rapidly since the early discoveries. By 1984 over £1,500 million (at manufacturers' prices) was spent in the UK on the purchase of NHS prescription medicines, and about 3,000 medicines are in use. Incidentally, the pharmaceutical industry is now one of the most successful in the UK, with exports amounting to over £1.2 billion by the mid-1980s, and a positive trade 'surplus' of about £700 million. It can cost the industry up to £60 million to research and develop just one new medicine.
But the search for newer and better drugs and medicines goes on. There are many diseases, such as some cancers and arthritis, still to be overcome.
2. Укажите неправильные утверждения и исправьте их, используя текст “Drugs”.
3. Найдите в тексте “Drugs” ответы на следующие вопросы, прочитайте их вслух и переведите на русский язык.
4. Выразите главную мысль текста, используя следующие выражения:
- As to … I’d like to add… - As far as I know… - I’d like to make a comment on…
Unit 2 Sources, forms, keeping and storage of drugs Grammar: Modal verbs (can, may, must): Active and Passive Voice 1. а) Прочтите слова из Vocabulary List вслух. б) Изучите список слов и укажите слова, называющие:
- части растений; - лекарственные формы.
Vocabulary list source - источник leaf - лист stem - стебель root - корень rhizome - корневище mold - плесень digitalis (fox-glove) - наперстянка to confuse - перепутать to obtain - получать, добывать infusion - настой tincture - настойка decoction - отвар vapour - пар jar - баночка label - этикетка to indicate - указывать, обозначать direction - указание к применению administration - назначение по применению poisonous - ядовитый untoward - неблагоприятный, побочный the dose to be taken - доза, которую надо принять
2. Ответьте на вопросы, используя слова и словосочетания в скобках:
1. What are drug sources? (leaves, stems, roots, rhizomes) 2. What is stuck on a bottle or a box of drug? (a label) 3. What reaction may the overdosage of the drug cause? (untoward)
3. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский язык.
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