Ех.10. Read the text and speak about the antimicrobial groups of drugs.
Antimicrobial, antiviral and antiparasitic remedies Remedies having antimicrobial action are divided into two groups. The first group includes drugs, which have no selective antimicrobial action. They eliminate the most microorganisms. They include antiseptics and remedies for disinfection. Antiseptics are the drugs of external use, usually. They are applied on the covering tissues (skin, mucous). Some antiseptics are used to make an influence on the microorganisms, localizing in the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. According to their concentration they may have bacteriostatic or bactericidal action. Disinfection drugs are used for disinfection of medical equipment, apparatuses, rooms and patient’s excretions. They have immediate effect. They are used, as a rule, in bactericidal concentrations and applied to prevent infection spreading. The ultimate board between the antiseptics and disinfecting agents is not a given thing, because many remedies used in certain amounts act as antiseptics and in greater amounts – as disinfecting agents. The second group includes antimicrobial drugs of selective action, which belong to the chemotherapeutical drugs. The influence on the concrete kinds of microorganisms is typical for this group of remedies. The main characteristic of these is a great scope of therapeutical action. The last determines using the meaning of the diapason between the bacteriostatic concentrations and the concentrations, toxic for the microorganisms. The chemotherapeutical remedies are for treating and prophylaxes of infections and also for the sanitation of the carriers of infection.
Ех.11. Read the text and make a short written summary of it. How to use the Ginseng Root Ginseng is a perennial herbaceous plant. It grows in the eastern parts of our country. It was found, to contain substance of the glycoside series: saponin, panaquilene; in addition to these its roots contain other oils-panacene and also panaxic acid, ginsenin, a small amount of alkaloids of unknown composition, cane sugar, phytosterols, resins, ferments (amylase and phenolase the vitamins B1, and B 12. Ginseng preparations have been shows experimentally to have a very low toxicity and posses a wide therapeutic activity. They excite the nervous system, particularly the cortex, acting upon the stimulating and inhibitory process, increase the reactive process of the organism, stimulate cardiac activity, increase blood pressure, reduce the Sugar content of the blood, excite the endocrine apparatus. Besides this render, a positive effect in case of inflammatory and wound processes. Various publications come, in numerous indications of the use of ginseng in the treatment of various diseases. Yet, it should be noted that ginseng is not a specific remedy for any particular disease. One of the first indications for the administering ginseng as a tinic is hypotension, physical and mental fatigue, overstrain, neurasthenia and, recently endured exhausting disease. Ginseng is also used in the treatment of nervous and mental diseases. In these cases it completely removes general weakness, headache, high irritability, insomnia and poor appetite. Under the effect of ginseng, depression and headaches decrease and an increase in activity is observed.
The positive effect of ginseng was marked also in functional disturbances of the cardio-vascular system; the heart tones of the patient become clearer, the heart contractions-rhythmical, hypotensive symptoms disappear, the blood pressure rises, general condition improves and pains in the region of the heart disappear. The positive effect of ginseng has been established in the treatment of vegetative dystonia, general neurosis will symptoms of progressive emaciation vasomotos lability. Thre are indications of the use of ginseng also in the treatment of diabetes, tuberculosis, malaria, Botlcin’s disease, in this cse a more rapid restoration of the function of the liver is obtained. Ginseng is prescribed after consulting the physician and is administered orally in the form of an alcohol tincture. 15-25 drops 3 times a day, or in powder form by 0.25-0.3 gm.
Ex. 12. Read the text and answer the questions to it Medford, Oregon. A drug used in Europe as an alternative to surgery for cataracts in the early stages has been approved for experimental use in the United States. European doctors and pharmacologists contend that it is safe and effective means of halting the growth of certain cataracts.
The drug, called bendazac, was patented in the late 1960’s by an Italian physician, Francesco Angelini. In Europe, it has been in general use for more than five years, but there is no anticataract drug approved for use in the United States.
Although cataracts, or clouding of the lenses of the eyes, can often be remedied by surgery, bendazac “is the real hope that there will be a medical solution to cataracts”, said Dr. John Retzlaff, an Oregon ophthalmologist who is one of five physicians conducting US research on the drug.
1. What is a cataract? 2. How is it usually remedied?
Ex. 13. Read and translate the text using a dictionary.
DEXONA INJECTION Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate to a water soluble inorganic ester of dexamethansone.
PRESENTATION: Each ml. of Dexona Injection 2 ml. Vial contains 4.4 mg of Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate U.S.P. (as the disodium salt) equivalent to 4 mg of Dexamethasone.
PHARMACOLOGY: Dexamethasone is a synthetic adrenocortical steroid possessing basic glucocorticoid actions and effects. It is among the most active members of its class, being about 25 to 30 times as potent as hydrocortisone. At equivalent anti-inflammatory doses, dexamethasone almost completely lacks the sodium retaining property of hydrocortisone and closely related derivatives of hydrocortisone. Dexona produces rapid response when compared with less soluble preparations. Plasma steroid levels increase noticeably within five minutes after intramuscular or intravenous injection. Dexona is primary used for its potent anti-inflammatory effects in disorders of many organ systems. In addition it modifies body’s immune response to diverse stimuli.
INDICATIONS: By the intramuscular or intravenous route:
Allergic states: Bronchial Asthma including status asthmaticus, drug hyper sensitivity reactions, urticarial transfusion reactions, serum sickness, laryngeal oedema, anaphylaxis, contact dermatitis, acute dermatitis, seasonal or perennial allergic rihinitis.
Shock: Injection Dexona is recommended for the adjunctive treatment of shock where high doses of corticosteroids are needed; severe shock or hemorrhagic, traumatic, surgical or septic origin. Treatment with injection Dexona Phosphate is an adjunct to and not a substitute for specific supportive measures that the patient may require e.g. restoration of circulating blood volume, correction of fluid and electrolyte balance, oxygen, surgical measures and antibiotics.
Cerebral oedema: Cerebral oedema associated with primary or metastatic brain tumours, cerebrovascular accidents (acute strokes) involving the cerebral cortex. Also in the pre-operative preparation of patients with increased intracranial pressure secondary to brain tumours and for palliation of patients with inoperable or recurrent brain neoplasm.
Miscellaneous: Primary and secondary adrenocortical insufficiency, military tuberculousis chemotherapy, rheumatoid arthritis, connective tissue disorders, nephrotic syndrome, lymphatic leukemia and other steroid responsive conditions:
By intra-articular or soft-tissue injection: An adjunctive therapy for short-term administration (to support patients during an acute episode or exacerbation) in: - Synovitis or osteoarthritis - Rheumatoid arthritis - Acute and sub-acute bursitis - Acute gouty arthritis - Acute nonspecific tenosynovitis - Post-traumatic osteoarthritis
CONRAINDICATIONS: Systemic fungal infections.
ADMINSTARTION AND DOSAGE: By slow intravenous (4 to 5 minutes) or intramuscular injection or by prolonged intravenous infusion, the dosage and the rate of the injection depending essentially on the nature of the case being treated. The duration of the treatment is generally short (1 to 3 days) and is followed by oral therapy. Any infectious syndrome calls for the simultaneous administration of an antibiotic. Generally 1 to 5 ml. (4 mg. to 20 mg.) can be given 3 to 4 times in 24 hours. After initial improvement single dose of 05.ml. to 1 ml. (2 mg. to 4 mg.) is to be repeated if required. The dose of intra-articular and soft tissue or local injection varies from 1/10 ml to 2 ml at intervals varying from 2 to 3 days to 1 to 2 weeks.
PRECAUTIONS: Drug induced secondary adrenocortical insufficiency may result from too rapid withdrawal of corticosteroids and may be minimized by gradual reduction of dosage. Corticosteroids may mask some signs of infections and new infections may appear during their use. Corticosteroids may activate latent amebiasis. Therefore, it is recommended that latent or activate amebiasis be ruled out before initiating corticosteroid therapy in any patient who has spent time in the tropice or any patient with unexplained diarrhoea. Prolonged use of corticosteroids may produce posterior subcapsuiar cataracts and glaucoma with possible damage to the optic nerves and may enhance the establishes of secondary ocular infections due to fungi or viruses.
USAGE IN PREGANANCY: Since adequate human reproduction studies have not been done with corticosteroids, the use of these drugs in pregnancy, nursing mother or woman of child bearing potential requires that the possible benefits for the drug be weighed against the potential hazards to the mother and embryo or foetus. ADVERSE RECATIONS: Fluid and Sodium retention, hypertension, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, peptic ulcer with possible subsequent perforation and hemorrhage, pancreatitis, impaired wound healing, convulsion, increased intracranial pressure with papilloedema (Pseudotumour cerebri) usually after treatment, vertigo, headache glaucoma, development of cushingoid state, menstrual irregularity manifestations of latent diabetes mellitus, negative nitrogen balance due to protein catabolism, hypersensitivity.
Treatments of over-dosage: Anaphylactic and Hypersensivity reactions may be treated with adrenaline, positive-pressure artificial respiration and aminophylline. The patients should be kept warm and quiet.
PRESENTAION: In vial of 2 ml.
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